I forget which show it was, but when the "turn off your cell phone" announcement was made, I overheard this convo from a couple:
MAN: Why do we have to turn our cell phones off?
WOMAN: It interferes with the sound equipment probably.
So then I was walking by 44th Street and a group of four in front of me with European accents had this convo:
MAN: What's that? Monty Python's Spamalot?
WOMAN 1: Is that a restaurant? Wanna eat there?
WOMAN 2: Ohh no, I saw people with caps, it's a store.
WOMAN 1: Wanna go in?
MAN: Let's go in.
Then tonight at Lieutenant of Inishmore, a couple behind me were looking through their Playbill and had this convo:
MAN: Oh look! Julia Roberts! I didn't know she was in this.
WOMAN: What? She can't be in this? Someone tried to sell me a ticket for another show she's in. Is she in this, too?
MAN: It says "Three Days of Rain."
WOMAN: Oh, that's right. She's in that play. She won the Tony for it, too.
STRANGER NEXT TO HER: No, she didn't win.
WOMAN: She lost? Awww, that's awful. She's great - Julia Roberts.
STRANGER NEXT TO HER: She wasn't even nominated.
WOMAN: She wasn't nominated? What are you talking about? I saw her on the Tonys.
STRANGER NEXT TO HER: Nope. She was only there to present an award.
WOMAN: Oh. Good thing I didn't buy those tickets, then.
A Man and Woman walked by me,
He: Look there's TARZAN!
It just opened
It got Incredible Reviews!
(I really heard that)
There is this amazing show called Lestat......
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/9/04
Before Drowsy opened, back in April in front of the Mariott Marquis, I kid you not...
Man: What is The Drowsy Chaperone?
Woman: I think it is a sleezy nightclub in the hotel.
I heard this in Cincinnati waiting for Company to start.
"I hated Sweeney"
"Me too. It wasn't funny"
"It's such a horrible concept."
"I know! It's like making a musical about the Holocaust."
(location: Times Square)
tourist woman to tourist man: "Are you sure we're in Times Square?"
tourist man: mumbles something
tourist woman: "Well how come there's no sign saying Times Square?"
Seriously y'all- 'how come there's no sign saying Times Square?' My friend and I now use that line to mock tourists all the time. It's not polite, but we do. :)
HAHAHAHAHAHA...these are all hysterical..mine is:
*At the TKTS booth..*
Man: A spelling bee? They're selling tickets to a spelling bee? That's strange...
Woman: I think this is for any kind of show in NY..not just broadway..
Man: Hmm..Maybe
I'm not sure how on topic this is, but I once overheard a stage hand at one of the Broadway theaters say "I'd rather have a daughter in the whorehouse than a son in props."
It wasn't AT a show, but on a similar note, I wore my Bee shir. The one that has the logo on the back and the sentence in the front "...in a sentence, please?"
This woman says, "OOOOOH. Were you in the Bee? The 25th Annual...where's that?"
It's not that stupid, but still amusing, kind of adorable and understandable actaully.
The bunch behind me at Piazza, trying to figure out if they were seeing Patti Cohenour or Victoria Clark.
(For the record, it was Patti - clearly stated in the program for a Wednesday evening - and they weren't happy about it when I told them.)
"No, that can't be her."
"They look so much alike, it's really hard to tell."
"Ohh, she's a good singer, so she must be Victoria Clark."
"Maybe it IS her, she is pretty good."
And, the biggest kick, after I told them who they had just seen:
"Boo, she stunk!"
My favorite story that happened to me several years ago... as I was walking by TITANIC
Man: I'm really looking forward to seeing this show
Woman: Who plays the Leo role?
In the men's room, during intermission, on the opening night of "My One And Only". I'm standing at the urinal (we're ALL in tuxes) and the guy beside me says to the guy beside him "Well, whaddya think?" The other guy replies "It's kinda weird. I kinda like the Tommy Tune guy. Gidget (he meant Twiggy) is okay, but ya know, I think the guy who wrote the music is cheating. I'm sure I heard some of that s**t before."
