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Member Name: CTTheatreLvr
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re: 'A New Musical' -- for how long???
 Oct 28 2007, 11:38:24 PM
I think for most of these shows, "A New Musical" is actually part of their titles. For instance, I think the "copywrited" (which isn't the right word, since you can't copywrite a title) for "The Producers" is actually "The Producers: The New Mel Brooks Musical".

re: Who's been invited backstage?
 Jun 17 2007, 11:37:48 PM
I figured it was something like that, Rath. Lucky you!
Hilarious Comments...
 Jun 17 2007, 11:36:25 PM
"Grey Gardens" the other night:
"Jackie Kennedy should sue these people. They're portraying her in a bad light."

Um.....okay...besides the fact that Jackie is sadly no longer with us, how does the show portray her badly? Did I miss something?!?

re: Who's been invited backstage?
 Jun 17 2007, 11:21:50 PM
Rathnait, how do you get to go backstage at CURTAINS?
(only cause I'm seeing the show on Wednesday :) )

re: Company Today (2 oclock show)
 Jun 14 2007, 11:13:40 AM
is the pause the Raul and Barbara took before "I'm not going to smoke, if that's what you're trying to stare me into (or whatever the actual line is...)" usualy that long, or were they waiting for the rather obnoxious cell phone that went off at that delicate moment?
 Jun 10 2007, 11:10:30 PM
Anyone else having trouble accessing telecharge online? I've been trying to get tickets to "Spring Awakening" and "Curtains" (yes, it IS possible to be interested in both) all day.
re: 'Curtains' Vacations?
 Jun 5 2007, 11:49:30 PM
thanks, Dolly. I checked out his website, and he will indeed be out doing a concert the day I was planning on going. Looks like he'll be there on the 20th, though, so here goes plan B!
re: 'Curtains' Vacations?
 Jun 5 2007, 04:18:59 PM
thanks, folky!
"Curtains" Vacations?
 Jun 5 2007, 10:56:19 AM
Hi, all.
Anyone know if anybody in the cast of "Curtains" (especially Jason Danieley) is scheduled to take a vacation in the near future, and espeicially in the next 2 to 3 weeks?

re: Threepenny Matinee Today!
 Jun 21 2006, 11:26:26 PM
I know what you mean. When I saw the show last week, the awesome stage door attendant mentioned how a lot of people who want to acknowledge his amazing performance miss BCR out of makeup. He (the stage door guy) was kind enough to try to call up to BCR's dressing room but couldn't find him. Too bad. I wanted to tell him how much I enjoyed his performance. If you're reading this, great job!!
re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
 Jun 4 2006, 02:42:42 AM
the revival of BIG RIVER. the woman sitting next to me kept giving me this look like "are you for real?"
re: any news on Patti being back in Sweeney?
 Jun 3 2006, 12:07:11 AM
She was back in on Wednesday
re: Seating for Sweeney Todd
 Jun 2 2006, 04:28:19 PM
When I show the show, I was in the orchestra in R104, and I thought it was a great seat! It's a small house (about 1000 people, I think) so I'm pretty sure that any seat's going to be a good seat.
re: Playbill Gives Jamie Bernstein Sex Change
 May 22 2006, 04:08:52 PM
what's wrong with the article? Am I missing something?
re: So Pathetic
 Apr 27 2006, 11:36:25 AM
I remember "You've got to be carefully taught" as being longer than it was on last night's concert. Is my memory just fading?
"Sweeney" Changes Thread??
 Apr 22 2006, 08:19:46 PM
Hi, all.
I remember reading a thread titled something like "Sweeney Changes" in which the poster talked about character choices that Manoel Felciano (sp?) had made regarding the character of Tobias, and some blocking the John Doyle had reworked.

I'm bringing a group of students to see the show next month, and would love to discuss some of this info with them, but now I can't seem to find the thread. I tried the search feature, but couldn't get it to turn anything up.

Can s

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