Will be interesting to see what kind of alterations the set will need. Very interested to hear eventual casting.
Was just telling my mom about this show... and wondering how they’ll tour it, as I feel it needs the full design.
Then 12 minutes later this pops up on IG. Amazing. Can’t wait.
I wonder when broadways projected to recoup if they are announcing already? I guess they are also vying hard for some Tony’s.
Understudy Joined: 8/28/17
Being from New Orleans, I am so excited for this. Will look BEAUTIFUL in the Saenger Theater. Loved it in NYC.
I honestly don't think this will be hard to tour. The set is pretty simple minus the build out of the theater, which I'm sure they will build out the proscenium a bit on tour, and maybe have a version of the elephant, windmill, etc. But the actual physical sets are pretty easy to tour, minus the lift in the middle, which they can do by just sliding on from the side. Or just having actors push into place.
Luminaire2 said: "I wonder when broadways projected to recoup if they are announcing already? I guess they are also vying hard for some Tony’s."
Assuming its weekly operating costs are $1 million a week, it should recoup its $28mil capitalization around Week 30 of its run –– as long as these staggeringly high grosses continue.
I still question its staying power on Broadway. It's doing amazing business now, but there's no telling what it will be like in the next 6-18 months. If it pulls a Harry Potter (or Spider-Man) and grosses drop to the low $1m range, that's going to be hard to sustain.
I have a feeling this show will be a Wicked. Any contenders against it for Best Musical?
I think the thing going for them is the age of nostalgia we live in. There’s been enough time between the movie and now for all of us to want to see it and live it for real this time.
I mean who didn’t watch the movie and see big broadway musical written all over it?
It’s nice that they’ve announced a tour, gets folks all pumped up, but if I’m reading that blurb correctly it really won’t start touring until 2021, after it techs in New Orleans then competes a 10-week sit-down in Chicago. That makes it around Feb 2021 before it hits the actual first touring city.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
I can’t see it winning Best Musical. It’s not a very good “musical.” But it’s an entertaining show.
This show will look absolutely beautiful in the Nederlander and I can’t wait to see it first hand. It will be fun to watch this and Frozen duke it out in Chicago together.
As far as other musicals that can win the tony award over this.... Girl From The North Country, Flying Over Sunset, Six, Jagged Little Pill, Diana(if it changes enough), and Tina all seem like contenders for the award.
As someone who was seen Moullin Rouge twice and LOVES it, I don't think it'll win best musical either. It should win every single technical award though, and a strong contender for choreography. This show should sell however. I expect (early) that A Girl From The North Country or Flying Over Sunset would be the biggest contenders for best musical.
Excuse my naiveté, by the term "second company," I assume MR plans to run on Broadway the same time as the National Tour?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
I disagree. I could absolutely see this winning best musical and quite a few other Tony's. I would imagine that it will have a very strong chance at winning: Musical, Director, Choreographer, Sets, Costumes, Sound, Lighting, Supporting Actor. I do not see book, and music is not eligible. Re lead roles, I do not agree with the critics, but Karen Olivo got great reviews; clearly, she will have competition from Adrienne Warren and possibly Carmen Cusack, if Flying is any good (the premise is questionable to me at this time). Re Aaron Tveit, his reviews were not as strong as Olivo's, but Ben Brantley's 'the role he was born to play' will resonate, and he could be pulled along with the show; in any event, it doesn't look like he will have much / any competition unless maybe if Sunset is good...; a lot of female leads and none of the three revivals I am aware of even have male leads.
So, if it settlers into being a monster hit, I can see it winning 8 to 10 Tonys.
dmwnc1959 said: "if I’m reading that blurb correctly it really won’t start touring until 2021, after it techs in New Orleans then competes a 10-week sit-down in Chicago. That makes it around Feb 2021 before it hits the actual first touring city."
The 10 weeks in Chicago is part of the tour, it's not a "sitdown" unless it's contracted and capitalized as such; and a sitdown of a show this expensive wouldn't run just 10 weeks. Tech in New Orleans also usually means a few performances there (sometimes a week), like DOLLY did upstate.
