Did Mar 22
2019, 09:55:54 AM
As someone born and raised in Fresno: he’s not wrong. Downtown is mostly a dump. There’s nothing to do. The best thing about Fresno is it’s close to Yosemite. And those people quoted in the article know this if they’re being honest with themselves
Shipping Window Cards? Feb 24
2019, 03:44:16 PM
I cleaned out my windowcards a few years ago and just bought cardboard boxes from Home Depot - cheap, perfect size, easy to get. Just tape up the openings. None of my buyers complained about the condition when they got them so it seems to work!
Hello, Dolly! Tour reviews. Feb 24
2019, 12:22:59 AM
Saw today's matinee and it was charming, delightful, and wonderful. Just a fantastic show and production. I still feel so happy and light 4 hours after walking out of the theatre. I saw it once in NYC with Bette and think I enjoyed the show more today than I did on broadway (maybe I was just better rested and had a better seats today). Went with a friend who had no knowledge of the show and she loved it.
Todaytix: ended up with row T aisle seats towards the cen
Tickets up for Grabs - Shakespeare Center of LA HENRY IV Apr 23
2018, 05:33:17 PM
Where did they post his performance dates? I didn’t see anything before I bought my tickets for the June 23. Will Hanks be in on that night?
How to stream the Tonys on the West Coast? Jun 11
2017, 05:35:33 PM
Thanks theater_tech!! Your instructions and subsequent clarifications worked for me! Excited to watch the tonys live for once
HELLO, DOLLY! Reviews Apr 20
2017, 10:07:06 PM
Congrats to all involved in the show for the raves!! I'm even more excited to see it in September. And after tonight's reviews and following everyone's comments in the preview thread, I'm thinking hard about buying a second ticket for my September trip
Amelie at the Ahmanson Dec 4
2016, 03:40:10 PM
I'm seeing it in 2 weeks! Can't wait to see some reviews and comments, hope it's a great show!
West Side Story at the Hollywood Bowl Jul 15
2016, 05:15:39 PM
It was great! I'm no reviewer so I'll be short and sweet. Solea Pfeiffer, Jeremy jordan, and Karen Olivo were all fantastic. I really really enjoyed all 3. It's crazy to think that this was Solea's first gig right after graduating from college--she was a beautiful maria. It was a condensed concert version of the stage show, not the movie, which I pretty much expected. The book scenes were shortened (if not completely removed), pretty much there to set up the song and then they
West Side Story at the Hollywood Bowl Jul 13
2016, 02:14:54 PM
just got mine!
West Side Story at the Hollywood Bowl Jul 13
2016, 01:52:56 PM
I'll let you know lovebwy.
Ohhhh, I am interested in that screening! And only $5?? And it's open to the public, yes?
West Side Story at the Hollywood Bowl Jul 13
2016, 11:54:36 AM
I'll be there tomorrow!
She Loves Me streaming Jun 30
2016, 10:39:19 PM
This was a fantastic stream for a fantastic show. The show looked as gorgeous on my laptop screen as it did when I saw it in April. Excellent job to everyone involved!!
Hamilton Cancellation Line Jun 29
2016, 05:59:15 PM
"She turned around to us. "Wait, what's the name of the guy who wrote this musical again?" she asked. "Lin-Manuel Miranda," I said. And that's when I realized that Hamilton deserved me just as much as I deserved Hamilton"
So you deserve to see a show more than anyone else in the audience because you know the names of the people involved? People who don't know the names of the cast or creators can love a show as
The King and I Ticket 4/23 2pm Apr 6
2016, 10:44:52 PM
I have one ticket to The King and I that I can't use for Saturday 4/23 at 2:00pm. Making a trip out from CA and decided to see Shuffle Along instead. It's a great seat, center orchestra row D. It's an E-ticket so you'll get it through email. Message me with your best offer.
Emma Stone as Sally Bolwes in Cabaret Review Thread Nov 12
2014, 12:34:06 AM
There's audio of Don't Tell Mama, Maybe This Time, and Cabaret on tumblr
Audra on Stephen Colbert May 2
2014, 12:18:01 AM
I too wanted to compare Audra's performance to Billie so I had one window open with the Colbert Report 'God Bless the Child' clip playing and a youtube video of the same song playing at the same time, fiddled with the volume, and got the audio on both synced (give or take a second or two). Whatever differences there are in the voices are minuscule. Astonishing, just astonishing.
Congratulations to A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE on Its 10 Tony Nomination! Apr 29
2014, 12:04:50 PM
Fantastic show, I can't stop listening to the cast recording. So happy for all it's nominations!
Victoria Clark as Fraulein Kost? Apr 25
2014, 01:48:36 AM
Cabaret Reviews Apr 24
2014, 10:44:21 PM
How were the reviews for John Benjamin Hickey as Cliff in '98? Tonight's NYT review gave one sentence to Bill Heck and his performance as Cliff and USA Today didn't even mention him.
Cabaret Reviews Apr 24
2014, 09:07:19 PM
Welp, based on the reviews this might not be the long running money maker Roundabout was hoping for. I wonder how many extensions will happen before the audiences dwindle down?