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Member Name: rentfn
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WTS one ticket Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts 1 & 2 2/23/19
 Feb 22 2019, 12:20:50 PM

Last Bump. Just trying to make some of my money back if anyone could go tomorrow. Send me an offer. Thanks for your time!!

WTS one ticket Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts 1 & 2 2/23/19
 Feb 19 2019, 10:13:18 AM

I’d go under face value if it’s fair.

WTS one ticket Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts 1 & 2 2/23/19
 Feb 17 2019, 02:21:29 PM

Please delete this post and ban me if this isn't allowed but life got in the way and I have one ticket to see H to the P on February 23rd. The ticket is in the Left Orchestra row Y for both parts. I'm just looking for face value, which is $281. Feel free to make an offer if you want, I'd like to get face but just want to recoup most. They are on ticketmaster and I can transfer the ticket to you asap. Please respond or message me.

Who Have You Gotten Stuff Back From?
 May 29 2014, 10:56:20 PM
I'm friends with Anthony Rapp on Playstation network. Not really stuff but I always thought it was cool when I'm playing a game and see him log on.
Sean Hayes Blames NBC for Disappointing Rates
 Oct 24 2013, 03:45:24 PM
I'm still mad that NBC cut Go On, wasn't perfect but was funny each week. So yeah...Go Sean!!! Screw NBC
EVITA national tour?
 Sep 9 2013, 11:27:00 AM
I went to see it last night. It was my first time seeing Evita live. I listened to the Original Broadway Cast recording a decent amount of times in High School and watched the movie.

Overall I liked it. It did seem a bit light. The crowd scenes didn't feel very full. The first transition into "Buenos Aires" didn't have a huge impact. Yes it was the first time seeing the whole set but it was bare. I read that they recorded some of the chanting and used that. That worked well, if that is what they did. Although there were not a lot of people on stage the chanting made it seem like there were others. The highlight of the night was when Evita came out at the start of Act Two. I thought the lighting was perfect and made her dress light up. When the balcony extended it added to the excitement of the scene. The low point was "The Art of the Possible" The people I was with had no idea what was going on. They used a projector at times to fill out scenes, Maybe they could have used it to show more military action. The scene seemed to fall flat. also the first act flew by, didn't realize how quickly it goes by.

The performances were good. I've listened to Josh Young a lot but never have seen him live. I liked his performance but I can see why people are not a fan. He made some weird range choices and some of what he was saying was missed on friends I was with that were new to the show. I really liked Caroline Bowman. My wife pointed out that she seemed to run out of gas a couple of times, the end of "Buenos Aires". Her "Don't Cry" was fantastic. I think my favorite song from her was "You Must Love Me" Not sure why but i felt it was really powerful.

I see mostly national tours, I would recommend this to people who want to see the show. It was life changing but it was a good night out...even if I had to go to Providence

Wicked Lotto Boston - Seats?
 Aug 10 2013, 01:54:56 PM

This is the page with all the selections of dates. If you pick a date the next page should ask you for the Artsboston code. You don't get to select your seats on that site they pick them for you. Last I looked they weren't extreme one side but they were the small section next to it.

That's a bummer about the lotto. I was thinking about posting a message to see if anyone was going yesterday but I forgot.

Wicked Lotto Boston - Seats?
 Aug 10 2013, 01:50:38 AM
I was at the lotto today. There were about forty people there, maybe less. We had five people put in our names and two of them were drawn. We only needed one pair so we passed on the second. I don't know if the rain kept people away but I was shocked at the small turn out. I went to Book of Mormon lotto twice and there was over 100 people there each time.

The seats were ok. They were limited view on the right side. My seats were ROBXLV row C seat 50. My seat was fine but the row had fou

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 8/4/13
 Aug 6 2013, 12:41:17 AM
^ I laughed
Worst show mishap
 Aug 6 2013, 12:38:47 AM
During "Santa Fe" in Rent when Mark and Tom lifted Angel onto the bucket at the end the bucket flew out and Angel fell right onto his back and must have gotten the wind knocked out of him. He got right up though.
 Aug 1 2013, 03:37:44 PM
Thanks a lot!!!
 Aug 1 2013, 03:32:28 PM
can I piggy back a question into this thread?? Can you bring folding chairs to sit and wait at the box office for rush tickets??
Anthony Rapp to Join Idina Menzel and LaChanze in IF/THEN!
 Aug 1 2013, 03:21:29 PM
Where ever there is un-kind comments about this show on the internet...There I will be.

On a side note... Headband you couldn't be more right about the use of "OMG" or any other internet lingo in a news story. I would cry for humanity if Playbill used it.

Anthony Rapp to Join Idina Menzel and LaChanze in IF/THEN!
 Aug 1 2013, 03:13:58 PM
What is wrong with over the top excitement?? I don't believe my enjoyment will have a negative effect on anyone else...if it does I would like to apologize in advance.
Anthony Rapp to Join Idina Menzel and LaChanze in IF/THEN!
 Aug 1 2013, 03:08:58 PM
Haters, I believe, Are going to hate. I thought I was at max excitement for this and then I discovered a new level. Can't wait to see it in DC.
Wicked: mexican production
 Jul 31 2013, 08:23:29 PM
I love listening to translations of musicals. In college I went to Montreal a few times to see show in french. It was a bummer they were not singing in spanish.
Most obnoxious and delusional musical fans...
 Jul 19 2012, 04:59:59 PM
Haters gunna hate!!!
Nice Work tkts
 Jul 11 2012, 03:17:15 PM
I thought this was a thread about tkts screwing someone. Happy to be wrong
JCS Cast Album
 Apr 24 2012, 10:39:30 PM
I hate odd numbers let's make it 92!!!!!!
Funny/Odd things you've heard on Cast Recordings
 Apr 11 2012, 08:01:19 PM
I swear at 5:12 of Christmas Bells on the Rent Original Cast Recording Their voices blend together to say "**** New Hampshire" One time seeing it live I heard it too. Being from New Hampshire This makes me both happy for being mentioned and sad.

On the Wicked Original Cast Recording*, during Popular at 1:32 I swear I hear a cell phone going off. Gets me each time.

*Is that better BroadwayFan12??

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