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On-line Ticket Sites --Any Suggestions?
 Mar 20 2007, 01:00:15 PM
Hello. I want to take my family to a showing of Wicked while it is still here in Dallas, Tx. Sadly Ticket Master is all sold out (no surprise). I have found a multitude of Wicked Tickets on diffrent sites around the net but i am not sure how much i trust -or should trust- most of them. I really want to go watch and i know my family would enjoy it and obviously there are still seats avaiable. But still, i want to be safe. Can some one recomend a site that they have used or no for a fact to be rel
I Need Serious Monolouge Advice
 Sep 17 2006, 02:59:44 PM
I really need some help! I decided to come here first because the people on this board are so brilliant! Anyway, i need to know if there is a site that I could get a monolouge off of. I have an audition in two days and i haven't chosen anything yet! I just cant find one i connect with. Or if anyone knows of a monolouge that would work for a 15 year old girl i would gladly take those into consideration. Thanks so much!
re: I Need A Song Idea
 Sep 2 2006, 03:42:42 PM
Thanks so much for all the great ideas! I was all ready to sing 16 going on 17 but at the time of the party i'll already have been 15 for a week. Thanks so much and if anyone thinks of anything else, let me know!
I Need A Song Idea
 Aug 31 2006, 11:19:10 PM
Hey All. I was wondering if any one had any advice for me. I am having a Quinceanera (which is a hispanic sweet sixteen except that you have it when you turn 15) and i want to sing a song from a b'way show except i cant think of one! The whole point of quinceanera is to show that you are growing up, excepting more responsiblities (sp?) and ultimatly (sp?) becoming an adult. Does any one have any ideas for me that keep with that theme? Thanks so much for any advice!
B'way Posters
 Jul 5 2006, 05:05:06 PM
Hi there! I was wondering if some one could help me out. I will be throwing a party and I am wanting to hang up posters from diffrent shows every where. Is there a place where i could get posters for not too much money (as i will be buying a lot)? Or is there a place where i could buy a bunch in bulk? Thank you very much!
re: Going to NY just a few seating/show questions! Any advice would be grea
 Jun 9 2006, 03:20:52 PM
I forgot to ass before, I am thinking about taking the Behind the Emerald Curtain tour but I'm not sure. If any one who has taken it could please tell me what they thgouth about it that would be awesome! Thank you!
re: Going to NY just a few seating/show questions! Any advice would be grea
 Jun 8 2006, 11:31:35 PM
Thanks for all the advice! But I am still wondering where would be the best place to get seats at Wicked. My mom is thinking maybe somewhere in the mezzanie (sp?)but I really want to have an aweomse view of the stage! Could I get some more help in that?
re: Going to NY just a few seating/show questions! Any advice would be grea
 Jun 8 2006, 10:51:45 PM
Awesome thanks for the advice so far! I am interested about what every one is saying about Drowsey and Sweeny. Would they be good for my little brother to see? And I am concerned about seats for Wicked. Is there a site were I could get some good seats would you suggest the limited view ones? And I think I may have heard about a place in NY were you can get same day tickets for cheap. I cant remember the name, does such a place even exsist (sp?)?

Going to NY just a few seating/show questions! Any advice would be great!
 Jun 8 2006, 10:08:16 PM
Hey all! For my birthday I will be going to NY (my first trip ever! either in during thanksgiving or christmas)and I just wanted to get some advice from people who enjoy theatre as much as I do! I just have a couple of questions!

1. I really want to see Wicked (now before everyone starts in on me for seeing Wicked, just let me say I just really enjoy the show and I heard Kate Reinders was awesome so I want to pay the Gershwin a visit! So could I please get a serious answer?) so could an

Disney's High School Musical the BROADWAY Musical?
 Jun 2 2006, 06:11:21 PM
Is this true? ALL my friends are flippin in love with the movie. I read that it's going to be made into a B'way musical. Just wonderin' what ppl thought about the movie. I have refused to see it (just to spite my friends) but if it's going to be a forreal musical then it must have some worth right?
Defying Gravity Question!
 May 30 2006, 01:36:39 PM
I have always wondered how high does Elphaba go when she defys gravity?
re: Wicked - please no more teenage attempts at this
 May 21 2006, 01:27:28 PM
Hi there! You know, I will agree it wasnt the best I have heard. At all. But lets cut em some slack. They are just kids. You know, they are probably just trying to get a fine arts credit! We dont know the cercumstances here. And I think that untill everyone has gotten up and sang that song (which I have done, all by myself infront of 300 people and some of the rudest kids I've ever met. It was for the talent show @ my school. I got third place) that we shouldn't all be so brutally honest. They a
Wicked Actress at dif. times
 May 21 2006, 01:04:21 PM
Hi! I am contemplating going to NY to see Wicked in the fall. I am a huge Eden Fan! I was wondering if she did shows in the afternoon too, or just the evening shows. So any info anyone could give me would be great! And I was also wondering if we know who is going to be taking Megan's place? Thanks for any info anyone gives me!
I have question
 Apr 26 2006, 08:59:47 PM
This is just something I've always wondered. How much do ppl on B'way get paid. I've just always thought it might be interesting to know. Thanks!
re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
 Nov 25 2005, 05:48:37 PM
Sorry if I offended anyone. The whole point of this thread was to give hope to the fact that it wasn't true and that she just is tired from preforming. I didn't mean to say it could be true, I think Kendra's great. Sorry again. I realize she's a person, I know she has a hard job, she must be tired all the time. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I'm just a kid (thats right you people cused out a kid) who likes broadway and wanted to say how some people thought Kendra was. Sorry. I don't think I'll co
re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
 Nov 25 2005, 05:40:05 PM
Yeah I know, you never can really be sure about this kind of stuff. But the person who told me all this was some one who met and talked to her a few times. I don't really know if is she's rude like he said, but, you know, I've just been wondering if it was true or not. Thats all
re: favorite broadway memory
 Nov 25 2005, 05:35:29 PM
Climbing under some bushes (in a skirt, heels, and stockings) and talking to Stephanie J. block about becoming an actor. And at the end of Wicked. I couldn't stop sobbing for anything.
Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
 Nov 25 2005, 05:26:29 PM
Thats what I've herd at least. When Wicked came to my town an old high school friends of Boq's (I forget his name) was at the Stage door. One of my friends mentioned she really wanted to get Kendra's autograph because she really loved her in the show. Justin-Boq's friend- said she'd might as well forget about it b/c he had met Kendra before and she acted like a snob. He said she rarely came out to sign autographs and when she does she just signs a few and says she has to go take care of her dog
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