Now that we are approaching summer-stock season, I thought I would share a new page featuring a 1975 production of THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN on my "Memories of Melody Top" website. Click on the link below to see production photos and to hear audio clips from this recording-setting staging of the Meredith Willson musical. An added bonus, located at the very bottom of the page, is the chance to hear producer Martin Wiviott present a Show Stopper Award to his two stars, Mimi Hines and Peter Palmer. Enjoy the memories...
markypoo said: "So she too was a chandelier-swinger; along with Jane Powell."
Yes, I think that was a standard piece of staging for any production of THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN at Melody Top and many other summer stock venues.
And thank you to the 1,061 visitors who looked at my newest web page during the first week it was online. I really appreciate all of your support and encouragement.