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Profile for hearthemsing22

Member Name: hearthemsing22
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Adam Lambert -Cabaret
 Jul 24 2024, 12:55:30 PM

MemorableUserName said: "TaffyDavenport said: "


I would have sworn this is hilariously bad Photoshop (and I guess it still could be...) but based on Instagram photos they really were photographed in the theater.


Can confirm these were done in the theater

Broadways carbon footprint
 Jul 24 2024, 12:54:41 PM is also a great company that recycles materials from Broadway shows and turns them into different products. Jewelry, bags, etc. 

TOMMY To Close on July 21, 2024
 Jul 23 2024, 04:08:50 PM

This cast deserved a cast recording. I'm disappointed that it doesn't seem to be happening 

TOMMY To Close on July 21, 2024
 Jul 23 2024, 03:17:25 PM

someoneinatree2 said: "scripps said: "I was there. It was electric. Des gave a lengthy speech at the end. All the best to this cast, especiallyAli. I cannot wait to see what he does next."

Let's finally bringChessback to Broadway - Ali would sell the hell outta that score

Wasn't there a rumor awhile ago that Chess would come back with Lea Michele?

Pocahontas needs to be a broadway musical!
 Jul 19 2024, 11:14:56 AM

greensgreens said: "We need a lush Tangled with Donna Murphy reprising Gothel. Now that sounds like a good prospect for a Disney screen-to-stage transfer!!!"

I vote Tangled before Pocahontas. 

Pocahontas needs to be a broadway musical!
 Jul 19 2024, 09:57:30 AM

bwayobsessed said: "I agree the score is excellent. I do see a world where a stage musical could be great with the right team. However I don’t see it ever happening. I think you have to accept that it is a fictional love story not historic and audiences wouldn’t do that now"

And people are begging these animated movies to come to the stage and they just have to accept that not every animated film could be successful as a stage adaptation. Why do they &quo

The Muny 2024 Season
 Jul 18 2024, 04:57:13 PM

I'm thrilled The MUNY is doing Waitress. But I'm less excited about Jessica Vosk as Jenna. She riffs a little too much for my taste where songs don't call for it. Runs, riffs-they don't equal great performers. Even though yes- she blew me away as Elphaba. But reign it in 

Pocahontas needs to be a broadway musical!
 Jul 18 2024, 03:24:48 PM

Breaking News: Not all Disney properties need to be turned into stage shows. 

Vacation Dates For Daniel Radcliffe and Jonathan Groff?
 Jul 12 2024, 12:16:54 PM

Dylan Smith4 said: "You do realize the show closed last week right?"

I'm confused as to why someone would still be asking this. How would they have missed the closing when it was all over theater websites??

Frozen Tour
 Jul 11 2024, 02:55:04 PM

Call_me_jorge said: "60'splayoff said: "I don't know... she's leaving the tour just one month before the whole thing wraps up. You'd think she'd hang on till closing unless she has something lined up that would force her to depart so close to the end.

Regardless, brava to her and that impressive reign!

Interesting point... When does Sunset Boulevard start rehearsals? Could she be the Norma alternate?

I ne

Frozen Tour
 Jul 11 2024, 10:32:04 AM

60'splayoff said: "I don't know... she's leaving the tour just one month before the whole thing wraps up. You'd think she'd hang on till closing unless she has something lined up that would force her to depart so close to the end.

Regardless, brava to her and that impressive reign!

I have no idea what project it would be, but I think she is leaving for something else. I think she loves the role and wouldn't leave unless something c

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 7/7/24
 Jul 10 2024, 02:26:44 PM

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "binau said: "I'd much rather the money go to the producers than a scalper."

Keep in mind this isn't just the producers & beancounters. Sondheim, Furth, Tunick, Maria Friedman, and other key artistsare all profit participants, possibly also Radcliffe & Groff.

I wonder if Groff or Radcliffe had a clause in their contract about how they'd receive "x" percentage of the profits of

Welch’s GATSBY to premiere in 2024 ART
 Jul 10 2024, 01:46:38 PM

Jarethan said: "I saw this show last night. Fifth row center orchestra for $94 (although I am a donor, so that may be a factor in the price).

It was really a great production. I don't know where to start, but on reflection, I think the book is the right place. It ISThe Great Gatsby brought to life on stage. The minor changes that were made to me represented an improvement on the book, e.g.,increasing the size of Myrtle's role to make her more sympathetic, not makin

Marisa Tomei, Calista Flockhart, Christian Slater Will Headline Plays in The New Group's 2024–25 Season
 Jul 10 2024, 01:14:21 PM

I can't decide if I'm more excited for the upcoming Broadway season or off-Broadway. Everything looks so exciting! 

City Center’s MATTRESS transferring to Broadway this summer
 Jul 10 2024, 10:45:57 AM

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Broadway Flash said: "Who chooses what goes into the ATG theatres? Is it Jordan Roth? I understand they don’t own the Hudson either, I’m wandering who’s getting the cash"

ATG's North American leadership team determines what goes into ATG theatres. That's Kristin Caskey (EVP, Content & Creative North America) and Nicole Kastrinos (VP, Broadway Programming, formerly a Jujamcyn employee).

 Jul 10 2024, 10:42:20 AM

Broadway Flash said: "That sounds very unlike Scott Rudin to do something like that, but in line withHugh Jackman’s kind and generous personality. And the word is CAST not casted. The word casted does not exist."

Annoys me to no end when people use "casted" 

Shorts in the theater
 Jul 10 2024, 08:21:42 AM

DAME said: "It is that time."

Oh no- are people wearing shorts but not deodorant so it smells funky in the audience??

City Center’s MATTRESS transferring to Broadway this summer
 Jul 8 2024, 05:34:21 PM

inception said: "More likely Harris wasn't interested in something with alonger runanda move to Los Angeles so they had to find someone else.

Edit: I guess I was writing this at the same time as hearthemsing

Great minds! smiley

City Center’s MATTRESS transferring to Broadway this summer
 Jul 8 2024, 05:19:05 PM

Broadway Flash said: "I’ve seen plenty of her work especially from SNL. I understand actors can play different things. Nobody can play evil comedy like Harriet Harris, she was perfect in this role. I’m assuming they tossed her out for Ana Gasteyer?"

We also never know what's going on behind the scenes with casting. Harriet could have declined to come to Broadway. Ana could have been considered for NYCC, declined, then became available for Broadway- so

What’s next for the Nederlander ?
 Jul 8 2024, 01:05:12 PM

Dylan Smith4 said: "Broadway Flash said: "Or newsies. It’s a travesty that it’s not still on broadway !"

Newsies had a great run for two years. It recouped its investment just nine months in. It's been doing very well in school and regional productions. It doesn't need to still be on Broadway. It's had a very successful life in different productions all across the US ever since leaving NYC. You want it back on Broadway? INVEST IN

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