The score, is, of course, totally George Gershwin.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/8/06
Going to see Avenue Q in Vegas, a group of tourists behind me had this conversation:
MAN #1: I thought you said this was a improv comedy show! Why am I holding a Playbill then?!
MAN #2: Well...the ticket guy said it was a very funny show. I just assumed.
When I told them they were going to see a Broadway musical, they couldn't be more surprised...
I always wear my dark blue Spelling Bee shirt to work, and since I'm a cashier, I get tons of people interaction. The people say the funniest things!
A few:
Middle-aged man- What'd you place?
Me- Huh?
Man- In the Bee. How far did you get?
I get that ALLLLLLLLLL the time.
But the best one was:
Random gothic girl- Nice shirt.
Me- Oh thanks *expects the usual questions to follow*
Girl- Josh was better than Dan.
Me- Yeahhhh...wait, what?
Girl- Josh Gad? Dan Fogler? Didn't you see the show?
Me- Yeah, a bunch of times.
Girl- Yeah. Josh was better than Dan. *walks out*
i go there when im bored in class all the time. they are not exactly all broadway related but still hilarious
It interferes with the sound equipment probably.
Yeah, like everyone else's ears.
dancingthrulife, I had a similar experience at Wicked. The woman next to me was insisting that it was Kristin Chenoweth playing Glinda- on Idina's last weekend. The worst part was that she'd seen Wicked with Kristin, but I guess she didn't notice that Jennifer Laura Thompson was about a foot taller.
this just happened to me today:
Girl 1: I was totally gonna buy, like, tickets to hairspray. you know, the one about the fat girl. but THEN i heard hilary duff was gonna be in it in july, so im totally gonna wait.
Girl 2: Wait, hilary duff is gonna play a fat girl? Whoa... that is so Renee of her.
Girl 1: oh i know. i totally love her. she's like my favorite.
Girl 2: Doesn't she have a sister or something?
Girl 1: Who cares, no one knows who she is.
By the end of their conversation i was practically peeing my pants.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
i think i jsut did!
Stand-by Joined: 5/30/04
This thread absolutely MADE MY DAY. Thank you guys. I'm still laughing.
Updated On: 6/16/06 at 02:13 AM
At Wicked (Paraphrased):
(Eden Espinosa runs out)
Woman 1: There she is!
Woman 2: Who?
Woman 1: Winston's wife.
Woman 2: Who?
Woman 1: Winston, in How Stella Got Her Groove Back!
Woman 2: The black guy?
Woman 1: Yes, that's his wife. The Wicked Witch of the West.
Woman 2: In the movie?
Woman 1: No, he was with Angela Basset in the movie.
Woman 2: You are confusing me.
They were right behind us. I wanted to correct them, but it was funny just to let them be wrong.
It wasn't funny enough for a double post.
When I saw "Wicked" on tour here in Lauderdale, an elderly couple seated behind me during intermission:
Elderly Woman: Well honey isn't this just fantastic?
Elderly Man: It's a little hard to follow...
Elderly Woman: I don't think so! I got everything just fine!
Elderly Man: Well then answer me this... was she SUPPOSED to be green?, or was that some bad lighting mix up? That poor girl.. looking green on stage by ACCIDENT!
Elderly Woman: Actually.... I'm not quite sure.
I honestly wanted to tell them, but I just couldn't stop laughing.
Also at "Wicked" another night I went:
Woman #1: I saw the show on Broadway with this same cast and they were just as good there!
Woman #2: They just brought the whole cast from New York?
Woman #1: Oh yeah. They shut the show down there and take the whole thing on the road so they can use the same sets and the same actors.. it's more practical that way.
Woman #2: But wouldn't they make more money to have the show running in TWO places at once? And none of the actors biographys in the Playbill mention them doing the show in New York..
Woman #1: Trust me. I lived in New York for thirty five years! I know Broadway.
Woman #2: If you say so...
HAH, I love this.
double post Updated On: 6/16/06 at 02:26 AM
I heard this one in Vegas. A young couple was in front of a Les Miz poster.
"It's Spanish. Sound it out."
And an older couple behind us at Lestat, reading the playbill:
"Anne Rice."
"She must be in the cast."