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Official: SPIDER-MAN Brings On Consultant; 6th Delay Likely for Opening- Page 4

Official: SPIDER-MAN Brings On Consultant; 6th Delay Likely for Opening

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#75Official: SPIDER-MAN Brings On Consultant; 6th Delay Likely for Opening
Posted: 2/23/11 at 10:45am

It bothers me for multiple reasons: 1) They are taking up a theater that could be being used by another show

Because there is nothing else available? Spider-Man is raking in the dough, which is highly unusual for this theatre that has never seen a show return its investment (not that Spider-Man will rectify that). I see no crime being committed here.

2) Instead of realizing that the product they have won't work they seem to have this snide attitude of pushing on just to annoy everyone else. At this point, cut your loses and move on! It's costing more to run this mess than close it.

Uh...I seriously doubt the motives of the producers at this point are purely to "annoy everyone else". I can only imagine they will close it when resources dry up. Just like any other show.

3) This one is the worst of all in my opinion .... They are taking money and audience members away from other shows. People that don't know any better, or have the sick desire to see just what a mess it really is, are going to this show instead of seeing ANYTHING else on Broadway.

Really? They are all seeing NOTHING ELSE? I saw Spider-Man...and five other shows in just three days. Wicked and Jersey Boys are still doing amazing business. Are they taking business away from everyone else? No. Neither is Spider-Man. The percentage of people attending Spider-Man as their first and only Broadway show ever in their lives is most likely the lowest demographic in the theatre and highly negligible. I'd love to hear your definition of "people who don't know any better" without sounding elitist or patronizing and as for those who only want to see a mess...sounds like musical theatre fans who enjoy flops. Regardless, why should people not be allowed to see what they want? If people don't want to see it, then they won't buy tickets. What is it to you? It's that sort of attitude that cropped up regarding Mamma Mia, Xanadu, and Rock of Ages as well and to that I say, if you don't like it, don't buy a ticket. But don't project your opinions on those who either want to see it or saw it and enjoyed it.

Now, I didn't care for Spider-Man other than for a few individual moments. But as long as it sells, let it run. Just like ANY OTHER SHOW. And if they want to continue to work on it, push back the opening date, and charge full price, it is their right to do so. They know the risks involved and they are making their own decisions.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
