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Member Name: Ulla-la
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re: Angels in America...
 Aug 21 2005, 03:44:22 AM
I can't tell you how much this play means to me, I have to say it really did change my life. I read it quite a while ago and finally got the DVD's this year. The play is also forming part of my dissertation project which looks at the way the US has represented AIDS in theatre and film.

The performances are outstanding in the HBO version, Wilson I felt was worthy of the praise he got but mention should also be made to Jeffery Wright (the only memeber of the orginal cast in the filmed ve

re: New 'PRODUCERS' Pic: Broderick, Ferrell, and Lane
 Aug 17 2005, 05:43:58 AM
First thanks for those pics Ferrell (sp?) looks good as does Uma (though I'm not quite convinced yet...)

I agree bjivie, I have a lot of respect for Nicole for passing on the role because she knew she wouldn't be able to do it properly, many other people would have taken it regardless. I'd have liked to see Nicole do it but it wasn't to be. Renee well enought said... of course I'd love to have seen Cady Hoffman get a shot at big-screen Ulla but of course, big movies need big stars... we

re: Amy Spanger on six feet under
 Aug 15 2005, 08:03:44 AM
Amy Spanger is probably best known for her role as Susan in Tick.. tick Boom! or for the 1999 revival of Kiss me Kate.

She is married to six feet under star Michael C Hall (Who plays David.

I dont know how to post pictures here but Yahoo movies has a few if you want to see what she looks like :)

re: Amy Spanger on six feet under
 Aug 15 2005, 05:23:27 AM
I'd always hoped we'd see her on there one day :) and with only one more episode to go it was starting to look unlikely!

ps as an aside was anyone else VERY surprised/sad about reccent events in that show?!

re: When Will They FINALLY Win Their Tony??
 Aug 12 2005, 02:34:08 PM
It's been said a LOT but Hunter Foster definitly, and John T and Raul all of whom whom sadly were up against Hugh Jackman in 2004 so didn't have much of a chance

Oh and also Stephanie J Block and not in the too distant future I'd bet :)

re: How did you become a RentHEAD?
 Aug 12 2005, 02:27:02 PM
I agree Liotte, I was thinking something similar when Rosario said in the Bryant park interview she couldn't believe it hadn't been in her life since the start- I just hope it's around long enough (on stage) for a lot more people to think that too.

And Patronus wow! what an amazing story, yes it was an amazing leap of faith but nothing ventured nothing gained right? I'm so glad RENT brought you so much happiness

re: How did you become a RentHEAD?
 Aug 12 2005, 11:29:36 AM
I discovered RENT by accident a short time ago (relative to some people here) but it came to mean a lot to me very fast. I picked up the CD as an attempt to cheer myself up when i first moved to Montreal last year I didn't know anyone in a new city and cast recordings are my guilty pleasure for cheering myself up

Anyway it was an eventful and traumatic year and RENT became my soundtrack-from being alone in a new city, through the death of my father

re: Kushner's 'Brundibar/Comedy on the Bridge' Headed For Broadway Via Berkeley and Yale
 Aug 11 2005, 11:42:30 AM
I second that 'yay' but also wish I could see it, alas the curse of living the other side of the atlantic
re: bway names.... for my kitten!
 Aug 11 2005, 10:00:59 AM
Just not 'little Sheba' (slightly obscure Angels in America refrence there)

I like Bialystock or Bloom (you could call Bllluuum in Ulla voice )

I also like Ramades, just please nothing from CATS!!

re: anyone seeing odd couple?!?!?!
 Aug 11 2005, 09:56:29 AM
yup! December 24th. I actually booked tickets before booking a flight to New York ... could say I'm a bit of a matthew fan :)
re: I saw Guys & Dolls, Death of a Salesman., & The Producers last week
 Aug 10 2005, 05:27:36 AM
thanks for the reviews, I'm seeing both Guys and Dolls and The Producers in a couple of weeks. I'm anxious to see if the Producers has transfered well being a HUGE fan. I was excited when Ewan was announced for Guys... now i'm not so sure but glad to hear the rest of the cast is good!
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