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Cate Blanchett in UNCLE VANYA
 Aug 16 2011, 01:57:31 PM
Saw Uncle Vanya 9 August at the Kennedy Center in DC. Enjoyed it. Hugo Weaving and Hayley McElhinney really shone and came thru quite clearly and forcefuly as the Doctor and daughter. The others had trouble breaking thru to register with the audience as characters. Some of the humor works well (Weaver falling thru a window, the drunken party & a pillow fight), but some just falls flat in the serious context it is presented (Blanchette falling thru a door she was leaning on, the tryst before
Cate Blanchett in UNCLE VANYA
 Jul 18 2011, 12:25:29 PM
I'm looking forward this Sydney production at the Kennedy Center too - I'm going 9 Aug. I'm not familiar with the play, (maybe I did see the 'Vanya on 42nd Street' once, and seem to recall I liked it), so it will be a great way to expereince (or re-experience) it! I think it will hit a sweet spot.

Cate Blanchett always shines thru like a beacon. Even in things that don't always work - like films: 'Little Fish', 'Notes on a Scandal', 'I'm Not Here', etc. - she somehow always breaks thr

Kristen Chenoweth Muisc Video
 Jul 13 2011, 03:44:04 PM
Last nite I had the cable channel CMT Pure Country on in the background and a voice caught my ear. It was Kristen Chenoweth with a new COUNTRY music video! You could have knocked me over with a feather. Maybe it's not quite country - but it's on the Country Music Channel (but Adele is sometimes too).

See it at:

Take a look and post your thoughts!

Kristen counquers yet another facet of the entertainment business.... Her talent mangement certainly gets her into virtually any arena: Witness turns on 'Glee' and 'WestWing', Movies like 'Running With Scissors', and Broadway from 'Candide' and 'Wicked' to 'The Apple Tree' and 'Promises, Promises'.

Kristen is very busy ...does she ever sleep?!

Cheers, pwb

Company on screen
 Jun 22 2011, 03:13:52 PM
Thanks Jewishboy. I hadn't known there was a reunion concert of the Donmar 'Company' last year (10 Nov) in London. The BBC broadcast of the 1st run in '96 was very influential for me (and my choice as best cast and 'filmed' production). <...Ah, maybe it's 'the 1st time' that's always the best!> Please share more details on this concert if any tidbits come to mind.

Company on screen
 Jun 21 2011, 02:43:20 PM
I would be interested to hear about who had to audition for their parts in this cast ..and their thoughts. (I suppose who else was considered is kept hush, hush to lessen/prevent Monday morning quarterbacking - so to speak! + limit hard feeling & sour grapes.)

...It's interesting that it's just leaking out recently (50+ years on) that Elvis was offered Tony in 'West Side Story'. So Broadway does know how to keep a secret (for a long while anyway!)


COMPANY Screenings Are Extremely Limited
 Jun 16 2011, 03:47:11 PM
I too was at the Fairfax, VA showing last evening.

This theatre was about 25 to 33% full. The price was $18 at theatres in the DC area. The American Film Institute was giving a $3 discount to members (but the rush hour traffic to get to AFI Silver Spring + parking is legend). The downtown DC Landmark Theatre showing was sold old for last nite already on Monday. So that left Fairfax. The Fairfax show was a disappointment. It being on DVD seemed a big cheat to me - your could see th

The Official Kennedy Center FOLLIES Thread
 Jun 2 2011, 07:47:39 PM
Thanks Morosco & EricMontreal22 for your supurb quote/excerpt about 'Buddy's Eyes' from Sondheim's book + your comments. They hit the spot.

All of those things discussed (I think) come thru in this performance of 'Buddy's Eyes'. ...It's sort of an 'ink blot' isn't it?; each time you experience it, a new glimmer reveals itself (maybe depending upon the individial's POV at that moment + the singer + conductor + musicians + director...) ...That's what makes theatre great & great theatre

The Official Kennedy Center FOLLIES Thread
 Jun 1 2011, 05:56:48 PM
On two hearings in this production, "Buddy's Eyes" just doesn't come off as being ironic (to me). It's unclear if she's: trying to convince herself these things are true, they are (accurate) observations that just slip out, or are said to make Ben jelous/take notice; ...or all the above. That's the puzzle to me. (Puzzles aren't bad; this one's intriguing). It's a great song.

I hear you & agree about 'Will Rodgers Follies', and I'm not familiar with the other Tune show you mention.

Is the LuPone 'HELLO, DOLLY!' off the table or what?
 Jun 1 2011, 05:35:41 PM
Lupone with Tommy Tune directing and choreography would be worth seeing. It certainly would break the the mold with past productions. Bring it to DC to preview - we'll support it!
The Official Kennedy Center FOLLIES Thread
 Jun 1 2011, 05:27:56 PM
Went for a follow-up visit to 'Follies', Friday 27 May (after seeing preview 10 May). ...Wanted to see it from box seats vs. the orchestra. Everyone had improved, esp. Elaine Page seems more comfortable in her role, and Regine is not half bad (she's beginning to register with this audience). Lots of the busy movement and traffic control on stage seems streamlined. The last note Bernadette holds on "Losing My Mind" is a keeper - it makes the whole song work for her. The 'young cast' & choru
Has anyone seen Side by Side by Sondheim at Signature Theater?
 May 25 2011, 02:05:37 PM
I've seen 'Side by Side by Sondheim' at the Signature. It's very good and worth attending. This is the theatre where Eric Schaffer, the Kennedy Center 'Follies' director comes from. The cast & cabaret style program are great. Also many eateries nearby and a great cupcake place adjacent the theater.

