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Member Name: ThePrinceOfHumbug
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re: Teacher losing job for performing in 'Full Monty'
 Mar 17 2007, 02:21:50 PM
just google 2007 playgirl man of the year and you can check it out.
re: RENT on the Tony's?
 Jun 6 2005, 12:40:55 AM
haven't seen it yet here is Arizona. They are running ads for Phantom that opens this week at the Gammage at ASU. Oh well.
RENT on the Tony's?
 Jun 6 2005, 12:34:00 AM
With the audience of both theater and non-theater types watching tonight, why not run the trailer (or a shortened version of it)that is currently in the theaters on the Tony's broadcast tonight. Yes, the opening is still over 5 months away, but it makes sense.

Just wondering


re: Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05
 Feb 20 2005, 10:21:24 PM
JoeKV99...glad to hear that they are taking care of it. We had a group of 6 people that went and it was the one thing that hurt the show for all of us. Everyone loved Christina and the rest of the show (split decision on Brass Band).

Ljay...they end Act 1 in the elevator with I'm the Bravest Individual and pick it up in the elevator again after intermission. I think it is after intermission that the power totally goes out in the elevator (not sure if that helps).

Now I just

re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
 Feb 20 2005, 10:05:42 PM
Agree about the audience. Today at matinee it was maybe 1/4 to 1/3 full in the balcony. Couldn't see below. Too bad!
Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05
 Feb 20 2005, 10:03:34 PM
OK, that might be pushing it a little, but it is close to the truth and with 2 more preview cities to go to, the show should be in great shape by the time it gets to NYC.

First the good:
Christina Applegate...STUNNING! I was ready for a Kelly Bundy flop in over her head, but in my opinion, she was the "triple threat" on the stage. Sing, Dance, and Act. All of it in one package. The sound bite that is used on the commerical they have been playing did her no justice what so eve

re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
 Feb 20 2005, 09:55:00 PM
I totally agree about the sets. INCREDIBLE!!!!

And for what it is worth. I loved Romeo and Juliet at the Ordway when they premiered it.


The Prince buys a wicked can of hairspray (a review)
 Feb 12 2005, 12:37:52 AM
So, I had 2 days off of work and found me a cheap ticket to NYC. I found tickets for Hairspray and Wicked and here is a quick review of them.

Depart Minnesota at 6am (WAY TOO EARLY)

Arrive NYC at 11:15

Wicked at 2pm
This was the 3rd time that I have seen the show. The first time was the right side obstructed. The second was the left side obstructed. THis was 7th row center. I love the book. I love the show. They are both their own identity and should be take

Happy BD Jonathan Larson
 Feb 4 2005, 12:56:27 AM
I know we had a lot of RENT love on here over the past weeks with the anniversary of the shows opening and Jonathan's death. But rather than think about what might have been, I am thankful for what we have from him!

Count me as one of the many that have been touched by the show. Not only to touch on issues that people shyed away from, but to say it is OK to be whoever the H*LL you are and if someone doesn't like it...screw off! RENT has also blessed me with incredible friends around

re: Remembering JL
 Jan 25 2005, 02:07:26 AM
Jonathan filled out hearts, touched our souls and personally changed my life through this music and work. May his message live within all of us and we live each day to it's fullest. That is how we can truely honor him!



re: Hairspray Mat. 1/22/05, a review by star2b
 Jan 23 2005, 01:41:47 AM
Great review and glad you enjoyed the show!

Thank you for calling out the performance of Keala! I was able to catch her when the tour was in Mpls and there is no way you could tell she was an understudy. Hopefully this girl gets called to NYC whenever Carly decides to leave the show, because she is incredible.

Carly and Keala were part of a Hairspray Cabaret here in Minnesota and they performed a duet from Jeckyl and Hyde (I think) and it about blew the roof of the place.

re: kick ass female ballads? :)
 Jan 22 2005, 01:08:35 AM
Don't know if you would consider it "kickass", but Come To Your Senses from tick, tick, boom! always hits me in the sweet spot!
 Jan 15 2005, 10:52:24 PM
Thanks for almost answering my questions?!?! :) I broke down and bought the CD. It will most definitely make the next 100 days before my plane leaves MUCH more enjoyable. Is it wrong to be singing "the internet is for p*rn" while at work? I have these songs stuck in my head...but i think that is a good thing! Can't wait to see it. I agree that it would have been a bigger suprise without hearing it, but I think I will enjoy it more knowing what is going on. (Kinda like RENT whe

re: Brooklyn 1/15 Evening Review
 Jan 15 2005, 10:43:57 PM
I am so jealous that you got to see Hannefah on as Paradice. She is not only vocally strong, but her stage presence is wonderful. The first time that I heard her as SOL soloist for RENT, you could feel the passion behind her voice and in her performance. Glad to see she has found another spotlight to shine in!

edited to say: Thanks for the great review! (forgot my manners)

re: What do you have tickets for?
 Jan 13 2005, 11:45:49 PM
Mamma Mia (minneapolis) Saturday night
Sweet Charity (minneapolis previews) February 20th
The Wild Party (St. Paul Fitzgerald Theater) March
Lion King (minneapolis) April 21st

RENT (NYC) April 25
Ave Q (NYC) April 26
Phantom (NYC) April 27 matinee
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (NYC) April 27th evening
Hairspray (NYC) April 28th

with LSOH to come this summer as well as a return trip to NYC!

 Jan 12 2005, 01:44:48 AM
I have not seen the show yet, but have tickets for Right Orchestra, Row A for the end of April. For those of you who have seen the show...Should I get the CD now and listen to it before I see the show, or will that "ruin" any of the excitement/suprises of seeing the show for the first time?

Just wondering if anyone thought one way or another was better.

Thanks for you help!

re: How about a revival of BARNUM starring Hugh Jackman?
 Jan 10 2005, 11:41:39 PM
Yes, a revival of Barnum would be great. Hugh or no Hugh! The show must go on!
re: Stage musicals vs. their movie debuts
 Jan 7 2005, 11:12:48 PM
I just got finished watching the movie version of Chicago for the first time (yeah...a little slow on that I know). I thought it was fun and really enjoyed it. Is the stage version something that I would probably enjoy as well.

I'll be in NYC in 109 days (yes, I am counting!) and currently have tikets for RENT, AveQ, Hairspray, SPAMalot, and Chitty, Chitty. I am looking for one more show and am thinking about Chicago now. I have heard that there are differences in the two versions

re: Hairspray 1/6
 Jan 7 2005, 10:55:10 PM

Definitely wasn't taking anything away from Barbara Walsh. I saw her the last time I was at the show and she is great. She really gives Velma that self-centered living vicariously through her daughter attitude. You almost expect her to say "We" rather than "you" when she is talking to Amber.

That said, Liz seemed to have such a great presence on the stage that I think would love to see her in the role of Velma to see what she does with it.

Can't comment on

re: Hairspray 1/5
 Jan 6 2005, 10:33:32 PM
Liz Larson is stunning all around in her performance. I wish I was lucky enough to see her on as Velma. Her Pruddy/Teacher/Prison Matron is HYSTERICAL!!! (or however you spell it!) She was totally one of the top 2 highlights the last time I saw it!
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