
Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics

Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#0Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 7:56am

This one seems pretty positive. There are a few problems but, overall, it seems like all the show needs is a little polishing up and there's no reason why it shouldn't be a hit when it reaches New York.

Rohan Preston of The Star Tribune: "Though she has moments of fearlessness when her character seems to connect to something other than lip gloss, Applegate stays pretty and perky for much of the musical, serving cuteness instead of character. Her performance, under director Walter Bobbie, seems even more inert and Botox-stilled because it occurs in the midst of this sure-footed, adaptable-voiced and deft company. These singing and acting hoofers include quirkily funny co-star Denis O'Hare as oddball accountant Oscar Lindquist, stage goddess Solange Sandy as hot-to-trot mama Helene and Paul Schoeffler in a winning turn as bed-hopping Italian movie idol Vittorio. In fact, the company, supported by a 15-piece orchestra under the capable baton of conductor Gordon Lowry Harrell, gives this long-awaited revival of Charity something to sing about. The design elements are also fetching, with hot pink, red and tangerine dreams popping off many of Scott Pask's scenic designs and augmented by Brian MacDevitt's evocative lighting... Whatever Applegate's weaknesses and strengths, the show has other problems. Sweet Charity is of so many pieces—choreographically and in the narrative—it feels like a puzzle, albeit one with bold colors. Wayne Cilento's dances sometimes re-create some of the choreography of Bob Fosse, who choreographed and directed the first stage version in the 1960s. This homage, on 'Big Spender' and 'Rich Man's Frug,' for example, invites a comparison that does not favor this new version. At other times, the dances seem incongruously updated."

Sweet Charity Reviews

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

ken8631 Profile Photo
#1re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 8:12am

I have my tickets for the first night of previews in NYC.

baddadnpa Profile Photo
#2re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 8:38am

I don't think this sounds positive at all. At best it is mixed to negative.

The truly beautiful should be lawfully restricted from wearing clothing; and the truly butt-ugly should be lawfully mandated from going naked.

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#3re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 9:25am

My thoughts exactly. I wouldn't call that review positive. But also, they have two more out of town stops and a ton of previews to get through in NYC so I wouldn't call a time of death just yet either.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

LouieLovesTheater Profile Photo
#4re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 9:33am

Both of these reviews just puzzle me. I've seen the show three times now in Minneapolis and have really enjoyed each and every one of them. For an out-of-town tryout, this show sure seems to be slick.

I guess in the long run both reviews frustrate me because they both seemed to have missed the boat in terms of what they are reviewing. To mention Applegate and Botox in the same sentence is a bit unfair because she's working her butt off in this show and never once leaves her character behind while singing or dancing. She's truly owning the character and it's too bad that the reviewers don't get her more credit where it's due.

That dink from the Pioneer Press also mentioned something about the lackluster performance of Denis O'Hare which goes to show you he hasn't a clue what he's talking about. O'Hare positively steals the show with some fine comic moments.

In all honesty, in the theater community of the Twin Citites both of these reviewers are people actors roll their eyes at when their names are mentioned. One of these critics tends to give better reviews to shows where they are treated like a king when in the audience...go figure.

But then again...opinions are good things and there always someone who will take a different view. I find the show charming, exciting and well worth the trip to the theater.

wendy72 Profile Photo
#5re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 10:41am

I agree--although these do not seem like raves, give the show a chance to develop --it's in PREVIEWS--before slamming it. Everything I've heard about Christine is terrific. Dennis O'Hare does nothing for me, but I understand he is well suited to this role.

umgeoboy Profile Photo
#6re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 10:43am

ugh this topic again. I have been saying since the first reviews were posted from the first performance that none of this sounds like a rave at all. Yes it sounds like its GOING to be a decent show but right now it sounds a bit of a mess.

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

#7re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 11:30am

Honestly I wouldn't believe anything the Minneapolis critics have to say. If you read the reviews you'll notice that it's nearly to the end of the Rohan Preston's review before he admits that this is a pre-Broadway tryout. By then people have stopped reading the review and are only left with the message "it's not good." Not to mention the fact that the show doesn't officially open in Minneapolis until Feb 18th. The rest of the performances, including the one the critics saw are considered previews. Both of these critics, especially Domonic Papatola, are notorious for trashing shows just because they, especially with a pre-Broadway tryout, have national exposure. It's because of these reputations that Broadway producers are very reluctant to do pre-Broadway try-outs here. (We've only had 4 in the last 6-7 years despite being a large theatre town) I didn't really give it a second thought until I attended a staff meeting and my former boss Kevin McCollum (yes, the Avenue Q & RENT producer) brought it up after the critics panned the world premiere of Terrance Mann's "Romeo & Juliet the Musical" that he produced locally here. After that no other producers wanted to touch the piece because the critics tore it apart. Patrick Wilson starred as Romeo and the critics said he would never amount to much.... re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics

magruder Profile Photo
#8re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 11:37am

A Minneapolis try-out didn't hurt The Lion King any.

