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Profile for broadwayboy430

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Member Name: broadwayboy430
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Gender: Male
Profile: Hey everybody! My name is Alexander, and I live Broadway, pretty much. I have worked professionally in the city, but currently live in Colorado Springs. I plan on moving back in two years... totally stoked to be here, so la vie boeheme!

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nine revival recording question...
 Nov 26 2007, 07:56:37 PM
I downloaded the Nine revival recording onto my iTunes which automatically fills in the song/artist etc because it is encoded on the cd, you all know this...anyway under artist, sometimes it will say the character names like guido and claudia, and sometimes it will say the actors, like chita rivera and jane krakowski, it differs with the song
anybody know why?

re: this should answer some questions-yes this is strike related
 Nov 15 2007, 02:54:15 AM
my b
this should answer some questions-yes this is strike related
 Nov 15 2007, 02:44:52 AM
soo informative

re: Choreography that left you speechless.
 Nov 14 2007, 02:16:10 AM
so i know ill sound slightly jerky but...
ESPLANADE by Paul Taylor
two of my favorites...and hey, they're on stage :)

Pirate Queen Word of Mouth Review
 Apr 28 2007, 07:05:13 PM
Nothing we haven't read before...but you can definately tell the difference between an tactful theater critic and somebody who tries to sound


re: well this is exciting.
 Apr 22 2007, 12:54:24 AM

Do you have any specific info, because that would be a cool experience. I imagine that audition would be packed, as opposed to the first round of obscure auditions for what was then an obscure little show.

re: well this is exciting.
 Apr 21 2007, 06:31:04 PM
I am at my friend's house right now, and she's a big Bare fan. Her little sister is a total Wicked fan girl, and my friend and I were listening to All Grown Up and talking about how cool a revival would be. Her little sister was in the room with us and said, and I quote, "Yeah the girl on the SOUNDTRACK was good, but, oh my God, IDINA MENZEL would be BETTER." I was bamboozled, and my friend said, "Jessica, please leave the room."

It's sad, really.

re: well this is exciting.
 Apr 21 2007, 05:48:18 PM
Amen to that!
Hopefully it will have a trip back to NY. Probably off-Broadway though, or maybe a smaller Broadway house.

I would feel bad for the first off-Broadway cast though (Hill, Arden, Johnson etc...) because they did so well with it and were shut down so quickly. When the time comes to remount it (which hopefully it will) they will be out of the range to do the show. Even John Hill was looking slightly slightly mature for high school, he pulled it off well. Maybe not so much

re: well this is exciting.
 Apr 21 2007, 05:31:23 PM
That's cool bg2!

What type of people would do this show do you think?
Clearly not most high schools (although Interlochen, Idylwild, and LaGuardia may attempt it). I think that many colleges would jump at the chance. Probably not the run-of-the-mill community theater.


well this is exciting.
 Apr 21 2007, 04:16:59 PM
I found this here:
It's actually pretty credible because the person who runs it is in contact with Damon Intrabartolo.

"I'm sure you will all be quite excited that I have learned that the rights to Bare will soon be available! Meaning, the show can and will be put on by theater groups, possibly even professionally. For more information, when it is available, check this site:

The site doesn't list any licensing information right now, but keep checking back.

Thank you to Josh and others that have reminded me to post this!

Damon Intrabartolo has also said that the album for Bare will be put out."

Hopefully this works, it would be great if so!
I wonder what type of theater group would tackle this?

re: Bob Fosse
 Apr 13 2007, 03:57:50 PM
Fosse outed me...sort of!

My family and I went to Las Vegas and I begged them to take me to the PussyCatDoll Lounge to see the Fosse inspired burlesque choreography, not the women.


re: What's next for Michael Arden?
 Apr 8 2007, 09:38:04 PM
Ahh I see I see, insensitive me, I apologize.
That's my nosy jewish mother manifested in me:)

re: What's next for Michael Arden?
 Apr 8 2007, 09:24:47 PM
This matters why?
But if it does...

re: What's next for Michael Arden?
 Apr 8 2007, 09:12:30 PM
Seriously just out of curiosity...
Is Michael gay? I read an interview back when he was in Bare about how important it is to accept the your own joy. So considering that he played a gay Catholic school boy, a promiscuous boy in love with a shark, and is writing Easter Rising, I would find it slightly ironic if he was closeted.

re: Bare: A Pop Opera
 Mar 15 2007, 03:25:03 PM
Thanks Wanna Be A Foster! I've never really heard a coherent story as to what happened, so comming from a relibale source, I'm gald I finally know!

We get Broadway shows that are restaging of pop tunes and run by HUGE theater conglomerates, yet an original and touching work is ignored by the people who could make it happen. Gotta give credit to the fanbase, because Bare seems to have disappeared completely, and they have kept the hope and bootlegs alive!

Like TheActr97J said, I

re: Bare: A Pop Opera
 Mar 15 2007, 11:01:38 AM
I miss Bare!
At least it had a run Off-Broadway, I would have hated to have seen it die in Los Angeles or Workshops.

It's unfortunate because it was so original and so touching. I've never left a theater with my heart actually hurting as I did after Bare; what an honest piece of theater.

Does anybody think (even though it lacks commerical appeal) if Bare would have stuck it out a bit it would have been successful and still alive?


Bare: A Pop Opera
 Mar 15 2007, 12:28:12 AM
It just came into my mind again as I played the demo.
Does it have a future?

In the Heights: A New Musical
 Feb 19 2007, 02:29:47 PM
Has anybody seen it? From the video preview, it looks pretty fun.
 Jul 9 2006, 12:19:57 AM
I am doing a monologue for an audition class, and chose one from A. A. Milne's THE LUCKY ONE. It is when Bob is speaking to Gerald about how he felt shadowed by him all of his life. I found it off of a fantastic resource

This monologue really "spoke" to me, hence my choosing it. I can understand from context clues and another monologue that I found from the same show that at this period in the show, there is obviously some strife between the brothers, but that

re: Les Miz- School Edition
 Jun 8 2006, 07:51:21 PM
My community theatre did the "non" school edition legally. I promise you. We have the legal DVD, posters, programs, [now shreaded] libretto copys and other to prove it.

Maybe there was an exception or extra money, but we did do it.

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