THE GREAT GATSBY @ Paper Mill Playhouse Thread Oct 15
2023, 08:15:11 PM
Sutton Ross said: "I'm hearing from my industry friends that this production is a dud and the music is unmemorable
Yes, Im sure your "industry friends" (so, like, plumbers) that a show that JUST started in previews and is almost entirely sold out is a COMPLETE dud, should be canceled immediately, and will never come to Broadway. Totally. Yup. 100%
It’s amazing how you perfectly manage to create the written equivale
Some Like it Hot to Close on December 30 Oct 1
2023, 02:35:12 PM
I think this show needed star-making, must-see leading performances, and it doesn’t seem like, however wonderful their leads are, those performances ever really emerged, even with Ghee winning a Tony.
Why Produce a Bad Play? Mar 31
2023, 10:38:48 AM
Impeach2017 said: "How do you forget you saw a show?"
If somebody regularly sees theater and ends up seeing dozens of shows annually, why wouldn’t they forget some of the more lackluster ones?
2022, 09:22:12 AM
MasterThespian 2 said: "Need to separate the artist from the art."
…do we, though? What is this argument aside from a fairly facile cover for people who want an easy out for liking something created by someone they think is gross? It’s the “I don’t see race” equivalent. People don’t often say “I separate the art from the artist” when it’s an artist they personally like.
I don’t think you ca
2022, 08:39:05 PM
Well, champion of free speech Mamet already banned talkbacks after any production of his plays, so who knows.
Sara Bareilles, Christian Borle, Ashley Park, and Heather Headley to Lead Encores Into The Woods Apr 13
2022, 04:34:12 PM
JSquared2 said: "persephone88 said: "Got tickets back in the fall as the big birthday gift for my daughter, who is a HUGE Christian Borle (and Into the Woods) fan. He was the absolute draw and why she really wanted to see this production, and has been looking forward to it for months.
This was made worse, unfortunately, by an April Fools' prank that I played on my kid - who has tricked me many times on April Fools' Days past. I sent her a text on April 1 saying, "Unfortunate news - Christian Borle dropped from Into the Woods, to be replaced by Reeve Carney. Should I get a refund?" She was like, "Oh my god, what happened? Why did he leave the show? I am so disappointed!" Then - "APRIL FOOLS!" Ha! We both laughed.
Yeah, not so funny now, and I would not have expected this in a million years. Feeling like the bad mom here and hate to have to deliver the news that he's been replaced for real this time. I don't have a problem with NPH, but she was so looking forward to seeing CB. Wah!"
Sounds like you should write a book! SH*TTY PARENTING FOR DUMMIES"
Judging by how you act toward people on here, your parents can write the forward.
A STRANGE LOOP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Apr 13
2022, 01:15:51 PM
They’re fine on time. They don’t need a protracted preview period.
David Mamet on Bill Maher's REAL TIME: 75% of theater audiences are NYC tourists Apr 11
2022, 06:24:34 PM
Well, I have no doubt he would nevertheless gladly accept a Tony should the revival win one.
David Mamet on Bill Maher's REAL TIME: 75% of theater audiences are NYC tourists Apr 11
2022, 09:54:36 AM
The only challenge Mamet offers these days is to your patience.
And it’s rich for him to complain. In the 14 years I’ve been in NYC, there’s been 10 Broadway productions of his work. And if he weren’t David Mamet, his terrible newer works wouldn’t be getting produced at all.
McDonagh’s HANGMEN will return to Broadway Apr 8
2022, 09:00:46 PM
That was a fragment I meant to delete before posting.
…play’s still weak.
McDonagh’s HANGMEN will return to Broadway Apr 8
2022, 08:29:14 PM
I was at the dress rehearsal this afternoon. I won’t comment on pacing or performances in light of that. And my issues are mostly confined to the text of the play itself.
This is not McDonagh’s best. In fact, it feels like a rehash of the plays that made him famous, all jammed together and then defanged. It’s McDonagh-by-numbers. The play’s big twists and plot tropes all can be found in other plays he’s written- better plays. The Irish se
Company reviews Apr 2
2022, 10:48:59 AM
Wow, I’m glad I caught the show last night when Simard was in! She’s still terrifically funny, somehow turning every line into a laugh.
Nikki is a fabulous Bobbie. I’m part of the pro-Lenk set, but Nikki’s take is very different- far more warm and effusive, rather than Lenk’s introspective and cool. And her voice is simply beautiful- “Being Alive” received a standing ovation.
The swings and understudie
K-POP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Mar 22
2022, 01:50:59 PM
RippedMan said: "A Korean In The Heights? Color me confused."
It states it was a Korean production. This sort of casting is common in productions in Asia, where there is less “diversity” as Westerners would define it.
Encores’ THE LIFE - Performances & Reviews Mar 17
2022, 01:09:08 PM
I’m fine with Encores doing “recent” shows- hell, flops from the 90s and 00s are now 20-30 years old. Chicago was done at Encores about twenty years after it debuted.
Encores’ THE LIFE - Performances & Reviews Mar 17
2022, 10:18:29 AM
I do agree that thus far, her tenure has gotten off to a rocky start. But there’s time to course correct.
Encores’ THE LIFE - Performances & Reviews Mar 17
2022, 09:59:34 AM
Lear deBessonet is an accomplished director who led the Public’s very successful Public Works program and directed many acclaimed productions off-Broadway, so I’m not sure how she would count as someone hired solely for her “identity.”
Encores’ THE LIFE - Performances & Reviews Mar 17
2022, 09:46:50 AM
Borstalboy said: "Is it time to hire people based on their accomplishments and know-how opposed to their identity yet?"
If you’re referring to Alexandra Grey, she’s great. She sounds great, she acts well. The fact this Life flops has nothing to do with a trans actress, and everything to do with Billy Porter being a poor director and writer.
Encores’ THE LIFE - Performances & Reviews Mar 16
2022, 10:40:38 PM
Got out at around 10:20 from a 7:30 curtain. The length of the show is very much palpable.
i have no familiarity with The Life aside from the cast album and legendary Tonys production, but it’s plain to anybody that what’s onstage is not The Life. Porter’s heavy-handed, preachy rewrites are so incongruous with the show, they stick out like a bad hairpiece. The ending is sanctimonious and wildly out of place. The splitting of Jojo into a modern-day pers
Colored Girls Feb 22
2022, 10:47:55 AM
The production at the Public was stunning and easily one of the best productions of that season. It was received very strong reviews and the Lortel for Best Revival. Gardiner’s direction was wonderful and made the piece feel as vital as the day it was written, and her other concepts and ideas pushed the production forward. Ditching her is a strange move not rooted in any actual failings on her part as a director.
THE MUSIC MAN Reviews Feb 14
2022, 10:24:37 AM
Regardless of whether one thinks Preston should be widely known today or not, I think a surefire way to dissuade people from actually learning about musical theater history is acting like a condescending snob whenever someone displays ignorance of it.