Seriously, although the reviews might be a little more negative than they could have been at this early juncture in the show's development, it's much better that Dominick Papatola and Rohan Preston were so specific about what they felt were the show's problem areas, giving the creative team plenty of time to work on the negatives before Broadway. It's much better in the long run than just having the critics throw laurels at it because the producers decided to try the show out in Minneapolis first.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"
Updated On: 2/14/05 at 11:37 AM

#9re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 12:22pm

as I already stated many times, SWEET CHARITY was never a good show and received at best, mixed notices in its original Broadway incarnation and the 1980s revival....I find the show dreadfully boring. Hopefully they can work magic with the revival.

"Blow out the candles Robert and make a wish. Want something, want SOMETHING."

magruder Profile Photo
#10re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 12:30pm

You can repeat it til you're blue in the face. It doesn't make it true, or applicable for all viewers.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

#11re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 6:06pm

I have to reiterate what's already been mentioned here: Dominic Papatola is notorious in the Twin Cities theatre community for being a curmudgeon and I honestly don't know of anyone who takes him seriously. The word-of-mouth I've gotten from friends who saw the show has been quite positive...and this is coming from actors/singers/dancers who generally tend to be more critical than the average theatre-goer.

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

ljay889 Profile Photo
#12re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 6:08pm

By the time it gets to Broadway, it's going to be GOOD! I can't wait.

LouieLovesTheater Profile Photo
#13re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 6:12pm

Thank you LoringsGuy...

Speaking of Romeo and Juliet...do you remember in his review Dominic Papatola referring to the performance of the black actor playing Mercutio as on a "minstrel show level"? He nearly lost his job for that (and should have)

loganp37 Profile Photo
#14re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 6:49pm

Does anyone have any pictures of the cast, set, anything? Or know a website that does.

#15re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/14/05 at 7:42pm

check out


there's pics of the cast and bios, but nothing about scenic, costumes, etc.

#16re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/20/05 at 7:42pm

We saw last nights performance here in Minneapolis. Applegate and cast are doing the show extremely well. It's not my favourite play (Gypsy is) but a great night out for my wife and I. If you get a chance to see it I think you will agree.

Best to all,

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#17re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/20/05 at 8:06pm

im going march 1st

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

#18re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/20/05 at 8:20pm

The costumes and set design are stunning as well. Anyone interested in that aspect will be pleased!

#19re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/20/05 at 9:55pm

I totally agree about the sets. INCREDIBLE!!!!

And for what it is worth. I loved Romeo and Juliet at the Ordway when they premiered it.


Talk Hard. Steal the Air. H.H.H.

#20re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/20/05 at 10:02pm

I saw it a couple days ago, and it was pretty good. Dennis O'Hare is brillant (as always) and Christina Applegate does pretty good, but I was blown away. She defintely pulled it off though. Natascia Diaz is great as well, but its really too bad that Ernie Sabella doesn't have more to do. The main thing that stuck me however was the fact that the audience was really empty. I did student rush tickets and we got 5th row... and there were rows in front of me (and tons behind me) that weren't even close to full.

#21re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/20/05 at 10:05pm

Agree about the audience. Today at matinee it was maybe 1/4 to 1/3 full in the balcony. Couldn't see below. Too bad!

Talk Hard. Steal the Air. H.H.H.

#22re: Sweet Charity faces Minneapolis Critics
Posted: 2/21/05 at 8:52am

Saturday night was a packed house. It would have made our date night work out a little easier by going to the matinee instead. We had dinner reservations at the Forepaughs's mansion in St Paul when we noticed it starting to snow.

We ate fast and rushed back across the river just to be sure we got there in time! Came out of the theatre to a hard snow--streets messed up etc. All the women (especially my wife) who wore heels and dresses slogged through the slush to the parking ramps. It was beautiful though--Hennepin Avenue drapped in white with the neon peeking through.

It was a great time!
Updated On: 2/21/05 at 08:52 AM
