Viagra Falls, currently playing at the Little Shubert Theatre Off-Broadway, has posted a closing notice for Sunday, August 29th. It's future is undetermined, as it is being considered based upon a ticket sales increase.
Playbill article
Broadway Star Joined: 9/28/05
I'm not surprised. I saw this in July, as one of few in the audience under 50. It was never going to build an audience with that demographic. The size of the Little Shubert also hurt. It might have lasted longer in a smaller house.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
This is what happens when you produce a play about Mr Roxy's love life.
The playbill has an insert "Thanks to Dollypop for invaluable assistance with the production"
Take your rightful applause for your help with the show Dolly.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
The only thing I did was give them the name of your proctologist.
The correct term is Urologist" or in your case "Pee Pee Dr"
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Nope. "proctologist"
And Roxy, you shouldn't talk about "pee pee's" I've learned that your wife's nickname for you is "Tweezers".
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
'Fess up Roxy. The lovely Mrs R told me that they don't make condoms small enough to fit you!
Do not need condoms my boy. Unless there is a miracle floating around, babies are not in the offing at my age.
The thought of a little Dolly running around send shivers up & down my spine.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
>>>"Unless there is a miracle floating around, babies are not in the offing at my age."<<<
This is very true. A man's attributes do tend to shrivel when he becomes as old as Mount Rushmore.
Dolly, is it true you were to be the 5 th head up there? I heard the sculptor immediately rejected it as a waste of good stone.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
No, he said that about Horace Harding. They named an expressway for him instead.