I love the recording. I was so excited about the 2013 recording from the responses the two performers had, but was sorely disappointed. I never want to hear Betsy Wolfe chewing her way through 'A Summer In Ohio" again. I love the OCR, but I've always longed for a better Jamie, one who could match SRS's Cathy. Finally, we have two performers at the top of their game to take on this incredible score. JRB's new orchestrations bring new life to the score - even if the new additions/cuts will take some time getting used to. "The Next Ten Minutes" and "Goodbye Until Tomorrow / I Could Never Rescue You" are thrilling to hear and I fully expect to listen to this many times. I've already listened to "A Summer In Ohio" about twenty times. My only detraction is the same as it has been from the start: Cathy's songs are much better than Jamie's. There's never been a time when I listen to "The Schmuel Song" that I don't question why it's 7 minutes plus. However, with Jeremy's vocals, I will enjoy them all much more, methinks. All in all, a fabulous recording that makes me eager to see the film.
"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir