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Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?- Page 3

Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?

#50re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 10:46pm

If you guys want to start an American Idol catfight, let me ask in advance that you take it to PMs or the OT board. Updated On: 1/10/05 at 10:46 PM

#51re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 10:51pm


even though kelly can't act at all in the movie 'justin to kelly'!

i still would suggest people to watch it on cable because the MUSIC soundtrack is really great both Kelly and Justin sound the Best i've ever heard them and the Extra Bonus scenes are really good too a must see!

it is a silly movie, but i did laugh with it and at kelly's bad acting and there were a few good actors in the movie Justin and a Girl that played kelly's friend was really good too!

the Dancing is really fun and kids like this movie and even Adults can admitt they liked it !

kelly sound Never Dance again let's put it that way! she was horrible dancing...but Justin and many of the other actors were really great dancers! Kelly sang very well in the movie though!

i still would suggest watching it on Cable for the Music and dancing alone!

to be honest i liked 'justin to kelly' way more the 'Princess Diaries yuk!

just laugh with it and at it and enjoy the Music and dancing really! Justin is very funny in it and reminded me a Bit of Tom hanks when he was young quick dry humor..

see you all some other time and Happy New year!

Annie get your gun would be the best choice for Kelly after some acting lessons major acting lessons!

#52re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 10:57pm

It was a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE idea to make Kelly Clarkson's fim debut a beach movie. Let's face it, she has the figure of the average non-movie-actress American girl. In other words, her thighs and butt are a bit larger than ideal. They had to try to make her look good, which isn't easy when you are surrounded by dancers with perfect bodies.

They should have come up with a Civil War story and kept her in hoopskirts. LITTLE WOMEN, maybe?

#53re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 10:59pm


ever hear of freedom of speech? we are in America last time i checked...

everyone can give their opinion in a somewhat dignified way!

hi to any nice fans on here & happy new year...

#54re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 11:01pm

Sorry I got angry before guys lol... I just love my Kelly.

#55re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 11:04pm

The First Amendment says the government can make no law abridging freedom of speech, etc. Last time I checked, I wasn't the government.

All I asked is that you keep this thread on-topic. This is the Broadway board. If you want to have a Justin vs. Kelly fight, take it to the OT board, which is open to anything. How exactly is that restrictive?

#56re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 11:15pm

o.k plum...

but i would like to reply to Elvis post i just saw then that will be it..

it is applicable also!

i have no problem if people like kelly, but some folks don't consider her humble!

the comment about Justin speaking up to simon on ai-1 well i had no issue with it cause simon called Justin a girl basically and had been doing everything to get Justin off the show he wanted the finale to be tamyra and kelly!

simon even blackballed Justin after the show..and many other ex-idol contestants as i think Justin should have Punched simon in the face to be honest i would have! but he is too nice and would never do this...darn!

Kim locke told simon off now i enjoyed that very much! and i wish Justin did that too!
but all he really said was let the audience decide after simon called him a girl basically that would hurt any straight guy and justin is straight!

i would love to see Idol Celebrity Boxing and have Simon have to Box Ex male and or female contestants! kim locke and simon would be fun to watch battle it out she is very vocal for her dislike of simon he sure wanted her off that show also!

simon is an as..s hole he blackballs many of the contesants after he makes money off them on the show!

Justin does many charity events he was treated poorly and sadly took the abuse!

Justin does not deserve the bad rap he was given he is a very Kind person he just performed at Broadway rockers and Kitchen sink the guy has done more Charity events then any other IDOl contestant, so don't slam him as a Person he is has a Heart of GOLD!

i'm done...

Updated On: 1/11/05 at 11:15 PM

Feodor Sverdlov
#57re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 11:34pm

I agree that "From Justin To Kelly" is beyond stupid; but I thought it was fun, and Kelly and Justin did great by their songs and dances. Kelly Clarkson's competitive appearances on AI, showed that she was an extremely versitile singer (as did her debut album to a lesser extent). Like all pop singers, she is guilty of not being able to sing songs without adding riffs to every single note; but she's certainly capable of singing Broadway music.


#58re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 11:55pm

Updated On: 1/11/05 at 11:55 PM

#59re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/11/05 at 12:07am

oh great an AI freak. I am sorry everyone. I didn't think this would happen.

#60re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 12:31am

Way way back many centuries ago, bjivie2 (I hope I got that name right) made some constructive suggestions for Ms. Clarkson that I thought were feasible. Like Mamma Mia! ... and of course RENT. I liked hearing those ideas. Kelly could do something in NY. Something original would be better. Maybe not FUNNY GIRL. But for one of you who asked when this pop star thing became a trend. It's been going on - on the Great White Way for a rrrrrrrreally long time. It's nothing new to me or New York.

She's a better choice than many many others.

peace. and I do understand all opinions/concerns about pop stars and/or the required talent for a role. Don't hit me please.

#61re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 12:37am

ops then...
Updated On: 1/11/05 at 12:37 AM

#62re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 12:55am

where did I say that?

JJ grow up and stop please. This is embarassing.

#63re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 1:18am

this board is fun...


redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#64re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 8:43am

What an obscene idea

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

#65re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 9:47am

I can only hope that watever happens with a revival, she understands the daunting task and brings the same amount of pride and passion that it first came out with. If she isn't for the role and gets casted, then I can only hope to feel the passion (all that anyone can hope for).

Feodor Sverdlov
#66re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:55am

I'm astonished that so many people here speak of the role of Fanny Brice as if it were Lady MacBeth and of the show, "Funny Girl" as if it were something sacred. I saw "Funny Girl". It was far from a great show, and the role of Fanny Brice wasn't all that wonderful or even funny. And, lots of people were talking about the fact that Barbra Streisand was in the role because of her voice and her nose. Most people thought she couldn't act (I was one of them). I'm talking about most people sitting in the audience on the night I saw it! There has been some revisionist history going on here. People just wanted to hear her sing the songs. That's the way it was. I never heard a single soul go on about her acting.


