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How is everyone doing?

Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#1How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 11:16am


I’m in quarantine in a tiny town in the Highlands of Scotland so while we’re following government guidelines everything is a little bit more relaxed here. No confirmed cases in the area. My name is Ryan, I’ve been on the board for a long time but only comment now and then. I’m 28 and work for the railway. I live with my fiancé Tom and my two cats, Joan Clawford and Bette Davis  

How are you doing? What are you doing to keep yourself entertained? 

"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#2How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 11:28am

Hello from Austin, Texas.  At the moment, it's 10:27 a.m. CST.  I'm watching "Call the Midwife" on my television.  In our community, we're under a shelter-in-place order.  

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

#3How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 11:35am

Hello I'm from houston, i'm working from home, i'm lucky enough to still have a job, the stuff on the news is scary, i'm young but my parents had me later in their lives so they are both older, so i am very concerned for them

Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#4How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 11:42am

Patti LuPone FANatic said: "Hello from Austin, Texas. At the moment, it's 10:27 a.m. CST. I'm watching "Call the Midwife" on my television. In our community, we're under a shelter-in-place order."

I love CALL THE MIDWIFE. It used to be the show I watched at night in bed but my partner made me stop because he hated falling asleep to the sounds of women screaming in pain. Haha 

"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

#5How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 11:58am

I love Call the Midwife too,though I miss a lot of the original cast. But it's still one of my favorites. I'm in Atlanta and I go back to work on Mon. I work in a gov't mail room (we're a group of contractors),but almost all of the federal workers are working from home. I'm the only theater/Broadway nerd in our group,so it gets a little lonely. I have to come on this board to communicate with and read comments from other Broadway fans!

 Stay safe,everyone!

Updated On: 3/27/20 at 11:58 AM

LexiGirl Profile Photo
#6How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 12:08pm

Plannietink08 said: "I’m in quarantine in a tiny town in the Highlands of Scotland so while we’re following government guidelines everything is a little bit more relaxed here."

I just visited Scotland for the first time in November! Beautiful country and friendly people. I’m in Atlanta, Georgia. I work from home full-time on a regular basis, so not much has changed for me. The hardest part so far has been not going to see my mom on her 78th birthday. But I have cats and plenty of things to watch and read to keep me entertained. Trying to get better at not watching constant news updates.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#7How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 12:14pm

I'm in Queens so I can take walks (that I haven't been). I'm lucky to be in a house with one roommate, so we're not in each other's way. We're both working from home (she always has) so we switch off spaces in the common areas!

Mostly I'm behind on podcasts due to the lack of a commute. And I'm behind on doing actual chores around the house because of all the theatre-related streaming options that have cropped up!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#8How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 12:18pm

I live in NYC propper and it is a little scary right now.  My neighborhood is fairly calm about it but I haven't left my apartment in 2 weeks as of today.  Some of my friends have been doing Zoom conference readings of plays when we all get too stir-crazy. One of the worst things is the nature of the epidemic almost necessitates that I check in frequently to the news so it really doesn't help the whole "preoccupy yourself" portion of keeping anxiety at bay.  I miss crowds a lot.  Even the Times Square crowds.

Anyway!  I've been playing the Just Dance series to keep active(ish) and staring longingly out my window.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#9How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 12:29pm

My work did a Zoom "happy hour" yesterday afternoon (we often do them Thursdays anyway) and I thought it would be cheesy, but it was a lot of fun. A few awkward silences here and there, but we'll adjust. At the end, everyone who had pets brought out their pets! One coworker has a frog.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#10How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 12:35pm

Well, the first musical I've ever got into, outside of school, just got cancelled. Had a duet. Took me 5 years to get cast into a musical, so I'm clearly in a good mood (:

#11How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 1:35pm

I'm actually wishing I could go back to my job. In the meantime I got Disney+ and I've been watching comfort movies like Toy Story. 

