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Unique Alice Ripley Collectible- Page 2

Unique Alice Ripley Collectible

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#25Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 8:33pm

Rainbowhigh, I would describe the original painting as unique, I would describe the art as unique, I would not describe the physical reproduction of it that I purchased as "unique". I would not own a unique copy of the Mona Lisa if I bought a postcard at the Louvre. Ripley's "photography" may be unique but what is for sale on ebay is not.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

#26Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 8:39pm

The charity has gotten their money already.

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#27Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 8:49pm

Your friend is not a she but is selling it on Ebay under the name Pachagirl1969? Tranny? Crossdresser? What?

Seriously, it lost any value it might have had when it was opened and the photos developed unless your friend thinks there is a huge market for photos of Alice Ripley's knees on the subway. It's not even really signed or autographed unless Alice's typical autograph is her printing her name in big block letters.

I've decided to lower my offer from $2 to $1. Considering the item on Ebay, despite all the publicity we've been kind enough to provide on here has gotten exactly ZERO bids, I'd strongly advise your friend to take it. And please stop trying to spin the definition of "paying it forward" or "unique". You just sound silly.

emilyfaye48 Profile Photo
#28Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 8:54pm

While I still consider Rainbowhigh a crook, Alice Ripley does in fact 'sign' her name in bubble letters...

Without bread we'd just be hungry but without theatre we'd be dead

#29Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 8:55pm

Tranny, yes.

And thank you for the publicity for the item. You'll be thinking about it for ages now, despite clearly not being able to afford it. You sound silly yourself revealing your financial status.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#30Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 8:59pm

"You'll be thinking about it for ages now, despite clearly not being able to afford it. You sound silly yourself revealing your financial status."

Girl, I've got fifty bucks in cash right in my wallet and I'd rather spend it on fifty lotto tickets than some scrap plastic with a signature on it.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

#31Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 9:01pm

But it's unique! Lotto is not unique

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#32Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 9:07pm

Emily, thanks. Didn't know she signed her name that way. I guess it makes her autograph...uhhh...unique.

Rainbow, you are assuming my assessment of the worth of this item is the same as my financial status. Bad job by you. And I'm happy to bump the thread again and get it even more publicity as it won't change the number of bidders this non-collectible will get...ZERO!

#33Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 9:11pm

Got ya to look and continuously add to the thread. And relisting is free.

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#34Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 9:21pm

A chimpanzee riding a unicycle in a tux and top hat juggling 3 balls and tossing confetti into the air will get me to look and continuously add to the thread. Doesn't mean anyone is going to shell out 50 bucks for that either. Have a great evening!

#35Unique Alice Ripley Collectible
Posted: 1/19/13 at 9:22pm

Unique Alice Ripley Collectible

Go away! Oh wait, another unique image! And it's a monkey

Updated On: 1/19/13 at 09:22 PM