#67re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 2:11pm

MUSICFAN2, Funny Girl was not Barbra Streisand's "big break." By the time almost anyone is starring in a Broadway musical, their "big break" has already happened.

Before Funny Girl, Streisand had already been Tony nominated for her performance in "I Can Get It For You Wholesale," had become the rage of the New York cabaret scene and had already signed a lucrative recording contract.

Funny Girl certainly forever put Barbra Streisand "on her own planet" in regards to talent and genius. The film version of Funny Girl reached millions more, brought her a richly deserved Oscar and in it, she probably gives the singular most spectacular starring film debut ever given.

No one loves Streisand more than I do (well hopefully Brolin does). Just wanted to point out that clearly Barbra's "big break" was before starring in Funny Girl on Broadway.

"Blow out the candles Robert and make a wish. Want something, want SOMETHING."

#68re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 3:09pm

'Funny Girl' to me at least is Sacred!

when i was a kid i saw the movie 'funny girl' with Barbara and i loved it and her she was soo funny and i beg to differ i felt she was a good actress i always enjoyed her sense of humor she brought to her movies!

the first song i ever sang when i was like 5 years old was 'People' uno how it goes..People, people you need people are the luckiest people in the world! i sang that song all the time when i was a kid!

Barbara was my first inspiration and exposure to Music her and Judy Garland in the wizard of oz ! i was 5 years old i loved them both!

Not only can't kelly even come close to singing Barbara's songs, Barbara does not ever scream her notes..

but i think it would be better if kelly did Not try to Tackle 'funny girl' to me it would only Hurt her career further..

i honestly would suggest to her a show that would not be too contraversial like maybe 'Annie get your gun' as i mentioned or something along those lines...there are many shows out there to choose from!

i do hope kelly does not even be considered for 'funny girl' i hate to see it ruined! it is Sacred for many Barbara fans...

it's like the Wizard of Oz there is no one that can live up to Judy garlands shoes!

I would suggest whomever they choose for Funny girl maybe be someone that is more Unknown to the public, and someone with a Better voice!

Kelly can sing, but she sure does yell/ scream and crack on her notes a lot also! she would have to improve her voice to even think about doing a Broadway show her voice always gives out when she sings too much she has Nodes i understand!


oh well...

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#69re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 3:10pm

Well JJ, we all know why you don't like Kelly.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#70re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 3:20pm

i never said i don't like kelly?

i may not be a big fan, but i actually voted for her and tamyra also many times on ai-1 along with justin too!

i did like kelly, if i did not like her at all i would never have watched the movie j2k and or watch ai-1 much just watch justin and change the channel...but i did watch all of ai-1 performances!

i may not worship her and i do think she does yell at times it would hurt my ears and i would say why does she do that she is talented! so that did bug me, but i don't dislike kelly as much as you might think!

she is young and she did not handle herself well after idol was over in inteviews! i do know how hard it is to be that young and there is always room to grow and mature!

just cause i may not like some things about kelly at times, does Not mean i fundamentally dislike her! she has some good qualities and not everyone is perfect!

so NO i don't hate kelly or dislike her to the point i would never watch her interview or sing a new song cause i do watch her performances on TV! her voice has improved she seems to be getting better vocal training !

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#71re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 3:21pm

Okay then!

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#72re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 3:35pm


i do think kelly might have been good in Le miserable! seriuosly that might have been a good fit for her!

she has improved some on her voice recently, so i will give her some kudo's for working on her vocals! she has the talent to be an even better singer with the right vocal coaches! idol and rca had bad vocal coaching and she even got Nodes..

i think idol was telling the Idol Female contestants to Belt out their songs cause Kelly was not the only one doing this... Fantasia and Diana and many of the girls had what i call Yell fest!

so i can't blame it all on kelly, it really is the Idol Production folks wanting the girls to Belt out their songs! the whole Diva thing bugs me in general!

so it's a general issue with me that bugs me about Idol and the girls on idol! i much prefer singing when it is not belted out soo hard...

i love Celine dion she does not belt too hard and Barbara streisand and Judy garland did not belt it out...

but maybe it's clive davis wanting these Pop stars to Belt out their songs i'm not sure..

Kelly has talent and so did many of the Idol female contestants, but i just hope this year on a-4 the girls don't belt it out again my ears just can't handle it!

so i prefer the male singers on Idol over the female at this point mainly cause i have a hard time with Loud singing! it's not cause i don't like the girls they are in general all pretty nice kids!

i'm done!

who no's maybe kelly would do fine in 'funny girl' whom am i to judge...but she would need some work first to get to that level!

Feodor Sverdlov
#73re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 4:11pm

My comments about "Funny Girl" were not about the film. I thought we were talking about Kelly Clarkson doing a play. My comments were about "Funny Girl", the Broadway show. Barbra Streisand's acting was mediocre, at best. She barely had any stage presence, and was sleepwalking through the role, I thought. Yes, in the film she is infinitly superior to what she did on the stage, at least in energy. How appropriate she is in the film, is a matter of personal taste. But, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. After about the first 1/2 hour, the film becomes unbearly dull to me. I know that a lot of people liked it. I wonder how many of those people would feel the same way if they watched it today? The problem with "Funny Girl" is that its enjoyment has nothing to do with the musical as a whole (it just isn't that good), and everything to do with how much of a fan your are of Streisand's.


mizzie Profile Photo
#74re: bjivie2's suggestions
Posted: 1/11/05 at 6:43pm

I am not lying when I say I nearly shed a tear....someone pass me the kleenex!