Gorlois Profile Photo
#12How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 1:41pm

I’m 24 years old from a tiny college town in the Appalachians. The parking lot outside my apartment is completely full all day long now because everyone who lives here is either a student or faculty/staff at the university which is now closed for the rest of the year. I work at a children’s museum and we shut down on the 16th— I had been forced to call out before that because I was sick with laryngitis and in exchange for getting my voice back, I’ve been saddled with a nasty cough these past two weeks. I don’t have any of the other symptoms like Covid-19 but it’s still been kind of scary!

I’m fortunate to have my bills paid for April at least and I live with my parents so my housing situation is secure. I’ve been contacting my friends from college and friends I made when I worked in Orlando to make sure they’re doing okay. I’ve been calling my grandparents more frequently, too. I like to cook and this has been an opportunity to try the basics— I made fresh pasta and no knead bread for the first time ever and I was proud with the results. I’ve been watching a lot of old movies, too— Meet Me in St Louis, The Ten Commandments, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes to name a few. I see movies and tv shows about pandemics and sickness trending on Netflix but I crave comfort food instead, and for me that’s glossy, old fashioned epics and musicals.

Today my cough is almost nearly gone so I’m in a better mood. Hoping everyone stays safe and healthy and looking forward to getting to the other side of this debacle. I hope everyone here stays well!

#13How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 1:54pm

I'm in Lebanon,Pa. Still working since I'm a mail handler at the USPS. My 2 days off I spend at home watching tv and sleeping. My routine hasn't changed much.

I believe that the mysterious illness I had back in Nov through Dec was Covid-19. I had most of the symptoms(cough, body aches, fever, loss of taste and smell, shortness of breath and a tight chest because of all the coughing and even pink eye which is a new symptom) and all my tests(strep, flu A,B) were negative.

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)

#14How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 2:32pm

I live in a small city north of Toronto, Ontario.  I've been occupying myself by going for a daily walk, watching movies I haven't seen before (or wanted to see again) such as "A Clockwork Orange", "Anatomy of a Murder", "The Last Picture Show", "Raising Arizona", "True Romance" and many others.  Also, started to watch Ozark on Netflix as well as my regular tv shows.  I've done some reading, online crusing around, chatting with friends via text, and some major cleaning (e.g. all kitchen cupboards, throwing out things I no longer need, etc.)  Fortunately I have a great apartment with a beautiful water view and other weather is getting nicer!  I do a grocery run once a week!  

#15How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 2:40pm

I live in Suffolk County, Long Island--75 miles east of Times Square. As someone who lives alone, this quarantine doesn't present a problem for me. I live near a nature preserve and go there almost every day for fresh air and exercise.

I've been enjoying the Metropolitan Opera's nightly operas and am catching up on my reading.

Although I do my grocery shopping at off hours, I am almost paranoid about being there during this pandemic. As a result, I rush through my shopping and always forget important items.

I have no problems with toilet paper; a friend was working on Pete Buttigieg's campaign and was setting  up a local headquarters for him when Pete dropped out of the race. As many office supplies were already ordered, there was a surplus of some items and I was gifted with a case of Charmin. Thanks, Mayor Pete!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
Updated On: 3/27/20 at 02:40 PM

Alex Kulak2
#16How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 3:24pm

I’m in central Illinois for school, and I’m just tying up some loose ends before I move back to southern Chicagoland in April. The world premiere of my play got cancelled, which sucks, but things aren’t too bad in Illinois, so I’m optimistic that the production of Shrek I’m music directing in July/August should go off without a hitch.

What really sucks is I’m graduating, so no commencement, no end of year parties, no senior showcase, no saying goodbye to all my friends. It’s lonely, but I’m just glad they’re all staying safe.

uncageg Profile Photo
#17How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 3:42pm

Hello From Jersey City. I live in a small, quiet neighborhood there. 

Was bummed that I didn't get to see the 2 shows I had tickets for last week (Flying Over Sunset and The Minutes) but it is what it is. Got refunds.

