Swing Joined: 8/3/18
Hi, has anyone tried the in person lottery recently and let me know how good the chances are of winning? Is it worse on a weekend? I wanted to try tonight.
I don’t think anyone will be there but have fun lol
^Huh? Why wouldn’t anyone be there? I’d actually expect a pretty sizeable crowd there on a Saturday. Plus, there’s still a bunch of people in the city for Spring Break. Sending you good vibes to win!
Also, I just noticed that the price for the in-person lottery has gone up from $30 to $40. That’s a bummer. I feel like the tickets had been $30 since the show first opened. Damn inflation.
Swing Joined: 8/3/18
Ah, I thought spring breaks were over! Thanks for the vibes, I'm hoping we win. I don't mind $40, it's still a good price. I've heard people say the crowds have been pretty low, but nothing extremely recent.
Not that recent but I went on a Sunday about 9 weeks ago in January. It was not very busy. Nearly, if not everyone, won. It was hard to tell since several people had more than one person in their party win so there were lots of people turning down tix. I got left orch row Y, very good view, and the row to the left of me and rows behind me were nearly empty.