Broadway Legend Joined: 5/9/05
That night of the Sweeney Todd cast album signing, Michael Cerveris told me that he and Kristin Chenoweth and Malcolm Gets will be in the Broadway revival of The Apple Tree!
I'll believe that when I see it...
If it's true, I love that show, and that cast.
Is Roundabout planning on doing it? A commerical production of this show would be a huge flop.
And no, Cheno (despite her talent) doesn't sell tickets...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/9/05
I'm not sure. No further details were revealed.
And by the way, I'm not sure that Barbara Harris sold tickets either and no one has ever heard from her since.
The show itself is so unknown, that I don't see it doing well in a Broadway revival if that even were to happen. I MIGHT be able to see Roundabout doing it, but not a commercial producer. And the only thing they have to sell for the show is Kristin Chenoweth, and her name doesn't sell tickets (yet). Once a producer and director are attached, then I'll start getting actually excited. Right now, the idea is just very entertaining to me.
This is 2006 not 1966. Broadway has changed. Shows need to run a long time to recoup their investment. And Barbara Harris had a healthy career on stage, tv, and film. THe fact that she did only 2 musicals (both huge hits) was a choice.
Updated On: 2/4/06 at 05:08 PM
But I don't think Barbara Harris was a big enough name to sell an entire show. I think back in '66 the factor was more that Bock and Harnick had just come off of Fiddler on the Roof success. Like if Jonathan Larson came out with a show in 1998 after RENT.
Harris was known to Broadway. She had just come off On a Clear Day. Audiences were more aware of theatre people back then.
Shows didn't always need huge names to survive. A great review, a well know writing team, and a great set of reviews could get you sold out houses. Now, they need a name brand or a huge (usually movie) star. If Bernadette Peters couldn't get Gypsy above 50 percent each week, then I doubt Cheno could sell Apple Tree for months.
Updated On: 2/4/06 at 05:15 PM
If this is true, I say great. The show is delightful and deserves to be back on Broadway.
But, as Bobby said, I'll believe it when I see it. Besides, hasn't Kristin said that she wants to focus on film work for a time?
I saw Kristin, Michael and Malcolm do the show at the City Center last year. It was fantastic!! Chenoweth was amazing (and got some rave from Brantley). I think the show would actually be a pretty big hit. Especially considering Kristins work on "West Wing" and in the soon to be released "RV". You never know.
I can see it in an off-broadway revival, but not broadway. shows with three seperate one-acts have never been all that successful. that being said, i love the show, and would love to see it produced again.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/27/05
"And by the way, I'm not sure that Barbara Harris sold tickets either and no one has ever heard from her since."
Barbara Harris has had an extremely successful career as a voice casting director in L.A.
Melinda Tentrees
Brighton, England
Updated On: 2/5/06 at 06:09 PM
This is pure crap. I know for a fact that Malcolm Gets did not get along with Michael Cerveris when they did it. And I must say, that really all of jasobres' posts have turned out untrue, and most often crappy. And forgive me, but I sat in front of you when you saw Sweeney, and you would not shut up, for the ENTIRE SHOW!
But again, Chenoweth is probably as known as Harris was back in '66, and possibly even moreso. She won a Tony, has appeared on TV and got another nomination for the biggest thing on Broadway. She's known in the theatre community, but just not on a wide scale. Maybe if Asphalt Beach does well, then she'll be able to sell a show. And you're totally right, if Bernadette Peters can't sell GYPSY, there's no way Cheno can sell Apple Tree. That just goes to show that you can't just be a Broadway heavyweight anymore, like Peters. Hugh Jackman was the last person to SELL a show (that wasn't a solo show - though that one might as well have been). It just shows that back in the 60's a show could play over a year on good buzz alone, with no stars or marketing gimmicks.
ALW doesn't sell tickets anymore either.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/9/05
"This is pure crap. I know for a fact that Malcolm Gets did not get along with Michael Cerveris when they did it. And I must say, that really all of jasobres' posts have turned out untrue, and most often crappy. And forgive me, but I sat in front of you when you saw Sweeney, and you would not shut up, for the ENTIRE SHOW!"
First of all, not every single post turned out to be untrue and crappy! Second of all, how do you where I was when I saw Sweeney? Plus, I was quiet for most of the show. Third of all, are you on crack or something?
I know who you are because I had to turn around to see who was talking the entire show, and the person who's mouth was moving matches the person in your picture. You would talk about everything. And you are right, not all of your posts are un-true 99.99% of them are though:
"My prayers came true, There are no understudies here"
"More of my prayers came true, I got a copy of the cd"
"Look, Donna Lynne Champlin acts as assistant conducter"
And I dont blame the woman that was with you that I have to imagian was your mom to not want to stand around with you for autographs. I mean if you talked during the show i can hardly believe what you would do, and she kept on shussing you.
For Sweeney you sat first mezz on KNOB, and Then the offence you took when you told that boy that you love Kristin, and how at the last night of Apple Tree, how they re-did the lyrics to "What Makes Me Love Him" and when he out stipped you, how devistated you were.
Hahaha Horton..are you being serious?
Saw the original with Harris & Hal Holbrook. I enjoyed it & it deserves to be revived
I hope you are serious Horton, because that post was highly entertaining.
Why would you post false info on The Apple Tree. Eventually, you'll be revealed as a fraud, when no revival happens. Maybe you only hear what you want...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/9/05
Look, I just PM'd Horton that I never make things up except when it comes to homework. And besides, my mother heard Cerveris say it as well, she was there with me. So either stop attacking me or f*** off!!
Let us make a deal, ok, I will never ever show my face on this board again if the revival of The Apple Tree is true, but you must leave if it isnt, and look at your other posts, they are all crap!
well. . . . need there be words
Also, notice how you were the only one in the entire audence that clapped when Patti started playing the trumpet.