Have been watching most of Seth Rudetsky's "Stars in the House". Mostly the evening broadcasts. Also catching up on a few Netflix shows. Finished seasons 2 and 3 of ELITE. (If you haven't watched it, check it out. Way too much fun and crazy!)

Always watching our noon press conferences and keeping up with local news. Getting some cleaning done and small projects. Have been wanting to get all of my Playbills organized but haven't had time. Ordered 5.5x8.5 sheet protectors and a few mini binders from Amazon the other day so I can get that project started. Also a board member here posted a cool video on how to cover and hang Playbills. Might be a project to do as I have a large wall I want to hang something on.

13 days inside. Haven't gone crazy yet! Able to take an evening walk is nice and being it is a small town I know everyone at the market so that is my wee bit of social interaction. Missing work and missing the theater but at some point, it will be back and I will be ready! Hang in there everyone, we will get through this.

Just give the world Love.

Broadway Buddy
#18How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 3:51pm

I’m Eli, I’m from a small town in Connecticut. Right outside of NYC. We were the first town in CT to get it. I’m out of school til April 20 but they do keep extending so I could be til the end of the year. I’ve been keeping busy by doing school and some nice walks. We’ve been getting some good weather here lately. We’ve also been doing family fun nights every night. Movies, TV, games etc. Thank you for making this thread. Great to hear some positives from people in this app because I do see a lot of negativity.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#19How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 4:28pm

Plannietink08 said: "I’m in quarantine in a tiny town in the Highlands of Scotland"


From 1966 to 1970, I was a young sailor stationed onboard a U.S. Navy ship (a submarine tender) homebased at Holy Loch, Scotland.  I spent many happy hours in Scotland, especially in the beautiful nearby town of Dunoon along the River Clyde.  Wonderful memories.

And now, here in Southern California, I am preparing to enter a cardiac hospital in a few days to have my heart tinkered with.



Non sibi sed patriae

uncageg Profile Photo
#20How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 4:31pm

Sending you positive vibes Highland Guy.

Just give the world Love.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#21How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 4:38pm

uncageg said: "Sending you positive vibes Highland Guy."


Thanks.  Right back at 'ya (and to everyone just taking one day at a time until we get through this thing).




Non sibi sed patriae

#22How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 4:44pm

I live in Manhattan. Started working from home more than two weeks ago and currently try to keep up with the workload (non-profit finance) and making sure kids are completing their schoolwork. I'm an introvert, so being in home with the family 24/7 is a challenge, although we have enough rooms. I miss theater so much it hurts my heart. I'm very thankful that I saw JLP, WSS, The Minutes, Company and Six this season. My biggest regret is that I switched tickets for Diana and Virginia Woolf. The latter has been cancelled and Diana might have the the same fate. Although I'm trying to be hopeful, I realize that the past way of life, what was considered to be normal, might not come back in a very long time. I've been streaming latest movies and re-watching some of the old favorites. My list of movies and series to watch (and to watch again) is too long. Waiting for the Killing Eve season 3 and thinking of watching Fleabag again while waiting. 

Updated On: 3/27/20 at 04:44 PM

Scarlet Leigh Profile Photo
Scarlet Leigh
#23How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 4:58pm

Hi from Northeastern Pennsylvania. I feel like I have been preparing my WHOLE life for quarantine. I am a massive homebody introvert personality that is totally happy in front of my computer playing games with my coffee. I was MADE for quarantine. 

But yeah I don't GET it because I work in a grocery store.

The last two weeks have not been good for me. I never signed up to be on the front lines of something like this in my low paying job that I only have because I was planning to move south within the next few years and didn't want to take on any kind of long term job that would tie me down here. Just wanted a job that I could give my two weeks to when I was ready to go and be gone. The amount of idiots that feel like they are immune to all this in this area has been sickening. They just come on out to the grocery store thinking that it's okay to just browse around with their whole families. Mom, dad, 3 kids, grandma, and the family dog (actual group that was in the store dog included). It broke me last week with some very bad anxiety attacks over people (and co-workers) that refused to respect my personal space while I was working.

