Diana Tony Predictions: Noms and Wins Dec 14
2021, 07:53:01 PM
BroadwayRox3588 said: "Are the constantDianathreads being created just to give people more space to trash the show?
Genuinely asking; not trying to start an argument."
I'm in the minority and i loved the show and the cast, and so i genuinely wanted to see how many tony noms it would be good
Diana Tony Predictions: Noms and Wins Dec 13
2021, 01:37:44 PM
Since most people on this board do not believe Jeanna will not win a tony, what tony's will it win or be nominated for?
I believe costumes and set designs are very likely wins or noms
Is Jeanna De Waal still the favorite to win Tony for best leading actress? Dec 13
2021, 12:42:31 PM
Oh ok, the show may have not been well received by critics, but her individual performance I believe was well praised.
Ok, who is the favorite then?
Is Jeanna De Waal still the favorite to win Tony for best leading actress? Dec 13
2021, 12:08:09 PM
Tix for SIX available tonight Nov 9
2021, 01:19:06 PM
Did you get insurance on the tickets?
You can always sell them on ticketmaster
Spring Awakening Reunion? Nov 2
2021, 03:29:30 PM
If anybody has any extra tickets please let me know
If Open ended shows have to run for a long time to recoup... Sep 21
2021, 02:16:14 PM
Wouldn't logic dictate that limited run shows never make their money back?
Per Kerry and David's IG, Beetlejuice is returning to the Winter Garden! Sep 29
2020, 05:44:17 PM
....to clean out their dressing rooms
Aug 31
2020, 07:05:48 PM
Wasn't there a similar book like this that released?
Broadway Zoom Dance Classes (taught by broadway/west end actors) Jun 22
2020, 08:49:17 PM
I used to find dance classes on social media, but I have taken a break recently, can anybody tell me what websites or performers teach zoom dance classes
Is it time for broadway actors to find a new skill/career path? May 24
2020, 06:58:27 PM
I know this is a very touchy subject, and a lot of people will think i'm just dead wrong. They say broadway will be back in September but I'm thinking it'll be more like 2-3 years before we get back to normal.
Yes i know there will be those who are "mind your own business". But if i was good friends with an actor i would advise them to find new skills or adapt there skills to doing something else. This will be a long road for sure.
Samantha Pauly of Six comments on bootleg of herself May 2
2020, 07:14:31 PM
Regarding the bootleg she says
"Ope, y'all really just out here posting illegal bootlegs huh? At least put my name in the description lol"
Just reminding that what's posted is regularly read by the stars themselves
She also mentioned on IG that she was really hurt by some of the comments that were in the bootleg
Mean Girls canceled May 1
2020, 12:16:04 PM
I realize the show had its haters, but I personally thought it was a fantastic show and was looking forward to seeing it in new orleans.
Unfortunately, it was far from being the only victim of covid
Funniest Scenes in shows Apr 8
2020, 01:19:48 PM
on a lighten note what are the funniest scenes in theatre
Of course this will be minor spoiler
but the Ugandans theatre performance in book of mormon
Anne Boleyn's classic smart line in six
all of Play that goes wrong
The farting song in shrek
others i can't think of right now
Broadway Songs with twist endings Apr 5
2020, 01:30:33 PM
Me and the sky from come from away for sure
end tugs at your heart strings
When will actors begin stage dooring again/backstage tours Apr 3
2020, 03:26:13 PM
Someone in a cast told me they would take me and a friend backstage but when will that happen.
We are still months away from broadway re opening and I can't imagine actors will begin stagedooring or giving backstage tours at that point, it'll probably be months after
Best Broadway Musical Season Mar 30
2020, 05:31:54 PM
2015 with Hamilton with waitress and school of rock
Your Bucket List Mar 30
2020, 09:40:55 AM
Thank God that my elderly parents are still alive
How is everyone doing? Mar 27
2020, 11:35:16 AM
Hello I'm from houston, i'm working from home, i'm lucky enough to still have a job, the stuff on the news is scary, i'm young but my parents had me later in their lives so they are both older, so i am very concerned for them
Which shows will Covid-19 end? Mar 15
2020, 09:42:30 PM
Which shows will not survive this closure?