"The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Capitalism and Socialism With a Key to the Scriptures," had it first outing last night, was anyone there?
I was there last night, a very full and fancy crowd for the Guthrie. They had to stop for tech for about a minute when the set couldn't move forward.
All in all, I enjoyed the performance but there are some things that need to be worked out. All of the actors are marvelous, and do an excellent job. Spinella, Chalfant, Potts and Jones were standouts.
The biggest problem with the show is that it is long. The show is almost four hours with two intermissions. The first two acts were wonderful and engaging, however I began to not care about the characters by hour three. I think there is a lot that he could cut, there are many scenes between two characters that go nowhere. I think with time and some cuts it is going to be a good show.
I kept on thinking of August: Osage County while watching it. It is about a large family who returns to visit a parent who is in deep pain. As they begin to unravel their father's life, their problems begin to unravel. I am really curious to see if reviewers compare aspects of the show to August, I saw many similarities. Lucky for August, it does not hit the Twin Cities until next March. I am sure most Minnesotans have not scene it.
The direction and stage design is very linear, it reminded me a lot of N2N and Rent. There are multiple levels and the set comes towards the audience, it is very nice but not groundbreaking.
Let me know if you have any questions, but I would say go if you have a chance.
This and Caroline are both great productions!
I had a very similar reaction, chad2. I also thought about the similarities, especially in Act II, with August: Osage County and agree that by Act III, it's getting a little long. Up until then, though, I can't say I was bored for 3+ hours--it's engaging and the actors are almost uniformly brilliant. I also went on the first preview and didn't feel the actors had found their rhythm yet. I plan on seeing it again after it opens.
Oh, and I went on Thursday night--a preview before the preview, I guess, and thought it was a very un-Guthrie crowd. Younger, lots of gays and lesbians, maybe even a few more non-Caucasians than usual! I don't know how they usually promote things like that, but I got my tickets free from a promo code on Twitter and if that's the case with the rest of the audience, the social media evangelist in me is glad that such promos can successfully draw a more diverse crowd.
Updated On: 5/16/09 at 12:04 PM
Chad and Andergoat, thank you for your reviews. Would love it see it, hoping it's a hit so of the Australian based theatre companies pick it up.
I've seen "The Intelligent Homosexual" several times now, and the show has definitely benefited from the preview process. Those concerned about length will be pleased to know that a good 20 minutes has been removed since dress rehearsal. The third act in particular is starting to feel tighter, and as I noted on the other thread, that was my greatest criticism. The second act culminates with an absolutely brilliant bit of writing with a lot of overlapping dialogues, and the third act never reaches the same peak. In that sense, it doesn't deliver to the extent I would have liked, but all of the ambiguity is pretty fascinating. There's certainly a masterpiece in there, and I think with continued rewrites it will emerge more completely.
It's a privilege to have these great actors here. Stephen Spinella especially is riveting.