While I am young and healthy and I have always been pretty resistant to illnesses, I'm paranoid about bringing something home with me on myself or my clothing to the rest of my household. I have a 91 year old grandfather in the same household whom I have been distancing myself from since this all started. Staying out of his rooms and the living room. The only semi shared space we have is the kitchen but we are never in it at the same time. I considered going on an unpaid LOA. But new new boss (who took over 3 days before this all started going down, bless her) has worked with me this week. Being that we are down a supervisor in the department, she has basically asked me to take of those responsibilities for the time being. It's not any extra pay BUT it keeps me mostly in the back room and limits my time on the floor and exposure to customers. It's helped a lot. I just got my travel papers today as my area was added to the "Stay at Home" order. Hopeful that it will keep people out of the stores a bit more and perhaps I can go back to my normal tasks. 

Updated On: 3/27/20 at 04:58 PM

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#24How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 5:31pm

This is the best thread ever, it is so loving kind and sharing--thanks for starting it.

The name SweetLips22 is my 2nd time here, started as SweetLips but could not sign in at one stage and lost my Legend status[Oh! Horror] and now working my way back to the top--DIVA here I come!

I live beautiful bayside outside of Brisbane Queensland Australia. Living alone[am a mature male], isolation and social distancing is not causing any problem so far,[ except sexual desire seems to have increased as the availability has decreased--don't do solo]. That part wasn't necessary so skip if offended.

I have a set daily routine, 6am early morning 2ks speed walk, floor exercises and stretching as I watch the news then no more TV or news throughout the day[I enjoy silence], shave shower and make sure I dress smartly for the day-never slob around in trakkie daks.

Have set a list of chores around the house but the main job is to sort through a mountain on PHOTO ALBUMS--I am 4 down out of about 40. Great therapy, people I have forgotten, some I am pleased to forget and others to call.

I also have my Mother collection. She thankfully died last December at a very bright, witty, intelligent 100 plus 9 years and it was my joy to share her last few years and be with her when she passed in her sleep.

My greatest pleasure now is my tropical Balinese garden[jungle] that is thriving in my semi-tropical climate. I have been to Bali over 80 times [same number with Thailand]so I keep bringing back all this crap to either hang in my trees that tinkle VERY loudly in the wind or clutter for my lounge but love the look and the memories that each piece brings with it.

Watch the news again at 6pm while preparing a healthy dinner-I'm a prime candidate for this virus--age/heart disease/cancer?/bronchial pneumonia at Christmas so try to keep my defences prepared---just in case.

Still I drive to discover new walking paths and get a take away coffee, a quick shop for necessities but am using this time to re-discover what is really necessary in my life and who[people] mean more and are special to me.

I have used the words 'clutter and crap' and perhaps we can use this time to 'de' all that and come out the other side with a clearer purpose on how we continue with our life.

My best friend said after I had cancer[now in remission], if he knew how much having cancer would have improved my personality, he wished I had gotten it sooner ! We laughed as only true friends can.

We all have a book inside of us and our own special memories--perhaps now is the time to open the cover, and start reading the story of our life again.

A safe and healthy journey forward to all,


#25How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 5:33pm

I'm Autumn, 28, from NJ (Warren County where there aren't too many cases but haven't left my house in a week). Long time reader, but I don't comment much. I'm lucky to have a job where I can work from home (content writer, marketing). I miss Broadway like crazy. I had tickets to Six, Company, Flying Over Sunset, and Assassins. Plus Elton John's farewell tour and Harry Styles. 

Passing time with Seth's concerts, and playing Animal Crossing and Witcher 3. I wish I could stop refreshing Twitter all the time but I'm compelled to keep reading the latest news even if it makes me anxious and upset (thanks President Cheeto). I'm happy to have Governor Cuomo's press conferences every morning though, wish he was our President.
