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last 5 years soundtrack

#1last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/9/15 at 2:25pm

Anyone else excited to hear this late tonight?

#2last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 12:30am

I am not sure after listening to the trailer. I was surprised at how strained Anna sounded on some of the songs. And I am not sure I like the talk singing.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#2last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 1:27am

I just finished listening to it, Jeremy Jordan outsang Anna Kendrick but I found it mostly enjoyable. What I didn't like was the "live" singing, which on albums (the only other I can think of being Les Mis) sounds far-away. It should sound better in the film, though.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#3last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 1:57am

I'm listening now. I'm not a fan of the accents he's using for "The Schmuel Song", but I'm sure it's much better watching it in the film. Overall though, it's a very good album.

My biggest problem with recordings of this show has always been that nobody can sing it as well as Lauren Kennedy did. The original production with her is the only one I ever listen to.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#4last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 2:27am

Jeremy Jordan sounds fantastic. The Last Five Years has never really been one of my favorite shows but I definitely enjoy the songs more listening to him sing them.

#5last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 9:04am

Listening to it now and am loving it - esp. Jordan. The original recording with Norbert Leo Butz and Sherri Shepard is one of my all time favs, so it always is almost weird listening to a new recording. Kendrick's voice can be harsh at times, but overall I liked her performance as well. Look forward to seeing the movie.

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#6last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 9:12am

last 5 years soundtrack

Sherri Shepard was a horrible Cathy.

"I shall stay until the wind changes."

SomeOtherMe Profile Photo
#7last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 1:04pm

All the songs sound great. Anna sounds especially great on "A Part of That". While I still prefer the original recording, this makes me very excited to see the film this weekend.

JoseLee_ Profile Photo
#8last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 1:11pm

I just finished listening to the soundtrack during my workout at the gym. I loved it. Honestly, I just love Jeremy Jordan and his voice, so it really gave me the feels.

JBroadway Profile Photo
#9last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 1:18pm

I'd rather listen to Sherri Shepard sing those songs than Sherrie Rene Scott, personally.

matttaylorr021 Profile Photo
#10last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 1:19pm

Do we know if it's gonna be released on Spotify?

#11last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 1:37pm

I hate Jeremy's accents on "The Schmuel Song" as well, Jordan, and how awkwardly he sounds listing the girls' names in "Shiksa Goddess." I think Anna's most successful vocal is "A Part of That," but I generally like her better than him on this album.

Eurotrash Profile Photo
#12last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 1:57pm

Might give this a miss Two people bitching to background music is just a typical night in for me.

Why don't you go? Why don't you leave Manderley? He doesn't need you... he's got his memories. He doesn't love you, he wants to be alone again with her. You've nothing to stay for. You've nothing to live for really, have you?

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#13last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 2:38pm


I dislike Anna Kendrick so her nasal, bad voice isn't something I care to hear. Since this is a limited release, and isn't going to make mega dollars anyways, I wish they would have put a theater actress that can actually sing in this. Oh well.

Jeremy Jordan sounds amazing, and I only bought the songs he sings in. Love "Nobody Needs To Know".

Updated On: 2/10/15 at 02:38 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#14last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 4:14pm

I'm enjoying most if it. Hope to catch the film on On Demand this weekend.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#15last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 5:08pm

Dying at Sherri Shepard and that image.

firebolts Profile Photo
#16last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 7:07pm

I love Jeremy's voice - like honey, especially in "The Next Ten Minutes." But I'm on the fence about Anna Kendrick. I just don't care for her voice. It's so thin, and her "Still Hurting" makes me cringe at times. I really wish they would stop casting her in musicals. last 5 years soundtrack

Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.
Updated On: 2/10/15 at 07:07 PM

Everlast85 Profile Photo
#17last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 7:22pm

^ YES!!!

JoseLee_ Profile Photo
#18last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 7:39pm

I've listening to "Summer in Ohio" non-stop. I love it.

steven22 Profile Photo
#19last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/10/15 at 8:03pm

I really wanted to love it. I liked it. Jeremy Jordan is fantastic. I'm a big Anna Kendrick fan, and she's great in this- I just think there could been someone better for the role in the movie.

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#20last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/11/15 at 12:19am

Kendrick has some rough moments (although I feel she may sell it all in the actual film), but her 'A Summer In Ohio' is pretty flawless. Her best track by far.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

#21last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/11/15 at 1:13am

I'm almost done listening to it. I'm enjoying it, though not as much as either of the other two albums. But I must say the orchestrations are very exciting, even if it is strange to hear some of the score with drums. In the liner notes for the 2013 album, JRB mentioned how the score is a collection of strings being plucked, bowed, strummed, and stricken, with only four instances of percussion used for color. This, of course, redefines the piano as a string instrument, but the gesture comes across when listening.

On a side note, I love the change of the lyric from "these are the people who cast Linda Blair in a musical" to what it is now, which I won't spoil.

#22last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/11/15 at 8:50pm

The orchestrations in this though are so good

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#23last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/13/15 at 1:04am

I thought it was pretty decent, though my brain just can't take other voices singing these songs after all the years of obsessively listening to the OCR. I do enjoy Kendrick on the album and don't know why she's getting such a bum rap here. Jeremy Jordan sounds great too though I've never liked Jamie's songs as much as Cathy's. I'm excited to see the accompanying visuals in the movie (at long last).

I like how they had to take out the lyric about Borders! Bet JRB never thought it would be obsolete.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#24last 5 years soundtrack
Posted: 2/13/15 at 1:59am

I did't like the sound of "Target" being used though. I feel like "Walmart" would have been more appropriate for Kentucky (and they have a very small book section, though I doubt there would be a sign that says "New and Recommended"). There was a performance at Barnes & Noble where Betsy Wolfe crammed "Barnes & Noble" into the space of "Borders" that was pretty funny.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."
Updated On: 2/13/15 at 01:59 AM
