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re: Shows You've Done
 Aug 5 2006, 01:15:45 PM
I think the show that had the most impact for me was Aspects of Love. IT was the my first professional West End job...and just getting the role was life altering! I could believe that I was singing Love Changes Everything when I started!!! On my first hands were shaking so bad!!!!
re: Original Choreogrpahy being used in other productions
 Aug 1 2006, 02:15:05 PM
I think it is a shame when directors or choreographers use others work as their own. I think that they should be able to sue. I also direct, and would hate to see my hard work just copied by someone else as their own.
re: Pirate Queen now listing entire cast
 Aug 1 2006, 11:28:51 AM
Can't wait to see it. Interested to see what the Les Miz guys are up to. I have loved all of their shows so far...even MG, so hopefully I'll like this too. And I loved Steph in Boy from Oz!
NORTH CAROLINA, Bombay Dreams in Charlotte.
 Aug 1 2006, 11:25:55 AM
Hey there. Saw the show in Charlotte and thought that it was great. I had seen the original production in London and knew that it had changed some, so seeing this version was nice. I felt that some of the sets looked a little cheap, but it is supposed to be that they are doing a perhaps that was the look they were going for. The singing and dancing was great. Shakalaka Baby was a great number...but...even though there was a fountain, missed the giant fountain shooting from the st
re: Sondheim and Choreography
 Aug 1 2006, 11:22:50 AM
When I was doing Merrily We Roll Along, there was a lot of choreopgrphy. I really think that it depends on the nature of the show. I don't think we would have believe Fosca dancing in Passion. If you look at all of Sondheim's shows...he seems to rely more on movement then he does on pure dance. I guess it really depends on the number and the feel of the piece if there should be "dance" Also, Im not sure if it is just Sondheim. Look at Les Miz and musicals from that late 90's era. There wa
Original Choreogrpahy being used in other productions
 Aug 1 2006, 11:20:13 AM
I originally posted this in the Off-Topic section, but I figured that it had a lot to do with Bway, especially with ACL coming back.

Hi. I was wondering about this. Last night I went to an audition for A Chorus Line that is being done this September in Charlotte. The choreographer led us through some of "I Hope I Get It" and it was very obvious that he had seen the original production or watched a clip of it on YouTube because I have and it was exactly the same...nothing was different!

re: Broadway and AMERICAN IDOL
 Aug 1 2006, 10:34:25 AM
I think that it could be a great stepping stone. I hate when people say that the shows are just casting these people because they are names to get people in the seats. Of course that must be going through their minds becuase they are names that people can relate to, but at the same time, a lot of the American Idol contestants are great talent. I would love to see some of them on stage, and feel that their voices lend themselves to Bway more than they do to the Pop Charts. Im sure Jennifer Hu
re: Definitive Musical for each Decade of 20th Century
 Jul 24 2006, 02:22:34 PM
Actually...with Roger and Mimi both having AZT, etc, it would have to be the 90's. In the 80's we were still so behind on people having drugs to help fight the disease, especially those who have no money! Even though no time is given...I would really think that RENT is a 90's show and Falsetto's an 80's show since it is about the beginning of the AIDS epi.
re: Musicals about the roaring twenties
 Jul 24 2006, 02:19:52 PM
Great 20's musicals that weren't written in the 20's are The Boyfriend and its sequel Divorce Me Darling. I did the Boyfriend about 5 years ago and it is a a great show...thought the movie leaves something to be desired...unless your on acid!
re: Carrie Revival?
 May 30 2006, 11:44:00 PM
For a revival of Carrie to work so much would have to change, and isn't really the music. I think that about 80 percent of it works. First...make it all sung. We don't need some of the bad dialoge. Next...let's not all get the idea that everyone has seen the movie or read the book. So, let's get a script that does a little more explaining on what is going on. OKay...let's not have Carrie make her clothes dance. I love the song and idea, but it made Carrie look like a two-bit
re: Pageant!
 May 30 2006, 11:37:53 PM
I directed Pageant last year in Charlotte, NC and it was a huge hit. Honestly, if it is done right...and in drag because I think it is crazy when I read about productions doing it with all is a huge money maker!!! The music is fluffy but fun. I saw the video from Japan and it is pretty cool.
re: I Remember Mama
 Apr 20 2006, 12:15:33 AM
I didn't see the original, but I saw a production of it done a few years ago. The music...its okay. Some of the songs work. The book is what kills the show. It is so bogged down with so much plot that the original stage play had that it seemed to be hours in between songs!!! The took a novel that was a bunch of short stories...made a play that was very episodic, and then a musical that was episodic with songs. It is a good idea because audiences really seem to like Mama...but if it was eve
re: Movie Version of Any Musical
 Apr 20 2006, 12:13:12 AM
Just thought of another good one: The Beautiful Game. Would make a great movie. It's a great musical. Maybe because I'm English and lived during those times I like it. Does anyone else think it's too english/irish a musical?
re: Source Material!!! Books Turned Into Musicals...
 Apr 20 2006, 12:10:10 AM
Read: My Love, My Love which became Once on This Island.
re: Cast the Current Idols
 Apr 20 2006, 12:07:19 AM
Would love to see Chris in Rent or Aida. Kelli might be good in Best Little Whorehouse! Lisa Tucker might be a great Mimi if she could get some sex going!!! And paris would make a great Dorothy in the Wiz! IN fact...they should start looking at her!! OH...Mandisa in Dreamgirls...and not because she is the sterotypical looking Effie...but because she has the pipes!!!
re: Anyone else ever get distracted in class/work by their Broadway obsessi
 Apr 20 2006, 12:03:14 AM
Yeah...I'm working on a patient and I'll hear..."And I'm Telling You, I'm Not Going" will be running through my head!!!
re: Movie Version of Any Musical
 Apr 19 2006, 11:59:17 PM
Good idea!!! Saw Kiss in London when it was in previews and always loved it!! WOuld love to see a movie version of it!!
Movie Version of Any Musical
 Apr 18 2006, 11:39:04 PM
Okay...if you could pick any musical and make it into a movie...what would it be? I'll go first. I think Merrily We Roll Along would make a great movie and they would be able to do things with it that could never be done on make the time changes in years more visible to the audience. Maybe I'm biased...I played Charley once!!!
re: To all my WIW and theatre fans...
 Apr 17 2006, 05:53:50 PM
Great pics. I have to say that Woman in White was one of my favorite shows I saw this year. I saw it when it opened on Broadway, and loved it. I think that it challeneged the audience, and sometimes a broadway audience, especially tourists, dont want to be challenged. But...ah well...short lived...but forever in my mind!!!
re: Currently Listening to?
 Apr 17 2006, 05:50:24 PM my car on the way to work I was listening to Thrill Me, and then on the drive home I was listening to the London Cast of Beautiful Game (uncensored version!!!!)
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