Check out the DC area half price TicketPlace online & in downtown DC for advance & day of ticket discounts. ...It's like TKTS in NYC or Leciester Sq.
It's really variable if Signature has seats available at a discount there.


NYC Opera to leave Lincoln Center
 May 25 2011, 01:41:10 PM
Here in Washington - a similar story, but with a happier ending (so far).

For a few years the Kenendy Center Opera house was being remodeled, so the Washingtion National Opera (WNO) was shoe-horned into Constitution Hall as a temporary venue. This was during fat times in the mid 2000's, so they successfully transferred back to the Center after the remodel (all under Placido Domingo's direction), but then faced near financial ruin this season. The Kennedy Center has agreed to take over Washington National Opera (next season) to shore up finances, etc. Domingo leaves after this season for L.A. (In fact he's finishing out this season over the next few weeks singing in 'Iphigénie en Tauride'. It's sold out, so that's good for the bottom line.) There's much uncertainty for WNO's future after Domingo.

Also, in nearby Baltimore, their Opera company at the Lyric went under mid-season in the Winter/Spring of 2010 without a trace. I understand everything has been sold off. But there's hope in smaller/leaner/nimble new companies there like 'The Figaro Project' and others.

There's much uncertainty in DC-Baltimore area Opera. It will take beaucoup creativity to keep Opera companies alive in these times.

The Official Kennedy Center FOLLIES Thread
 May 25 2011, 12:33:33 PM
I see others have already shared some tidbits about attending yesterday's Kennedy Centers 'Theatre Look-In'. Many Thanks.

Here's my 2 cents:
It was one of the Center's best look-in events: ALL the main leads were there: Bernadette (very open & talkative), Jan (a great speaker with thoughtful answers), Danny (super prepared and generous), Ron (thoughtful & effasive) and Elaine (very nimble and a quick wit). It was a Q&A format held in the Terrace Theatre: 1st with the moderator, (the theatre curator from the Smithsonian American History Musuem), asking questions of the panel; then with questions from the audience. The cast was eager to engage and glad to be there (and clearly happy that the show has opened and well recieved).

Check out the Kennedy Center web site under the Education Department's {Explore the Arts}. The moderator noted they were recording this event and they usually post them online (eventually). Check out:

Topics: All had very interesting things to say about how they came to the production and thoughts about the challenge of keeping their in character between their scenes.

I hadn't realized Jan Maxwell wasn't always musical focused in her work (since she performs at such a high level). It's clear she does in depth background research and it really pays-off in her performances. She also offered interesting & thoughtful comments on the economic realities for actors working in live theatre. Her ideas on the thoughts & motivations of her character were wonderful.

Danny Burstein noted he worked on his own ~two months preparing for his character & performance before rehersals started. It shows - he is super prepared for this wonderful performance. Danny was also very complimentary of the other performers.

Ron Raines noted he did this exact part before and he auditioned for this production. He clearly knows this part and is actually great in this session at articulating his character.

Elaine Page is very quick - esp. when (I believe) the moderator confused Joan Crawford and Gloria Swanson in her famous photo standing in a NYC theatre tear-down.

Bernadette offered many insights into her character's motivations that were very empathetic. All these thoughts clearly come thru in her performance. Her ideas on how she approaches songs performed out of a show's context were very insightful (esp. regarding 'Send in the Clowns').

All the performers had interesting insights on how the show works for different age groups and being open & curious about individual responses. All clearly love Sondhiem's work - esp the challenge of performing it well.


What are some good cast recordings?
 May 19 2011, 02:47:01 PM
Here are some suggestions:

My Fair Lady - Julie Andrews in top form
Candide - PBS Great Performances version with Chenowith & LuPone (also DVD)
Les Miz - London & Broadway original cast versions are great
Funny Girl - Stresiand in B'way version with original songs missing from movie 'Coronet Man', 'Music that Makes me Dance'
Jerry's Girls - Uggams & McArdle are esp. great
Dreamgirls - Holliday steals the show
Nine - Orgininal Cast - version of 'Be Italian' is def

The Official Kennedy Center FOLLIES Thread
 May 19 2011, 01:31:57 PM
I saw the show 10 May. Here’s my view: Overall – a great show and a good production. The cast is huge and production values lavish & (mostly) put to good use.

Jan Maxwell is quite good in singing & acting. Her dancing in the 1st half is fine (and actually great in the Mirror number), but she just couldn’t keep up with the choreography in the Jesse number. Granted, it was incredibly difficult – the male chorus was spectacular, but doing all that dancing AND singing the lead, both i

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