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Member Name: AlexandraDecker
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re: Pirate Queen 4/4 mat - Kathy Voytko as Grace
 Apr 14 2007, 12:17:04 PM
Alright, may I preface this by saying that I'm NOT picking on anyone? I don't want a feeding frenzy over this.
I just think that it's awful entertaining that when someone posts a logically critical, but over all positive review of this show ONE PERSON responds with something remotely related to the show to say. However if someone posted a nasty review that panned the show in the oh so common "I'm-a-theatre-snob-and-I-am-so-much-better-than-you" kind of way it would be a massiv

re: Three Penny Opera - Lauper stops show to correct audience member
 Jun 27 2006, 07:07:47 PM
Good for Cyndi...really. I mean, alot of you can sit here and harp on this all you want but don't know what it's actually like. This happened to me, but worse. I was doing a blackbox show, and it was in the round. At any given time an actor could go and sit on an audience members lap or reach out and touch someone (and we did.) my mark (a tombstone) was about two feet infront of audience members, when I got there, I **** you not, a man had his feet on it. He was using my mark as a foot rest,
re: 'Phantom - The Last Vegas Spectacular' (sic)
 Jun 25 2006, 03:51:06 AM
You guys are the same ones who made fun of other kids' last names in the school yard, right?
Er....not made fun of....but....snickered about quietly. But no one can pronounce my name anyways so I have little pity for crap like that, Killeshandra (legal first name Ironically pronounced EXACTLY how it's spelled if your smart).

But more so, who WOULDN'T laugh about the last name Batman? If it was my last name I'd laugh about it, thats all you really can do actually...that o

re: 'Phantom - The Last Vegas Spectacular' (sic)
 Jun 24 2006, 03:16:30 AM
Elena Jeanne Batman as charlotta- who the hell proofed this site?
Is it wrong that the first thing I think of when I read this is that I'd kind of really like to see the character batman as Carlotta and may possibly be more amused by the whole thing?

re: 3penny - Friday night - stage door review
 Jun 24 2006, 03:12:32 AM
Um, it's 4 minutes...Hell, The song 'My Humps' is longer...
....I tune out during my humps....doesn't everyone?

re: Threepenny Opera - Friday
 Jun 19 2006, 12:17:44 PM
Since theres only an 8 pm show thats the only tickets people will be rushing for, I would suggest getting to the box office when it opens just so you know you'll get seats. So call 'em and ask. You could also try TKTS thats where I got my sunday matinee tickets when I was there.
re: Hilarious Comments Overheard By Tourists and Audience Members
 Jun 19 2006, 11:30:08 AM
So this is a little differentk, it's more somethung funny said to me in New York. My mother and I were standing in the TKTS line and had been for about an hour, (She was convinced it opened at 9....) we were getting rather sick of eachother and this Australian man was in the wrap around next to us so we chatted about what shows we'd seen, the line moved and we were seperated, but my mother decided that she would invite him to stand next us because he was such a nice guy. So my mom brings him ba
re: Scaring the Audience
 Jun 12 2006, 06:33:38 PM
I'm such a jumper, it's horrible, loud noises, bright lights or lighting changes....Needless to say when I saw Sweeney the first time the red lights came on and the factory whistle hit, I literally almost ended up on the floor. Luckily I'm six feet tall so in theatre seats I can't actually get on the floor with out trying.

The gunshots in Inishmore got me too along with the thunderous irish drumming to swap scenes, the first time I think they had volume issues it was so loud...I ju

re: Why Drowsy didn't take Best Musical
 Jun 12 2006, 02:53:30 AM
Thankyou about the icon. It reminds me I haven't changed it yet, my friend Jess makes them, and she just sent me a new one....
re: Why Drowsy didn't take Best Musical
 Jun 12 2006, 02:41:55 AM
I went back and looked at the sequence of events, I still think I'm you're the prick. But oh well, thanks to my sixteen year old sister who pointed out how much we sound like twelve year olds. I'm done on the note that.....we're both too dry, too hard headed, and too self centered to agree that either of us is right. We BOTH overreacted and thats apparant.
re: Why Drowsy didn't take Best Musical
 Jun 12 2006, 02:29:13 AM
Of course, you don't know me but you can make an open ended comment at me claiming "no sense of humor." maybe when you realized your overly dry "joke" was taken wrong you should have manned up and said, "hey it was a joke sorry" instead of bitching back. I know my attitude surely would have changed, maybe I'd even laugh it off.

You're no better than the rest of us, your **** stinks to you know.

re: Why Drowsy didn't take Best Musical
 Jun 12 2006, 02:22:55 AM
"But let's not bulls**t ourselves with excuses."
Are you ****ting me? Thats what you've been doing all over this board. Making a snippy prickish comment, and then when someone calls you out on it you make an excuse.

Atleast you didn't mean to be so crabby. It's a bit more understandable if you can't control it, I suppose.

re: Why Drowsy didn't take Best Musical
 Jun 12 2006, 01:46:17 AM
Hmmm....maybe you should ask why she listed Lestat....maybe because of Susan Hilferty's costume design...? Maybe?? Or maybe because she's a Hugh Panero fan? Hmmm....?

Lets all have three cheers for being informed before sounding like an arrogant prat...

It's sad I have to make side notes in my profile for pricks like you

re: threepenny closing mean no recording?
 Jun 12 2006, 01:41:29 AM
It closes on June isn't June 25 yet Darlings.
They haven't said no recording yet, but roundabout and everyone else has said "doubtful"

There probably won't be a recording.

 Jun 12 2006, 01:38:45 AM
I saw it, I liked Jersey Boys infact, it was well written, but it really stood out to me as a glorified tribute concert...Drowsy stood out to me as Throughly Modern Millie's long lost twin...

I'm pretty much unsatisfied with alot of Broadway right now, and the Tony winners...

 Jun 12 2006, 01:30:34 AM
Sorry, I realized afterwards I switched my categories up in a fury of posts on multiple sites.

I admit, Threepenny was aimed for a certain audience.

But my hatred for Jersey Boys still stands. I disliked Drowsy but would have rather seen it win...because you know, it was a musical, not a glorified tribute concert.

re: Why Drowsy didn't take Best Musical
 Jun 12 2006, 01:27:07 AM
I may be burned at the broadway stake for this, but I think Drowsy was not robbed, but over compensated. I saw it recently and I felt a little cheated. I'd already seen Throughly Modern Millie, thankyou. To me it felt like everyother 1920's/1930's musical I'd seen. The biggest number wasn't a awe inspiring number it promised it to be. It's a fun musical, but...not giving it best musical may have been the only Tony decision I agree with. I would however, rather see it win then see the glorif
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