Advice for canceling trip Aug 10
2022, 01:03:06 PM
I just had to do this last month, caught COVID 2 days before embarking on 4 shows in 3 days in 2 cities. I was able to change all of them for little to no charge. I think it's easier if you have a date in mind to reschedule to, but even if you need to straight cancel, I think most theaters are being more lenient on allowing it to happen. The issue I encountered was getting someone on the phone, that was the most difficult. 2 shows I was able to talk to someone, 2 I had to deal with Ticket
Gaten Matarazzo Joining Broadway’s DEAR EVAN HANSEN May 25
2022, 09:25:42 AM
Good for him!! My mom and I saw him in the Les Miz revival back in the day, was great then and I'm sure he'll be great now :)
2022-2023 Touring Season Apr 5
2022, 01:07:42 PM
New Orleans has a great lineup!!
Pretty Woman - Oct 4-9
Lion King - Oct 27 - Nov 13 (optional)
Six - Nov 29 - Dec 4
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Dec 13 - 18 (optional)
Jesus Chris Superstar - Jan 10-15
Tina - Feb 7-12
Fiddler on the Roof - Feb 28 - Mar 5
Moulin Rouge - April 5-16
To Kill A Mockingbird - May 30 - Jun 4
21-22 Touring Seasons Apr 19
2021, 10:41:16 AM
New Orleans (Saenger Theatre)
Tootsie - Nov 9-14 2021
Cats - Dec 14-19 2021
Hadestown - Dec 28 2021-Jan 2 2022
Frozen - Feb 10-20 2022
Anastasia - April 5-10 2022
Mean Girls - May 17-22 2022
Hamilton - June 21-July 10 2022
Cancelled/Postponed: Moulin Rouge, Ain't Too Proud
What Shows Were Great Surprises? Jul 15
2020, 01:11:30 PM
Ditto to Come From Away.
Ain't Too Proud was a surprise for me. Not my genre of music or timeframe of life, was Mom's choice of show, but I had so much fun!
National Tours / Venues postponing or canceling stops due to CoronaVirus Mar 13
2020, 03:37:24 PM
UPDATE! Mean Girls at the Saenger in NOLA is postponed. They are trying to work out for it to come at a later date.
National Tours / Venues postponing or canceling stops due to CoronaVirus Mar 13
2020, 09:20:47 AM
Mean Girls is due to start at the Saenger Theatre in NOLA next week, and as of 3/13 it's still on.
Entrances That Give You Chills Feb 5
2020, 09:40:28 AM
"insolent boy! this slave of fashion" Phantom's entrance always gives me chills
Cool Curtain Calls Jan 30
2020, 10:20:49 AM
Moulin Rouge was the best curtain call I've ever seen!
Newsies was a great one also.
Best restaurant for your birthday before a show? Jan 28
2020, 11:01:41 AM
Bond 45 is delish!
Ephraim Sykes last performance date in Ain't too Proud? Jan 9
2020, 09:07:57 PM
jr88 said: "Does anyone know Ephraim Sykes last performance date in Ain't too Proud? I know he's moving to MJ the musical with previews starting July 6.I've searched this topic, but have come up empty. The reason i ask is we have tickets for April 3rd and would love to see him.
Thanks in advance for any assistance."
I haven't seen anything yet, and have been curious myself.
If it's any consolation, I saw Ain't Too Pro
Freestyle Love Supreme Dec 23
2019, 05:31:34 PM
rachelfran said: "just an fyi that i won lottery to this show two weeks in a row -- 1st time 7pm show & lin was in it -- 2nd row center on the aisle .. great cast - great show ... Second time, 10pm show, this past sat night...2nd row - dead center -- a couple from the cast I saw the first time and others -- not nearly as good .. disappointing because I brought my teen who wants to be a hip hop music producer so I thought he'd really love it .. but so much stumbling for words
Cursed Child current cast Dec 3
2019, 09:16:27 AM
^^^^ What Peron said :)
Ain’t Too Proud or Tina? Nov 19
2019, 11:14:20 AM
I haven't seen Tina, but I saw Ain't Too Proud this past summer. Music genre is before my time, was my mom's show choice, but man did we have fun! Crowd was very into it, and the cast was extremely talented. I had a great time for only knowing a couple of the songs. I'd suggest that one :)
WICKED tour performances cancelled in New Orleans following collapse of building next door Oct 20
2019, 09:20:28 PM
Glad the bigger of the 2 didnt end up in the Saenger, but I did hear some windows broke. That other crane though, sucks it's hanging over the side like that! New map shows theater is still in the evac zone.
WICKED tour performances cancelled in New Orleans following collapse of building next door Oct 18
2019, 11:10:03 AM
NOLAguy said: "Danielle0314 said: "Out of curiosity, how extensive is the set for Dear Evan Hansen? That's the next show for Broadway in New Orleans, and I'm curious (if schedule allows) if it's able to be moved to the Mahalia Jackson for the performances."
I think it could absolutely be moved to Mahalia. But they are imploding the leaning cranes tomorrow, so I think DEH is going to be fine at the Saenger."
Cool cool, thanks! I'm really looking forward to seeing it, so wasn't sure how extensive it was. I know they already moved Baby Shark or Peppa Pig or something over there.
Latest info says noonish Saturday.
WICKED tour performances cancelled in New Orleans following collapse of building next door Oct 17
2019, 05:38:16 PM
Out of curiosity, how extensive is the set for Dear Evan Hansen? That's the next show for Broadway in New Orleans, and I'm curious (if schedule allows) if it's able to be moved to the Mahalia Jackson for the performances.
Moulin Rouge launches National Tour in 2020 Sep 20
2019, 03:19:22 PM
NOLAguy said: "Being from New Orleans, I am so excited for this. Will look BEAUTIFUL in the Saenger Theater. Loved it in NYC."
I'm with ya! I saw it over the summer, and when I came back down here from vacation and told my friends about it they wished they were there. I immediately told them when the news broke, and we're already making plans to go :)
Cursed Child Logo Change Sep 4
2019, 09:39:50 PM
VotePeron said: "I don’t know specifics, but for example, Warner Bros forced the Lyric to stop selling their off-brand version of Butterbeer over the summer because it wasn’t the official one, but they also refused to allow them to sell the butterbeer from Universal."
Wow, did they really? WB make so much already off this brand, them going after the Lyric for this, and towns, baseball teams, etc for hosting Harry Potter events (Read about that last year)
Moulin Rouge seating Jul 8
2019, 01:09:43 PM
I saw the show this past weekend, sat in Mezz, row S, seats 18 & 20. You can see the main stage fine, but right side (elephant side) the trunk blocks the side where some actors will be at some point. Also, you can see the runway out past the can can seats, but the very front part you can't see at all. If an actor stands there you can see them, but from the waist up, and if they walk toward the elephant, you can't see them until they hit the stairs on the side. My tix said nothing