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Member Name: DEHFanatic
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Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
 Sep 5 2024, 02:16:16 PM

FYI there is a totally different trailer that was released on the Universal Brazil channel:

Welch’s GATSBY to premiere in 2024 ART
 Jul 28 2024, 08:44:59 PM

Saw the matinee this afternoon and it was an amazing afternoon of theater!  Phenomenal performances all around.  Loved Ben Levi Ross as Evan in DEH, and he really shines as Nick.  The choreography, set, staging and lighting are superb.  We were handed a pamphlet/program with an insert containing the current musical numbers.  Really wish there was a soundtrack to listen to!

Act 1:

Welcome to the New World

Golden Girl

Most Elaborate/Technically Advanced Scenic Designs
 Apr 21 2023, 07:25:02 PM

Miss Saigon! All the individual panels that ringed the stage and were raised and lowered...all the set pieces that glided in and out...and the Fall of Saigon scene was incredible, with the helicopter being the cherry on top :)

DEAR EVAN HANSEN Sets September 18 Closing Date on Broadway
 Sep 18 2022, 09:42:22 PM

Fosse76 said: "DEHFanatic said: "I was at the final DEH matinee this afternoon and caught Mateo's last performance. My first time seeing him - he was phenomenal!! Here is the curtain call:

Seems odd to me that Garten wouldn't do the final two performances. The Sat. matinee wasn't the "final"'s performance was a matinee.


He was actually in the final 3 performances....both shows yesterday and today's finale.


DEAR EVAN HANSEN Sets September 18 Closing Date on Broadway
 Sep 18 2022, 08:56:55 PM

The show was spectacular and it was an amazing experience to be there to say goodbye to this gem.

Yes the audience was given special hats with todays date and "Waving Goodbye to Broadway".

There was no special program.

Tons of alum were there, as well as the whole creative team.

After curtain speech here:


DEAR EVAN HANSEN Sets September 18 Closing Date on Broadway
 Sep 17 2022, 06:00:43 PM

I was at the final DEH matinee this afternoon and caught Mateo's last performance. My first time seeing him - he was phenomenal!! Here is the curtain call:


DEH Broadway Closing Ticket For Sale
 Aug 19 2022, 08:58:09 PM

I have an extra ticket to the final DEH show on Sunday, 9/18, 3pm. Right Mezz Row C.  DM if interested.

DEAR EVAN HANSEN Sets September 18 Closing Date on Broadway
 Jun 7 2022, 04:23:46 PM

OH NOOOOO.  I've been dreading this day since that abomination of a movie was released. 

Words Fail.

Dear Evan Hansen Closing in London
 May 28 2022, 08:54:43 AM

So sad to hear this.  Taking the pandemic into account, it only ran for about 16 months.

I know many think this show has run its course, but to us superfans it feels like the sad reality of the Broadway end is a little closer now (though grosses seem to be holding their own at the moment).

I feel that the movie is to blame to a large degree.  It was such an abomination.  And for people who saw it, even if they enjoyed it, likely don't feel the need to spend the money to see it in person since they probably feel they have already "seen" it.

Newbie getting tickets for DEH
 Feb 12 2022, 12:49:15 PM

b7700 said: "Thank you everyone that chimed in! I might switch to a weeknight because I can see there are some 2 for 1 tickets available. There is a pair of center mezzanine row F. Is that a decent location for a seat? The floor tickets are off to the side (and more expensive) so I figured center was better even if it was up high? Please correct me if I am wrong on that."

In my opinion you are totally correct in going with center mezz.  For a first viewing this

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 16 2021, 07:15:35 PM

soulmistin said: "pmensky said: "DEHFanatic said: "pmensky said: "This is terrible. Tourists are going to be spooked by this and not want to risk buying tickets and making trips to the city. I read that case are currently up by 70% from last month. Not good."

Count me in as one of those spooked tourists. I was just in the city last weekend for the DEH re-opening and had such a phenomenal time that when I got home I booked another trip f

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 16 2021, 06:53:14 PM

pmensky said: "This is terrible. Tourists are going to be spooked by this and not want to risk buying tickets and making trips to the city. I read that case are currently up by 70% from last month. Not good."

Count me in as one of those spooked tourists.  I was just in the city last weekend for the DEH re-opening and had such a phenomenal time that when I got home I booked another trip for 12/26-28 to see DEH again and JLP.  As soon as the JLP notice went u

DEAR EVAN HANSEN Reopening Night Thread
 Dec 12 2021, 12:15:40 AM

Wow - what a night! Jordan - as was the whole cast - was absolutely phenomenal! He did things vocally with For Forever that I had never heard before. And his acting was of course superb. I'll have specifics tomorrow when I can get my head wrapped around everything. For people wondering about whether they would add one of the new songs from the movie - no that didn't happen. The show is exactly as was pre-pandemic.

Opening speeches were given by producer Stacey Mindich and d

DEAR EVAN HANSEN Reopening Night Thread
 Dec 11 2021, 07:39:02 AM

This week has been a killer, with anticipation building each day, and now the day is finally here I can't believe it!  I know many people enjoyed the movie, and I'm happy for them, but it was overall a disappointment for me and I really need this to help cleanse me of the movie experience.  Can't wait to see Jordan and I'll have a full report :)

DEAR EVAN HANSEN film sets September 2021 release
 Oct 14 2021, 08:19:41 PM

The movie is now streaming on demand starting tomorrow (though apparently on Vudu today):

74th Annual Tony Awards will go digital this fall
 Sep 27 2021, 07:03:49 PM

BwayStarlette said: "Can someone tell me - is the 7-9 pm portion available to stream now on Paramount+, 1 day later? Or has it been taken down?"

As of right now it's still available.

74th Annual Tony Awards will go digital this fall
 Sep 26 2021, 09:15:09 PM

It is available live on Paramount+ just click the menu and "Live TV"/

DEAR EVAN HANSEN film sets September 2021 release
 Sep 25 2021, 10:35:41 AM

Wayman_Wong said: " How did 'Dear Evan Hansen' go so, so wrong? Moviegoers aren't seeing what Broadway audiences saw

Hard to take this seriously when he writes that Evan ends up with Zoe, which is just untrue.  Did he even watch the movie or just read other reviews?

DEAR EVAN HANSEN film sets September 2021 release
 Sep 18 2021, 05:26:20 PM

iluvtheatertrash said: "Just watched. It’s awful. Somehow even more repulsive and cringe-worthy as a film. Platt’s tics have gotten so over the top that it’s offensive.

So glad I’ve seen it for free.

It’s everywhere. Karmic intervention, I suppose.

Just curious:

1.  Since you said "...even more a film" I assume you saw the stage show and didn't care for it - is that cor

DEAR EVAN HANSEN film sets September 2021 release
 Sep 16 2021, 03:06:50 PM

HeyMrMusic said: "In the moment depicted in that poster, why does no one help him? That would have directly set up the song to reflect the lyric. That was one excruciating moment for me."

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Because at that point he still has not been found yet.  In his mind Connor is the one that "found" h

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