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Member Name: Dancinblonde19
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Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 Apr 5 2009, 12:46:43 PM
I went to the dance audition last Sunday. Does anyone know when they will be having callbacks for dancers?
Best Performer to Ever Grace Broadway
 Oct 14 2006, 09:47:01 AM
The title pretty much says it all. Who do you think is the best performer to ever grace a Broadway stage?
Spelling Bee Tour
 Oct 14 2006, 09:38:35 AM
I am so excited to hear that everyone loves this show! I am thrilled to say that I am going up to New York City this coming Thursday and seeing it! I can't wait to come back and post a review!
re: Sweeny Todd
 Sep 1 2006, 05:05:21 PM
Oops sorry about the spelling mistake. I actually used the correct spelling when I searched before :)

Thanks for the tips! I know that seeing video clips of the show can not replace seeing it live but hopefully I can get a feel for what it was like since I have heard such wonderful reviews of the direction.

Sweeney Todd
 Sep 1 2006, 04:53:46 PM
Unfortunatley I will not have had the chance to see the revival when it closes September 3rd. Having heard such fabulous things about the performance, I feel that I will really be missing out not having seen the new take on the show.

To help me cope, does anyone have any video clips of Sweeny that really sums up the show and the fabulous performances in it? I have tried searching online but have only found the typical previews! Thanks so much for any and all help!

Questions You Wish They Would Ask
 Aug 30 2006, 07:38:37 PM
Having read a lot of broadway interviews lately, I have become tired of the typical questions that are always asked. If they had to answer, what questions would you love to ask your favorite broadway stars, directors, choreographers, etc.?
re: Favorite Overtures
 Aug 30 2006, 04:32:17 PM
Phantom of the Opera
re: Fan Mail Question
 Aug 26 2006, 04:13:05 PM
Thanks everyone for your replies! I thought it was important to create a seperate thread for this because these people are not currently performing in a theater where they can be easily contacted! Sorry to those who were bothered by this extra thread :)
Fan Mail Question
 Aug 26 2006, 03:06:15 PM
I just wanted to know if anyone had addresses for the following people who are not currently appearing in a show. I have searched online but have not been able to find anything! Thanks for any and all help!

- Shoshana Bean
- Megan Hilty
- Kristin Chenoweth
- Kelli O'Hara
- Katie Clarke
- Sandra Joseph
- Michelle Federer

re: Your Strongest Memories of Your First Broadway Show
 Aug 25 2006, 08:43:47 PM
The very first Broadway show that I ever saw was the revival of 42nd Street. I went up to the city on a trip with my dance studio. I sat in the very back row of the theater and was completley awe-struck from the moment the overture began. I dont think that I blinked the whole time :)
Bad Show Concepts
 Aug 21 2006, 12:39:40 PM
We all know that many shows fail due to numerous faults in different aspects of the production (book, score, actors, etc.) But are some shows doomed from the start? What shows do you think were cursed from the beginning due to a bad concept?

re: Who's doing the Wicked behind the scenes tour now?
 Aug 20 2006, 06:35:14 PM
It may have changed, but when I went on the tour in April it was Anthony Galde and Megan Sikora (Glinda understudy).
re: If you could have been there in the past, what performers/performances
 Aug 20 2006, 06:23:52 PM
Phantom of the Opera - Michael Crawford & Judy Kaye
RENT - Original Broadway Cast
My Fair Lady - Julie Andrews
Beauty and the Beast - Ashley Brown

Flaws in Successful Broadway Shows
 Aug 20 2006, 06:10:20 PM
What flaws of successful broadway shows do you think need to be reworked? (for example: bad lyrics, staging, character development, etc.)What would you do to adjust these flaws?

re: Phantom Logo?
 Jul 8 2006, 08:20:40 AM
In the Phantom of the Opera logo, the full mask is used because when they designed the logo, it was planned that the Phantom would wear a full mask in the show. They later decided that a full mask was too hard to act and sing behind so they reduced it to a half mask.

In regards to the title appearing as a broken mirror, I am pretty sure that it refers to the shatterd mirror at the end of the show.

re: Show for a ten-year-old boy
 Jul 7 2006, 09:09:12 AM
I would reccommend Mamma Mia. A few years ago we took my eleven year old brother and he loved it even though he has claimed to hate many other shows that we have taken him to. A couple topics might go over his head but the majority is appropriate.
re: Movin Out
 Jul 6 2006, 10:28:33 PM
Although by no means did I love Movin Out, I do not agree that it was terrible. The dancers in the show were excellent technically and performed the intricate dances easily. However, I thought that the choreography by Twyla Tharp was spastic and too repetitive. As the storyline goes, although I could follow the show, at some points I was a little confused as to what was happening.
re: So what will the Hairspray Movie kids look like:
 Jul 6 2006, 10:16:51 PM
That looks great! Good job! :)
re: age-appropriate Broadway show
 Jul 6 2006, 08:55:58 PM
Wicked would definetly be an appropriate show for her to see. Before you go, make sure that she is familar with the story of The Wizard of Oz so that she can appreciate the storyline. If that doesn't work out for one reason or another, any of the Disney musicals are great for any age.
re: Funniest Musical?
 Jul 6 2006, 08:47:58 PM
Of the Broadway shows that I've seen, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels when Norbert and Jonathan were in was the most hilarious. The whole audience was laughing hysterically the whole time.
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