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First Preview Gift Thread
 Dec 1 2024, 02:52:06 PM

Some Like It Hot gave a luggage tag

BroadwayCon 2024
 Jul 5 2024, 02:05:03 PM

I volunteered at BroadwayCon 2 years ago, and it's a fun little convention! Anything performance-based is definitely a highlight, like First Look and Showcase. The sing-alongs are fun if you're into that. And be sure to check out the marketplace for Playbills, handmade theatre-y souvenirs, etc. Have fun!

Victoria Clark
 Nov 7 2023, 04:42:29 PM

She's no longer doing 8 shows a week.

THE GREAT GATSBY @ Paper Mill Playhouse Thread
 Oct 13 2023, 10:49:25 AM

I loved it. It was obviously a first preview and had the technical hiccups that come with that. But I thought the score was strong. I liked that it had an ensemble feel. There are some cool effects that I wasn’t expecting. I thought that using the pit as the pool is such a clever use of space. Everyone around me was loving this show. And a lot of the audience dressed up in flapper-inspired outfits, which was so fun! And I think Samantha Pauly is giving a standout performance. Are there

Health dining near the theater district
 May 20 2023, 08:19:39 PM

Just want to add to the list DIG, Beatnic, and Cava for some healthy fast casual chains. Also, while Schnippers is known for their burgers and fries and such, they also have some excellent non-fried alternatives. I had a delicious veggie and goat cheese sandwich there today. Highly recommend. Enjoy your trip, and I'm wishing you the best with your health!

SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Nov 3 2022, 08:02:28 AM

CATSNYrevival said: "Is there a song list in the playbill? Anyone care to share?"

SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Nov 2 2022, 09:31:01 PM

JaredBway said: "Just wondering...was there any gunfire or anything overly loud?


Yes, there's gunfire, but I wouldn't say it's that loud. It's a kind of muted cartoony gunfire if that makes sense. But there is quite a bit of it.

SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Nov 2 2022, 12:00:23 PM

I loved this show and I love that they're using "Let's Be Bad" in it, but they need to put back the "I'm the queen of the red hot mamas" line. It's the best line in the song!

5 MORE Books Every Acting Student Should Read
 Jul 24 2022, 08:22:35 PM

Okay but Jenna Fischer's book is the best contemporary book about the business of acting that I've read. It's not an acting technique book nor does it claim to be. I recommend it all the time, as I feel it's definitely a must-read for young actors. And for what it's worth, while her background is mostly in television, she's also done some plays, whether her Wiki page says so or not.

FUNNY GIRL on Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Mar 31 2022, 05:07:07 PM

Auggie27 said: "Trust me, I know well the Klausner history. I saw her Eva at a Saturday matinee 6 weeks into the run. I mention her because as per the LuPone memoir, 'twas Klausner who the company seemed to be rooting for on the road during the infamous west coast tryouts. Posting her reviews in the green room and such. My reference isn't a literal standby (and I saw Opel too; friend was in the Evita company). Klausner was always ready when LuPone was indisposed on the road.

Kate Baldwin & Aaron Lazar in “THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY” - March 2022
 Mar 12 2022, 02:00:40 PM

I also saw the show last night, and Kate and Aaron were STUNNING. A couple quick change hiccups, but other than that, gorgeous. 

London Actors that should perform on Broadway!
 Jan 17 2022, 03:45:20 PM

For years, I've been dying to see Julie Atherton on Broadway.

How Realistic?
 Oct 17 2021, 04:51:33 PM

It's possible but cutting it close. I would say do Caroline or Change and Girl from the North Country on Saturday, and then do TKAM or Lehman on Sunday to give yourself more time to catch your bus.

 Oct 4 2021, 03:34:48 PM

I had a good time. Here's what I got:

- signed Mean Girls closing cast Playbill ($40)

- unsigned Mean Girls Christmas Playbill ($20)

- full cast signed Hillary and Clinton Playbill ($10)

- signed The New One Playbill ($10)

- $20 worth of Pick-a-Tik, but didn't win


Also, I don't remember what table it was on, but did anyone else see that truly heinous Kristin Chenoweth bobblehead?? It was a bobblehead of her throwing out the f

COVID Screener Job
 Sep 9 2021, 11:14:00 AM
There’s a training course (depending on what theater you work at), but other than that, there are no special qualifications whatsoever
COVID Screener Job
 Sep 9 2021, 11:11:12 AM

jbird5 said: "Being large and having a military/law enforcement background seems to be desirable. I got my vax from the military - this always seems to go over well with them."

Being large and having a military background?? That would not be the description of any of the COVID compliance officers I’ve come into contact with at theaters at all…

The official tdf pik-a-tik thread 2018
 Sep 30 2018, 06:17:07 PM

I have Phantom tickets I'd be willing to trade.

Tired of cell phones going off at a performance?
 Aug 15 2018, 01:21:06 PM

I'm confused. Can't your phone still ring while it's in the case?

Seeking health-conscious dining options in Hell’s Kitchen/Theatre district
 Jul 4 2018, 10:37:06 AM

Dig Inn. It's a chain but not a "chain" chain.

Tony Nominee Bit Beyonce
 Jun 13 2018, 07:14:09 PM

Sanaa Lathan (A Raisin in the Sun)

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