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re: Kristin Chenoweth in RV
 Apr 28 2006, 08:40:14 AM
well then i'm excited! Does that come out May 10th? I think so.
re: something small that made my day...
 Jan 10 2006, 11:02:26 PM
so true
something small that made my day...
 Jan 10 2006, 10:56:18 PM
so i was sitting in the car, in traffic, listening to the radio when Seasons of Love (from the movie soundtrack) comes on! I was so excited! I rolled down the windows and blasted it... maybe you had to be there... anyway it was really awesome to hear it on the radio! very exciting...

anyway that's all! have a good night!

Sho's last performance tonight
 Jan 8 2006, 06:59:37 PM
It was amazing. I didn't know what to expect with all the talk about her throat hurting and stuff but she really did pull it off. Anyway I just wanted to say that Megan's speech at the end almost had me in tears... almost lol. It was so heartfelt and nice. She quoted "for good" and everything, it was so sweet. Oh, and everyone who was leaving had huge entrance applauses! even Michelle! it was really great.

Who else was there tonight?

re: Has any Witch ever dropped her broom...
 Dec 30 2005, 08:39:07 PM
haha! I saw something like that too elphieisperky!
In that same scene Shoshana droped the hat that JLT threw her... and then went on to ALSO drop the broom when Fiyero (I think it was David) threw that (or maybe it was the other way around...w/e) Shoshana could NOT stop laughing... neither could the entire audience.

again this is just about brooms in general... not during DG

re: Taye Diggs on 'Will and Grace' January 5th!
 Dec 28 2005, 01:26:35 PM
yay! thanks for posting that
re: M E G A N H I L T Y O N L I N E
 Dec 24 2005, 08:36:20 PM
the clip of her singing is a GREAT touch if I do say so myself...
i played it quite a few times already!

re: Stephanie D'Abruzzo is leaving Avenue Q tonight!
 Dec 24 2005, 08:33:59 PM
aww sad to see her leave... she was awesome in Ave Q. But it's great that she will be moving on to new projects!
Symphony Space Concert on Feb. 2 (perf. by (Shoshana Bean, Darius de Haas, Rebecca Luker, Emily Skiner, and Rob Fisher)
 Dec 19 2005, 11:16:29 PM
Hey, I searched for this topic but found nothing (really sry if i missed it!)...

Anyway just a heads up--
At Symphony Space on Feb. 2 there is a "Broadway & Beyond" concert:
"This concert explores the versatility of Broadway composers and their ability to cross musical boundaries in various mediums, from theatrical to classical."

In the Symphony Space Pamphlet it says:
"Conductor Rob Fisher stretches Broadway's wings by celebrating the most famous songs and the les

re: Vote for RENT at
 Nov 7 2005, 09:56:01 PM
King Kong... ? oye.
re: What song are you singing/thinking of right now?
 Nov 6 2005, 11:41:45 PM
just saw Avenue Q so pretty much all of it is playing in my head!!
re: Funniest BCEFA Speech Moments?
 Nov 6 2005, 11:34:43 PM
These are all so great!! At Spelling Bee last week Jose Llana was giving the speech and said something like, "BCEFA is a great organization that gives Aids to all people...crap...i mean gives help to all people with AIDS... oh skrew it...just give us money" He turned a few shades of red. I can't remeber all of it but it was priceless!
re: Broadway on Broadway on TV
 Sep 19 2005, 10:40:21 PM
hey... sry to bump this thread up again. Is this going to be on Extra? because that's what's on ch. 4 at 7. Thanks!
 Sep 10 2005, 09:42:18 PM
I literally cought the last three notes of it!! I did a double-take when I turned on the tv. Oh well, I hope the rest was great too...
re: Broadway Bloopers
 Jul 18 2005, 11:19:17 PM
Those are great!! The only ones i've seen have been posted about many many times...

There was one time when David Ayers was swinging in on the Rope in Act 2 of Wicked and i guess he lost his footing as he landed and fell on his face!! But he kept in character and said in a very fiyero-like way, "yes...Im OK...NOW let the green girl go!"
Everyone on stage completely lost it though.

i love when this stuff happens!

re: PBS tonight?
 Jul 10 2005, 04:22:54 PM
lol i know =) i was confused b/c it was posted here...

but i checked the PBS website and it said it wasn't on...

oh well.

PBS tonight?
 Jul 10 2005, 04:09:11 PM
Ok im a bit confused...

Is PBS's "Evening at pops" (I think thats what its called) on tonight (the one with Kristin Chenoweth)? and if so at what time? sry if this is a really dumb q

thanks for any help

re: Bloopers and stuff
 Jun 28 2005, 09:21:54 PM
At Wicked (last Sunday)...

When Fiyero swung in on the rope to say the line about letting the green girl go... he had an unbalanced landing, actually fell over when his feet touched the ground, and yelled "OWW!". But then he got up and im a very Fiyero-like way and said, "I'm OK!! NOW let the the Green girl go". But no one could keep a strait face and they all cracked up for most of the rest of the scene. It didn't help that when Glinda throws Elphaba the hat..Sho missed they we

re: Broadway Ghosts
 Jun 15 2005, 09:35:05 PM
OOOh i wanna see it too!!


no seriously...

re: Funniest song from any Broadway Show?
 Jun 14 2005, 03:33:09 PM
Over the moon!

And popular (but I don't know if its so funny b/c of the actual song or b/c of the way that it's acted etc..)

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