I just want to profess my love for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!
The cast is amazing- Everyone is extremely talented, they are able to keep the show fresh and funny each performance, and are some of the nicest broadway performers I have ever met. The show is hysterical yet touching, and overall a great night at the theater.
And after 4 shows between yesterday and today, they participated in a benefit tonight as well (and were by far the best act of the night!)
If you have not yet seen Bee, go!!!
Be sure to add your love to this thread!
And try this quiz to see how well you know the show:
Updated On: 3/18/07 at 12:11 AM
Featured Actor Joined: 10/10/05
I'll bump this thread 'cause I think Spelling Bee deserves some love too I haven't seen the show yet, but I was excited by the music and personality of the characters when I saw their segments on the Tony Awards, so I purchased the cast recording, and I like it a lot. Favorites are "I Speak Six Languages," "Pandemonium," and the title song. The cast cracked me up in their Thanksgiving Day performance! Plus, where else do you get to learn what different words are spelled like AND laugh at the same time?
Spelling Bee= L-O-V-E. (I apologize for my cornyness there, but its true
I am seeing it late december and am so pumped so I am prematurely joining in on the spelling bee love.
I'm definitely going to try to see Spelling Bee when I come to NYC in March.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
spelling bee is one of my fave shows! i instantly fell in love with it the moment it started. i can't say in words how much i love this show!
I saw it back when it was off-Broadway at the Second Stage theater and had a blast (though I have to note that I am obsessed with Spelling Bees in general). But it was awesome. I've tried for the lottery two or three times now with no luck but hopefully soon I'll win - can't get myself to pay $100 for a ticket that cost me $25 less than a year ago. (Especially with my current Rent addiction draining my wallet.) But even though I can't see it on Bway yet it deserves mad love.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/16/05
Seen it twice, one time winning lotto. Great show
Seeing it when it's in SF and can't wait!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Saw it for the first time a few weeks ago. I absolutely adored it! The cast was so talented. I won the lotto (first time trying for one ever, so that was an interesting experience) so I was sitting very close. We had the understudy for Logainne- Kate Weathered or something and she was wonderful. Celia was totally my favorite, though. I have never felt so much for a character during a show. I just wanted her dad to come so bad. I really think this show is the cast. They are amazing. Spread the Bee love!
YAY for spelling bee!!
for those of you not wanting to pay full price, its been at TKTS tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays, and Sunday evenings. It's worth a shot to get tickets there! this show deserves so much love!
If you don't want to pay $100, just buy a $25 standing room ticket.
they don't sell standing room unless its a sold out, or very close to sold out, show... since full price tickest are $95, you can actually sit in a seat for about $45 at TKTS... and since there are no bad seats in that theatre, its a great deal
I really enjoyed Spelling Bee when I saw it in late November. I had standing room seats and it was a lot of fun.
My wife is DETERMINED to be an audience participation person.
We will be in the city for a long weeked in late January and don't have specific plans to see it again, but it's definitely a strong stand by option.
I almost didn't see it thinking that it was the material and not the cast that made the show work. After having seen it, I don't think that's true. This original cast was priceless from top to bottom. I saw the full cast.
Ashley, I am glad that Sarah Saltzberg's understudy was good, but I am a little sad you missed her. She along with Celia and Jesse were my favorites.
Great, fun show.
Patronus, I'm so glad that you got to see it when you were in town!
I am planning on going back on my (our) bday in January if you and your wife want to join me!
Much love for Spelling Bee! Such an adorable and hilarious show. I've seen it four times, and what I love about it is that it's a different show each time. The guest spellers and the different words/definitions and introductions all add to the mix. Not to mention the wonderfully talented and super-friendly cast!
I've seen it 3 times and counting, 2 of which i won the lottery. This shows is ADDICTIVE, not to mention excellent. The cast is awesome too...I love Deborah Craig!
I saw it over the summer and loved it. It's very funny, but the serious moments make you really care about the characters. I also enjoyed how the lobby of the theater was made to look like a school hallway, with bulletin boards and flyers and everything.
My favorite part about the lobby are the pictures of the cast members as kids that are on the walls with different awards. Very cute idea!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/9/05
I could go on forever singing this show's praises--but I think for me it is as Miss Rhona says--- perfect syzygy---All the stars and planets were aligned on this one.
Magically, this show retained it's purity and freshness all the way to Broadway--and the extraordinary cast remains unjaded.
At the Bee you will never see a phoned in performance. For those of us who return again and again to Putnam county we discover more nuanced multi-layered characters. I think the ensemble work is unparalleled. The guest spellers provide that improvisational element which makes every show a special event.
Just being there is W-i-n-n-i-n-g!!!
L-O-V-E Bee!! (Oh my that was cheesy). It's by far one of my favorite shows. Everything about it is perfect, IMO. I saw it in mid October, after obsessing over the recording for months. YAY BEE.
i thought at frist...OMG a MUSICAL about a Spelling bee!yeah right...alright who ever thought of this they're stupid!but then during the summer i did a musical theater workshop and one of the songs we did was the opening to spelling bee.i was olive in the song.I LOVED EVERY MINUTE of it was so much fun!!of course i got hooked and got the CD.i loved the songs!lucky me i was going on vacation to new york and well i had to see it!i did the lottery and well didn't get it. but i like had to get in by that time so i got SR!I didn't mind standing!LOVED IT!! and I still love it!
yeah thats my story...
"I really think this show is the cast."
Do you think it will be just as good with different casts or will it lose some of its magic?
I'll definitely keep that in mind, liotte. I may end up seeing Rent on our birthday though. I wasn't planning on seeing it, but Will Chase being back adds a level of intrique for me - I always loved his Roger back in the day.
We can probably help you at the lotto though. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Honestly? I think it would lose some of its magic. I can't say for sure because I've only seen Kate as an understudy. But for me, Celia, Lisa, and Dan make the show. They are perfect and I don't know how I would feel about it without them.
ETA: I still think it would be a cute show. Just not the same.