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Member Name: suNLily
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Is Rent appropriate?
 Nov 23 2005, 07:31:35 PM

I have a fourteen-year-old daughter who is very knowledgable in theatre and has been acting for a while and wants to see the movie Rent. She has heard the cast recording and knows what it's about. I'm not sure if I want her to go to the movie, though. Seeing this things is so much different than simply hearing them on a CD. Opinions anyone?

Monologue sources?
 Nov 20 2005, 10:10:02 PM
I'm looking for some sources for good, dramatic monologues. Or does anyone know of any "Classic" dramatic monologues for women?


re: Braces for 2-3 more months
 Aug 6 2005, 10:02:29 PM
I am ready to take all the thick rubber bands that I was issued, make them into a chain, make that chain into a noose and strangle my orthodontist.
re: Music that has moved you.
 Jul 11 2005, 01:09:35 PM
"All the Wasted Time" from Parade

I just sit there and sob. . .

re: skinny does not equal pretty!
 Jun 28 2005, 05:47:34 PM
This was the perfect day for me to read this thread!
I have been around dancers the size of twigs all week, and have been feeling like an elephant or something.

Alrighty enough rambling, just wanted to show you my appreciation for an uplifting message on a hard day.

re: BWWers under 21
 Jun 5 2005, 09:51:01 PM
13 going on 14 soon!

Except everyone I know thinks
I'm at least 15 already. . .don't
ask my why.

re: stupid but freaky
 Jun 2 2005, 06:05:54 PM
I put "soothing" for coffee *giggles*
re: Are you currently in a show?
 May 17 2005, 09:34:01 PM
Well kind of sort of.
I mean I've already been cast but
we haven't started rehearsing yet.

One of the lead Ensamble members of Beauty and the Beast.

re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
 May 6 2005, 09:42:38 PM
There have been so many it's hard to remember them all.

#1: Annie

Rooster and Lily and Mrs. Hannigan were being dragged out of Daddy Warbucks' house when Roosters moustached came off. This kid is a great actor HORRIBLE AD LIBBER he goes "I should have used super glue!!!" Let's just say a big argument about if super glue was invented or not followed that performance.

#2 Les Miserables

This is an offstage blooper funny but scary at the same time. My friends and

re: Your Dream Cast(s)
 May 5 2005, 10:02:42 PM
Can it include me in a starring role even though I suck?
 May 3 2005, 09:28:47 PM
I think that in the theater world the only people who get shown appreciation are the leading people. True, they have worked hard, but not the hardest in most cases.
I am truly appalled at the way some people are treated. For example: Stage Managers, tech crew, Costumer, and the little chorus parts. As you can probably guess I have been shown very little appreciation in these areas of theater. AND NO ONE CARES! Well Stage Managers have a hell of a time. They are in charge of well. . .everyth

re: Xanga
 Apr 18 2005, 09:30:57 PM
Here's mine :

Even though my posts are boring leave a message and make my friends insanely jealous that someone is commenting on mine and not on theirs

re: Most expressive voice?
 Apr 4 2005, 10:00:08 PM
I'd have to say
Julia Murney
Patti Lupone
Whever I listen to their work I just sit there and tear up.

Wicked Tickets
 Mar 22 2005, 03:24:22 PM
Hey I was wondering how much tickets for the Wicked tour in Dallas will cost. Maybe seats about halfway back or something. I would really appreciate a reply as soon as possible.


re: What PLays have you done?
 Mar 18 2005, 09:41:28 PM
A Christmas Carol
I Never Saw Another Butterfly
Les Miserables
The Rememberer
and soon to be
Beauty and the Beast
and also some musical reveiw thinga mabobbers

re: Biggest Role You've Ever Played
 Mar 16 2005, 09:43:31 PM
Well. . .I've never really had a big role. . .but I'm trying.
In a childrens theater I played Signore Volpone (the fox) in Pinocchio. But they wouldn't let me sing it baritione instead of soprano (which I could barely squeak out)
But I was in the chorus of "Les Miserables" Student Version when it was professionally produced at the local civic center and this year their doing beauty and the beast of which I'm also in the chorus and you can totally tell I'm bored because I'm droning on and

re: What part would you be horrible in?
 Mar 16 2005, 09:38:04 PM
Anything that involves too much dancing (I'm working on it though)
Or anything where I would have to sing soprano.
I can sing a pretty good alto though (or baritone for that matter)

re: Best Character Scene/Number
 Mar 13 2005, 10:31:02 PM
"Javert's Suicide" Philip Quast sends shivers up my spine.
"Empty chairs at empty tables" Les Miserables
"All the wasted time" from Parade (I know that's not the right title but I can't remember it right now)
"If I can't lover her" from Beauty & the Beast
arg! I'm having a brain drain. I'll get back to you when my brain returns.

re: Alto songs . . .anyone?
 Mar 5 2005, 09:55:29 PM
Thank ya very much! I absolutely love "Wicked" so I'm surprised I didn't think of that before.
Alto songs . . .anyone?
 Mar 5 2005, 09:41:19 PM
Hey, I am an alto (duh) and whenever I have to audition or sing a song I can never find a really good song that shows off my range. I am a younger teen so nothing too old. My range is a low F to a high D. Hmmm for example I sang "By my Side" from "Godspell" with a friend once and it rocked (so I was told). Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
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