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Profile for Cape Twirl of Doom

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Member Name: Cape Twirl of Doom
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STRANGER THINGS to transfer to Broadway's Marquis Theatre in spring 2025
 Feb 7 2025, 11:08:53 AM
By the time I got in I was around 80th in line (so 15+ line jumpers) and got my ticket at 10:50. Only days are Tues, Wed, Thurs and I think just in April and May, only very rear orchestra. Got center for W for mid-May.

And got the hat and button which are nice.

STRANGER THINGS to transfer to Broadway's Marquis Theatre in spring 2025
 Feb 7 2025, 08:34:26 AM
Just got here and I am 65th in line.
Peter Dinklage, Lupita Nypng'o, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Sandra Oh to star in Shakespeare in the Park's TWELFTH NIGHT
 Feb 1 2025, 02:41:11 AM
MasterThespian 2 said: "Thanks. Think I’ll pass on this. Can’t shake the fear of trying to focus on the performance and beingsurrounded by endless, annoyingconversations and a sea of iPhones. Doubt this will be a respectful, quiet theatre audience. "


I’ve never experienced anything like that at Shakespeare in the Park. Tbh audience there have been better than many Broadway shows I’ve seen. Maybe being outdoors makes it harder to hear au

REDWOOD Previews
 Jan 29 2025, 11:35:14 PM
Saw this tonight, have not read a thing about it so I don’t know what the feedback on it is, but I hated it. Maybe the worst thing I’ve ever had to sit through. If I wasn’t sitting in the middle of a row I would have left early. They claim it’s 1:45 but it was over 2 hours. Just pointless garbage with lyrics I could barely even understand. Idina Menzel drives to CA and climbs a tree. There, that’s the plot. There are no stakes. Oh no! Will she be allowed up on the platform or not!? The character
Kit Connor’s Car Chased By Fan From R&J Stage Door
 Jan 3 2025, 05:32:59 PM
inception said: "I wish I could find the photo of Elizabeth Taylor stuck in a crowd of people outside when Richard Burton was in Hamlet on Broadway.

Kit Connor is pretty much in the same stratosphere as they were back then. Maybe even comparable to the Beatles.”

lol no.

'Swept Away’ to Close on Broadway December 15
 Dec 5 2024, 10:52:31 PM
Well dammit I had a ticket for Dec 17. Guess now I have to try lottery or rush each day.
Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread
 Nov 23 2024, 10:06:23 PM
TheQuibbler said: "I’m wondering if the color saturation complaints are actually an issue with the projection at many folks’s theaters. I thought the colors popped really nicely, specifically Elphaba’s green skin and all of the various pinks. The visuals weren’t nearly as muddy as, say, theBeauty and the Beastlive action remake."

Same. I saw the early screening in Dolby and the colors were really bright and saturated! Nothing looked dull to me at

 Nov 6 2024, 10:25:31 AM

ACL2006 said: "Cape Twirl of Doom said: "90% capacity and only $319,000!? Jeez the entire audience must be comps."

Capacity is listed at64.24% for this week's grosses.


OK that makes more sense, though it's still a terrible amount. (I was responding to a post that said 90%, which has since been edited btw.)

 Nov 5 2024, 07:44:52 PM
90% capacity and only $319,000!? Jeez the entire audience must be comps.
 Nov 3 2024, 04:59:48 PM
quizking101 said: "It looks like today’s outdoor portion was aborted due to a pair of emergencies on 44th St.

They set it up, but Tom never came out and they packed it up. Did anyone go to the show and see what the alternate plan was?

I happened to be at Hills of California when they did the Sunset walk at 4:55. They must have held intermission for a really long time because of the medical emergency in Shubert Alley. Tom just came out the doors an

Scherzinger in SUNSET BLVD. Previews
 Oct 20 2024, 01:34:18 PM
JasonC3 said: "TotallyEffed said: "I forgot to add that the theatre was extremely warm (I was sweating for most of the show)."

