
Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05

Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05

#0Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05
Posted: 2/20/05 at 10:03pm

OK, that might be pushing it a little, but it is close to the truth and with 2 more preview cities to go to, the show should be in great shape by the time it gets to NYC.

First the good:
Christina Applegate...STUNNING! I was ready for a Kelly Bundy flop in over her head, but in my opinion, she was the "triple threat" on the stage. Sing, Dance, and Act. All of it in one package. The sound bite that is used on the commerical they have been playing did her no justice what so ever. Great job on If My Friends Could See Me Now. BRAVO!

Set Design...Not sure what some of the other shows look like this year, but I really hope this one gets at least a Tony nomination if not winning the award. The transitions from set to set were seamless. The imagination was awesome. Great colors, great look. Loved the simplicity and effectiveness of the Ferris Wheel.

Elevator Scene. Abso-frickin-lutely-hilarious. Begining to end one of the stand out scenes of the show. Denis O'hare didn't WOW me vocally, but he was truely shining here.

"There's gotta be something better than this". This scene was quality and really let Natascia Diaz and Solange Sandy showcase their vocal skills.

The Rhythm of Life. What a great way to come out of intermission and really kick start the show again. It kept creeping back into my head all the way home. Would LOVE to see this on the Tony's if they were to perform. Not sure if it showcases Christina enough for them to do that, but one can always dream.


On to the Bad:
The first 5 minutes and the last 1 minute.
Bored out of my mind to start the show. Overture seemed to last forever and the show just takes a while to get rolling. Big Spender seemed really flat and lacking to me. I understand that it is steamy and dark, but that should not mean slow, boring and lacking energy. From the point that Big Spender finished, the show really took off. Until the last minute. What a horrible way to end the show!!! It was so anti-climatic and BLAH! If Charity is going to be single...make her the powerful woman that she says she is in her last monolugue. Don't give her a weak version of Where Am I Going to end the show. They need to fix this! It is an opportunity for a great moment and it flops. Do a full reprise of WAIG, and give it some guts. Charity has won out heart in the show and you want to stand and scream for her at the end, but I was left confused and empty. Ending concept is great, just fix the last song and finish the show strong. LET CHARITY END THE SHOW POWERFUL! PLEASE!

Other stuff:
-Had a hard time hearing and undertanding Ernie Sabelle when he sang. And it always kept thinking of Pumbaa every time I heard his voice. Made me smile.

-Applegate shines in the closet when she is smoking. Whole scene received some of the loudest response of the night.

-Club Pompeii: WOW! The costumes, the set, the colors, and the choreography. simply WOW!

This will be a great show once they get things tweeked. I would love to see it again in NYC just to see the changes they are planning. If you get a chance...see it! Christina is too good to miss.


Talk Hard. Steal the Air. H.H.H.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#1re: Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05
Posted: 2/20/05 at 10:12pm

Thanx for the review!

Does act one end with "I'm the Bravest Individual", like which point of that scene does the curtain fall?

#2re: Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05
Posted: 2/20/05 at 10:17pm

Thanks for the review Prince. It's in Chicago starting this week so I plan on seeing it. There was an article today saying that they were puching back the Chicago opening a week because they were adding a new opening and a new ending, so I guess the realize what is needed.

My thought at this point is, can anyone else think of a revival that got this much of a makeover? Other than things like Frogs which never really had a B'way run, isn't it weird to revive a show if you think it has major problems and needs to be reworked?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#3re: Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05
Posted: 2/20/05 at 10:19pm

YAY for a new opening! MAYBE "You Should See Yourself" will be back, or a new song for that spot!

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#4re: Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05
Posted: 2/20/05 at 10:20pm

They cut "You Should See Yourself"? I love that song.

#5re: Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05
Posted: 2/20/05 at 10:21pm

JoeKV99...glad to hear that they are taking care of it. We had a group of 6 people that went and it was the one thing that hurt the show for all of us. Everyone loved Christina and the rest of the show (split decision on Brass Band).

Ljay...they end Act 1 in the elevator with I'm the Bravest Individual and pick it up in the elevator again after intermission. I think it is after intermission that the power totally goes out in the elevator (not sure if that helps).

Now I just have to decide on a show for my April Trip. I have one more night open and I was going to wait for Spelling Bee tickets to go on sale. But I really want to see the changes. Oh well..decision, decisions!

Talk Hard. Steal the Air. H.H.H.

#6re: Charity was Sweet in Minneapolis 2-20-05
Posted: 2/22/05 at 1:50pm

Even though the material might have some problems, the core of the story and the music is well worth revisiting, and how refreshing that they truely "revive" a piece, not just "resusitate" like so many ho-hum revivals.

Go Charity!
