Cast Replacements Oct 23
2023, 01:20:44 PM
PipingHotPiccolo said: "So Hailee remains out, and theyre not renewing her contract in December- curious if she comes back before then, or if they keep her throwing understudies on for her for the rest of her run..."
She's back and been doing evening performances with an alt. covering the matinees.
New WICKED Cast Replacements this month and next? Feb 19
2023, 07:49:40 AM
The tour is usually a bit laxer, and I'm sure Emily's close to 2 MILLION tiktok followers add some pressure to the situation.
The current Glinda understudy on Broadway posted that she was going on in the fall and then a few hours later deleted the post and followed up with a very diplomatic "As an understudy at Wicked on Broadway, we are not allowed to post dates......"
New WICKED Cast Replacements this month and next? Feb 16
2023, 08:25:20 PM
cookie17 said: "Follow Mary Kate on Instagram. Most likely she will announce when she's on. A lot of Broadway actors do this and I suspect she will as well.
Wicked doesn't allow their standby's or understudies to post when they are on, but sometimes there will be hints on Instagram stories.
New WICKED Cast Replacements this month and next? Jan 26
2022, 06:31:01 PM
Ginna Claire Mason will not be performing this week after all. She played her final show on Jan 22nd, and Allie Trimm will be covering for the rest of the week!
SIX - Preview Thread Nov 16
2021, 05:33:52 PM
Abby Mueller is out indefinitely due to an ear injury caused by the in-ears. Keirsten and Mallory have been sharing Seymour.
HAMILTON Principal Cast Replacements Nov 13
2021, 06:45:58 PM
Yana Perrault will be re-joining the Angelica company as Peggy/Maria. She was due to join the cast sometime in March 2020 but obviously, COVID happened. So glad she is actually going to debut this time!
New WICKED Cast Replacements this month and next? Oct 31
2021, 11:37:49 PM
Lindsay Northen has officially left Wicked, and she was not a Glinda understudy in her 2021 contract, just Celia Hottenstein.
Regarding Lindsay Pearce, she will now be returning to the show in December. Jennifer DiNoia will be full-time, and Alyssa Fox will be on standby.
Another interesting is that Ginna Claire has not missed a single performance that is impressive for a mother of a newborn (her son is barely six months old!). Jenny has a 5-year-old daughter and has only
New WICKED Cast Replacements this month and next? Oct 18
2021, 07:06:25 PM
Lindsay K. Northen will be leaving the show on 10/31/21.
New WICKED Cast Replacements this month and next? Oct 16
2021, 12:41:22 PM
Alyssa Fox is on tonight (10/16), 8pm.
New WICKED Cast Replacements this month and next? Oct 13
2021, 06:01:27 PM
In the playbills, there are now full-page inserts with 'Starring Jennifer DiNoia and Ginna Claire Mason' and "The role of Elphaba will be played by Jennifer DiNoia" on the bottom of the page.
SIX on Broadway - Reviews Oct 9
2021, 09:48:58 PM
Courtney - covers 5/6 except Cleves (Performed Boleyn/Howard)
Mallory - covers 5/6 except Aragon, but will still learn all 6 tracks (Performed Boleyn/Seymour/Howard)
Nicole - covers 5/6 except Howard (Performed Aragon/Cleves/Parr)
Keirsten covers 5/6 except Boleyn (Performed Parr)
On the UK Tour, the alternate tracks are Aragon/Cleves, Boleyn/Howard, Seymour/Parr, with a fourth standby who covers queens with equal priority. I imagine Broadway will loosely rese
74th Annual Tony Awards will go digital this fall Aug 21
2020, 11:19:55 AM
- A Christmas Carol
- The Great Society
- The Height of the Storm
- The Inheritance
- Linda Vista
- Sea Wall/A Life
- Slave Play
- The Sound Inside
- Jagged Little Pill
- The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical
- Moulin Rouge! The Musical
- Tina: The Tina Turner Musical
- Betrayal
- Fran
Bootlegs during Quarantine May 23
2020, 11:38:42 AM
He said something along the lines of "If you don't watch child p*rn because it is illegal, why are bootlegs different?"
He also replied to multiple people telling them to "Shut the f*** up' and that he hopes "People like this never see the show again."
SIX - Preview Thread Mar 5
2020, 08:50:11 AM
CatastrophicDay said: "Ryantheatrekid said: "Nicole is making her Parr debut tonight!"
Interesting - I thought Mallory was the first cover for Parr?
This was my understanding of the covers, curious if anyone has more up-to-date info Nicole - Aragon, Cleves Courtney - Boleyn, Howard Mallory - Seymour, Parr"
Mallory was on all last week, maybe giving her a break? I don't think the order is set in stone.
Jagged Little Pill Understudies Mar 5
2020, 08:47:17 AM
JLP has no problem with understudies posting, John a lot of the others have already posted about going on. I know Laurel was injured when they had the put-in so I'm sure she was rehearsing and busy. It's also not her 'job' to announce when she's on.
New WICKED Cast Replacements this month and next? Mar 1
2020, 01:50:36 PM
JustinLovesSideShow said: "So like are Lindsay and Sam sick? Or are they just not doing matinees?"
It's their first week, I'm sure they're just settling into the role (Especialy Lindsay). It now makes sense that Jenny DiNoia is the current standby, she has proved herself as a reliable cover for over a decade at this point.
New WICKED Cast Replacements this month and next? Feb 24
2020, 01:11:14 PM
Maybe some TV? Jackie Burns took a few weeks off her last contract to film. GC's doing fine and I'm sure she'll announce whatever project soon.
Sophia Caruso departs Beetlejuice Feb 21
2020, 02:08:47 PM
She posted on her Instagram story something along the lines of; "To those who have booked tickets to see me in BTJ my final performance was Wednesday Eve (19th), and I will not be returning."
How is the current CATS tour? Feb 18
2020, 02:04:06 PM
dmwnc1959 said: "Have this coming up next Sunday in Pittsburgh, and just upgraded a few rows to a front row balcony. Very excited! Any updates on how the tour is looking, cast members of note, scenery or costume thoughts, and what the souvenir stand has? Definitely buying at least a window card, magnet and cup. Thanks for any updates!"
Donna Vivino is Grizabella!
Mean Girls Cast Replacements Feb 10
2020, 02:02:51 PM
copathetiic said: "Just announced that Laura Leigh Turner will be taking over for Karen and making her broadway debut on March 10th"
She is not getting a warm welcome. Twitter fans have found out her political stance (Pro-Trump, Pro-Life).