Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/06
When I was younger I was caught up in the romance of GONE WITH THE WIND. Obsessed perhaps.
Now that I'm older have had a few history lessons. It's appeal is practically nil. I think it is GREAT story telling... as say, BIRTH OF A NATION is... but I can't bring myself to enjoy it anymore. I know too much about the truth to get that "romantic" hit I used to.
Still, I love listening to my London Cast recording if only to have a good laugh at the BONNIE GONE.
I'm with Mother's Younger Brother on this. I've also heard FAR worse ideas for a musical, some of which HAVE been produced, some quite successfully.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/06
I just got to thinking:
What GONE WITH THE WIND fan is going to give a crap what the slaves perspective of the story is?
Part of the fantasy and "romance" of the story comes from ignoring the horrors of slavery, believing that slaves enjoyed their forced servitude, or agreeing that slavery of "some" people is acceptable.
Exactly. It's THAT aspect of the musical that seems trite and overly-PC to me.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/06
To me PC is about being respectful, mindful and sensitive to the issues - especially around race - of other people. I think being "PC" is just good manners.
This,however, sounds to me like a bunch of producers trying to make an inherently racist (but popular) property "seem" less racist. It can't be done.
If they REALLY show what being a slave was like, all the "life was better" stuff of the old south goes out the window.
I am never for PC when it rapes the original, historically-accurate, and very period-specific intent of the work.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/06
I'm just curious, Mother's Younger Brother, what do you mean by "PC?" Define your terms.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/16/06
First of all, rape is a strong word, you havent even seen the piece, and secondly.
GWTW the wind is a work of literature that was written in a certain time, a work of FICTION I might add, and not a piece of American History. By virtue of the fact that you said that, it proves my point that GWTW itself is/was propaganda that you and countless other bought into. Hell, I can't blame you, I bought into it myself. It's a beautiful movie and an even more-engaging but equally stomach turning book.
Im with the person who said that he/she can't watch it anymore. It's true. I can watch it, but it's difficult.
I love the novel and look forward to this. Hope Trevor Nunn could direct it.
Hope they will stick to the original book. If you hate the novel or the idea inside it, don't do it. Or write something on your own. Don't put "Gone with the Wind" title and give me some political correctness crap. That's cheating. For me, cheating is more disgusting than racism .
Updated On: 2/23/07 at 02:46 PM
Ok, WOAH. Back off. I'm not a racist, and more importantly, I'm not remotely interested having a discussion on the ins-out-outs of political-correctness at the moment -- which will do nothing to change each others' minds on the subject.
"Historically accurate" was not a good choice of terms for me to use. I agree completely that it's a work of fiction, written at a specific period of time, and that's all I meant.
Fenchurch, I "bought into" nothing. GWTW has not convinced me that slavery and the deep south were TRULY romantic and harmelss, and I've never once interpreted it as such propaganda. Get off your high horse.
No one else in this thread has seen the piece either, and yet they've bashed it like crazy without your slap on the wrist.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/16/06
I never said anything about race, I just pointed out the piece is not historical fact.
And that should be pointed far more often than the soundtrack vs. cast recording debate. I think something like this is far more important.
Didnt mean to slap anyone on the wrist, just putting my opinions out there.
While you MAY not have bought into GWTW's portrayal of happy darkies and spoiled southern belles, hundreds of thousands have, some of them smarter than you and I.
And things like that perpetuate other more dangerous things, just my two cents.
Just because a person enjoys a movie about a certain subject matter doesn't mean they agree with how it was portrayed, or believe it was true. I'm smart enough to know the horrors of slavery, without you accusing me otherwise, just for liking a movie.
Okay, okay, okay - first of all, I haven't bashed it. Secondly, and more to the point, if you strip everything that everyone is arguing about away from GONE WITH THE WIND, what's left? A very strong heroine who goes on a journey, overcoming many obstacles along the way and she emerges at the end having learned a bit about herself. Sounds like the basis for any number of books, plays, movies and musicals. THE COLOR PURPLE, anyone?
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/06
I guess there will always be white americans who don't see slavery as a issue in the story of GONE WITH THE WIND. I don't know how they miss it, it DOES take place during the civil war. They may secretly like the idea of darker skinned people waiting on them hand and foot. I don't know.
So.. I suppose there will be a built in audience.
...and to the person so wants Trevor Nunn to direct.... Good Lord, isn't the story LONG enough?.. if Nunn directs it, you enter the theatre at 8:00pm and leave at 6:00 a.m!!!
don't assume. I am not white.
and yes, why not. as long as it is good, I can even bring food there.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/06
Don't assume I was addressing YOU.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/06
Don't assume I was addressing YOU.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/06
I was addressing you at
...and to the person so wants Trevor Nunn to direct...
Clear enough?
you put that inside other words, that's quite confusing. Now it's clear but it doesn't matter though.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/06
Sorry you are "confused." But, as you say, it doesn't matter.
sorry about off the topic.
who is a good candidate for Melani? Wilson is a good Ashley, I agree.
I'm sure you're not addressing ME with this:
"I guess there will always be white americans who don't see slavery as a issue in the story of GONE WITH THE WIND. I don't know how they miss it, it DOES take place during the civil war. They may secretly like the idea of darker skinned people waiting on them hand and foot. I don't know."
But, hypothetically, you WERE addressing ME, I'd say that was just about the most offensive post I've ever read on here. I know you didn't mean ME, but I am in NO way a fan of slavery, regardless of race, religion, etc., and it seems a pretty big leap to imply that of someone just because they like a movie that contains slavery. However -- and again, not about ME -- slavery was certainly a part of GWTW, but it was definitely not an "issue." GWTW is what it is -- a story about a spoiled southern belle, NOT about her disgruntled and unhappy slaves. I simply don't want to see the material altered, that's all.
Just my two cents. Whew! SO glad you weren't addressing ME with that one.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/16/06
Im with WalkOn. If one romanticizes the story and clings to it, for whatever reason (and there are a SLEW of scholars who would tell you in a heartbeat that Gone With the Wind is absolutely about slavery told using priveleged whiteness as the ultimate foil to contrast the atrocity and hypocrisy of it all) then one has to really think about whether or not one is passively condoning the attitudes inherent in it.