Stage Door Sally said: "Excuse my naiveté, by the term "second company," I assume MR plans to run on Broadway the same time as the National Tour?"
Yes, the tour does not change anything for the Broadway company. They'll have separate casts (though it's not unprecedented for a Broadway understudy to step up to the lead role for the tour).
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/04
I can't recall another new musical announcing its national tour so early in its Broadway run. Obviously, they're emboldened by their incredible box office. Can't wait to see the casting for the tour.
Updated On: 9/19/19 at 03:24 PM
Wayman_Wong said: "I can't recall another new musical announcing its national tour so early in its Broadway run. Obviously, they're emboldened by their incredible box office. Can't wait to see the casting for the tour."
Really? Not one?? Just look back at press releases around the time of the Tony nominations the past five or so seasons and get back to me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/04
Broadway shows often announce their tours during Tony voting (in May). Perhaps, I should've reworded that. It's rare to see a Broadway musical announce its national tour this early in the season. It's only September, and only several weeks after it opened.
Updated On: 9/19/19 at 03:42 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
Call_me_jorge said: "Really? Not one?? Just look back at press releases around the time of the Tony nominations the past five or so seasons and get back to me."
The exception here is that by announcing the tech city and Chicago engagement that makes it much more likely to actually happen as opposed to a lot of those nebulous "yes, we're going to go on tour" announcements that happen around awards season and then never materialize.
Honestly, even though this tour is still a year out, I think it's a much smarter move for them. They'll already have venues booked by the time awards season starts and that makes it a much more attractive candidate for the road voters to show it some Tony love (note, I don't think the road voters are the be all/end all of voters, but you can't deny they play an important part in the campaign process). So many shows nowadays seem to take so long to get their tours organized that they lose any of that initial advertising push they may have had from their respective awards season.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/15/11
RippedMan said: "I honestly don't think this will be hard to tour. The set is pretty simple minus the build out of the theater, which I'm sure they will build out the proscenium a bit on tour, and maybe have a version of the elephant, windmill, etc. But the actual physical sets are pretty easy to tour, minus the lift in the middle, which they can do by just sliding on from the side. Or just having actors push into place."
Haha yes. It’s all so easy to tour. The cast can just push the set on and off.
Luminaire2 said: "I have a feeling this show will be a Wicked. Any contenders against it for Best Musical?"
Girl From The North Country is a more likely winner.
Re: The Chicago run - the article that ran in the Chicago Tribune had a quote from a producer (Carmen Pavlovic)that indicated that the run could be a genuine sit-down/extended if interest is high. Sure, that could just be a line, but who knows.
Stand-by Joined: 7/4/18
NOLAguy said: "Being from New Orleans, I am so excited for this. Will look BEAUTIFUL in the Saenger Theater. Loved it in NYC."
I'm with ya! I saw it over the summer, and when I came back down here from vacation and told my friends about it they wished they were there. I immediately told them when the news broke, and we're already making plans to go :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
I am really excited about this. I can't help thinking that I will have a more likely opportunity to get semi-reasonably priced tickets for this in Tampa than at the Martin Beck, I mean Al Hirschfeld, Theatre. I saw it twice in Boston and see it for the first time in NYC on Thursday matinee October 10th. What a great idea to have a Thursday me an additional show in my next trip to NYC. I LOVE this show, flaws and all.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
I had tickets to the first preview but sadly couldn’t make it.
I was disappointed by some of the changes I had heard.
Now hearing the soundtrack I feel they’ve striped it of it’s heart and it’s just a thumping pop concert.
I was excited to hear the Shirley Bassey intro into Sparkling Diamond but to continue into Single Ladies and I can’t remember how many songs, the whole recording sounded like the Jospeh Mega-Mix on Crack.
The moments from the film I loved were the choral Come What May, the tango opening and operatic end of Roxanne and the heartbreaking The Show Must Go on.
I don’t know how it would win Best Musical but it depends on what’s coming I guess.
I still hope to see it but I’ll hold out for the West End or if I’m over in NYC. I definitely won’t be making a special trip to see it.