I've seen several comments to this effect. Because once my body heats up it doesn't cool down for a long time, I contacted SeatGeek, explained I had seen several posts about the theater being very warm, and asked to refund my ticket.
Given the performance I am to attend is heavily sold, I fig

 Oct 20 2024, 10:36:59 AM
It’s live each show.
Scherzinger in SUNSET BLVD. Previews
 Oct 4 2024, 12:48:07 AM
theatretenor2 said: "Does the stage left audience around the middle of Row J miss anything? Those prices seem very reasonable right now and I'm tempted to grab them for an upcoming business trip."

I sat in J8 and had a perfect full view, didn’t miss a thing.

Scherzinger in SUNSET BLVD. Previews
 Oct 3 2024, 11:13:37 AM
Lot666 said: "WldKingdomHM said: "Don’t know why it’s 90 degrees in here (usher said it’s the directors choice)"
Are you being facetious, or is this true? Is the house routinely kept at 90 degrees?

I was so glad it was actually at a comfortable temperature and not freezing like so many theaters! I always bring a sweatshirt but didn’t need it, I was fine in short sleeves.

Scherzinger in SUNSET BLVD. Previews
 Oct 2 2024, 11:19:06 PM
I have no idea how to add spoilers on the mobile site so spoiler warning.

I just got back from tonight’s performance and I adored all of it! I don’t care if so much of it doesn’t make literal sense, it all worked for me. The cameras, the close-ups, the outdoors scene, the color palette.
I hadn’t consciously realized everything was in black and white until the moment at the end when the audience is practically kicked in the face with a stage full of bright RED! Such a cool

Scherzinger in SUNSET BLVD. Previews
 Oct 2 2024, 10:58:55 PM
No they don’t change any of that, Max still says he met Norma when she was 16 and he directed all her early films.

I just figured the character was older. I never even thought of him being the same age as her, despite the actor’s real age.

BCEFA flea market 2024 collectors unite
 Sep 22 2024, 10:41:47 PM
chrishuyen said: "Marianne2 said: "I think they say 7 because of the live auction. Everything else has shut down, but that starts at 5, I believe."

The live auction was definitely done by 6pm as well.

No it wasn’t. The live auction went until around 7pm.

For the first time ever the auction raised over $500,000!

Jason Robert Brown, Taylor Mac, Rob Ashford collaborating on MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL musical adaptation
 Jun 27 2024, 07:44:30 PM
RippedMan said: "See, Pasquale might have made this work, actually. Because Tom Hewitt - one I don't think his voice suits the score, two he's older so the dynamic between him and the younger "eye candy" is confusing. Is it like love? Is it a power thing? Where as I think with Pasquale it might have been less of an issue? I'm not sure how it's handled in the book/movie.


Well, Jim Williams was much older than Danny in real life, and I think muc

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jun 25 2024, 09:54:44 PM
TaffyDavenport said: "This show is the sh*t. Without exaggeration, one of the best things I’ve ever seen on a stage. In my opinion, best cheaperseats are at the ends of the lower balcony. I was in P 242, which is actually marked partial view now because it’s next to the DJ table, but I wouldn’t want to sit anywhere else, because you can see the entire runway coming towards you, as well as the judges’ table from the front.


Thanks for this! I just got P242 for one of the extension dates. Too bad the discount is no longer active, but I didn’t want to wait for a new one and have the cheaper seats disappear.

City Centers 24-25: Ragtime, Urinetown, LaChiusa's Wild Party, Love Life
 May 25 2024, 09:44:40 AM
CoffeeBreak said: "gibsons2 said: "Ptero2 said: "seussical93 said: "Anyone know if there is an Access City Center Club code for Ragtime? I’m a member and haven’t gotten an email about it yet. Do they usually have Access tickets available for the opener of the season? Thanks all!"

Don't know if it'll work immediately but theACC2425 code appears to be active.

What is this code for? Any age restrictions?

YES. It'

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