Is it just me or does anyone else get some Japanese/Korean text on the section below "Ticket Central". It shows up on my desktop and laptop. Weird. from rC in Austin, Texas
That's an image there, but perhaps isn't loading properly for you. Can you email me a screenshot?
I've sent you the text, by copying and pasting. Thanks...RC in Austin, Texas
Are you sure it isn't just one of suestorm's posts?
Who? No, it's kind of weird. The Asian language (don't know which one) text appears on the main opening page (with all the ads) and the message board page. When I respond to a thread, I get a row of question marks. All this appears below the heading "ticket central". I tried to post the text but it stretched the reply page. I can see all the ads, except for that one small portion. I've sent it to the BWW Powers that BE. They are as perplexed as I am. from RC in Austin, Texas
I see that too! Right under Ticket Central -- 8 lines of Asian text.
It is so odd.