Swing Joined: 5/3/12
You know, out of all of Sondheim's scores (in fact out of almost any score I've heard) Sunday In The Park is the one that's grown on my the most. I watched the movie and felt a bit bored, but put the soundtrack on my Ipod, and now I listen to it every couple of days because it is just so calming and so beautiful (Beautiful and Lesson #8 are some of my favorites).
But I don't know what my favorite score would be. I'm tempted to say Assassins just because I think it has some of the cleverest lyrics, but they're all so great. And then Into the Woods is my favorite of his shows, but that is more for the genius plot and sharp dialogue and less for the music. His other shows are good, but don't really "take me away" as the Man in the Chair would say. So I'd have to say either "Sunday" or "Assassins".
My only issue with Sweeney is I can't find a cast I totally and completely like. Obviously Angella Lansbury is the one and only Mrs. Lovett. But I LOVED Neil Patrick Harris playing Tobias at the concert, and I honestly really like the Joanna and Anthony they got for the Tim Burton movie (I hate most of what they did with that movie, but those two were casted well). I feel like if there was a way to put all of these people on one recording then Sweeney Todd might be my favorite score, but as it is there are always moments in any given recording that just makes me cringe.
Sweeney Todd and Follies are tops followed by Assassins and Into the Woods
I really wouldn't want to commit myself to his best.
But I do think Pacific Overtures is his most erotic score. All those restrained, held-back tunes that promise much more and tease with unknown possibilities ahead. And then, in Next, it all just splurges over the ceiling and runs down the walls.
But I would say that there are a number of full fledged orgasms in that score.
Chrysanthemum Tea
Four Black Dragons
Please Hello
They're just foreplay for me.
Chorus Member Joined: 1/2/09
My favorites are Sweeney Todd, and A Little Night Music. Having worked on them both for years, they wear better than any other shows. Just my opinion, but I never tire of them.