Does anyone know if the Wallace Shawn translation of The Threepenny Opera (the one used for the Roundabout production) is available for license? I haven't found anything, but I would love to use that particular translation.
I am one of the (apparently few) fans of that version, and the Roundabout's production, too. But then, I only saw it once. I don't believe it is available; I wish it were just to give it an actual read.
At the very least, it's a sin that such a spectacular cast wasn't recorded.
Updated On: 9/24/13 at 11:45 AM
You might want to contact R&H or try contacting the Kurt Weill Foundation directly. They probably have every adaptation available and can help you arrange your production.
For example, years ago I wanted to do the Sam Shepard one-act opera, THE SAD LAMENT OF PECOS BILL. It had been published in a Shepard collection, but had never been licensed for production.
I wrote a letter to Shepard's agent and quickly received permission to stage the piece for a small royalty.
Just because it isn't licensed with one of the big outfits doesn't mean it can't be done.