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Profile for vmlinnie

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Member Name: vmlinnie
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Gender: Male
Profile: By day, a student, by night, an actor/composer/librettist. Or at least I try.

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Favorite Sondheim Song
 Jun 14 2011, 04:00:23 PM
Best All-Around Song - Sunday
Best Collaborative Song- Somewhere
Best Angry or Bitter Song - Could I Leave You
Best Hopeful or Reassuring Song - Our Time
Best Inspirational or Influential Song - Losing My Mind
Best Male Solo - Maria - is that allowed outside collaboration? Ok, Marry Me A Little then.
Best Female Solo - Send In the Clowns
Best Duet or Trio - Pretty Lady
Best Ensemble Song - Sunday
Best Music/Melody - Sunday or Not a Day Goes By. Simplicity. <

re: Arthur Laurents Pity Thread
 May 7 2009, 12:35:07 PM
I find it hard to feel pity - my heart is still stone and a little bit behind having lost three excruciating hours of my life to the mess called 'LUPONE Gypsy'.
re: Mel VS Dolly
 May 7 2009, 12:29:29 PM
Mel Versus Dolly?


Perhaps, just perhaps, people didn't like the show. You know there are other opinions other than your own, and you can't just call people who disagree with you "a bunch of brutal, back-stabbing, immature, ass-holes".

BroadwayRocks2, what the hell would you know about vocabulary? The horrible world of closet queens and purportedly talented people called theatre which you denounce and claim to deplore was founded on the use of language, not its

re: Toughest Song to Sing on Broadway Now
 Jun 9 2008, 07:53:16 AM
It depends whether you are testing stamina or just those couple of minutes when one song lasts. Sondheim is very tricky, but other shows to require more stamina. SITPWG is vocally demanding, but not as physically demanding.

One good example of the challenge of Sondheim is a song which isn't on Broadway now, but was recently; Being Alive. It's only a top Ab at the end, but it's extremely hard to get that out cleanly after acting the rest of the song, which does usually involve sli

re: Show Closings - Predictions??
 Jun 5 2008, 10:10:33 AM
The overall level of idiocy on the board is quite high right now. For example; "He seems to still be in the woumb.".

WOUMB? Are you people serious?

And did anyone look at the Broadway Grosses history before making predictions? And did anyone actually care to answer the thread by making their own predictions, rather than making everything personal.

I have no idea who the original poster is, never heard of him. Frankly, it is a stupid thread, of which there have always b

re: Phantom ending
 Apr 13 2008, 12:55:41 PM

The film does essentially say that he lives, somewhere else. His rose lying at the grave haunts Raoul. I love that, but I prefer the ambiguous dramatic ending of the show.

re: Is That You In Your Avatar? – 18: Sarcasm and Idiocy
 Apr 13 2008, 12:43:52 PM
re: Ragtime vs. Rent (March Madness, Round 3, game 5)
 Mar 27 2008, 11:49:59 AM
Ragt-i-ime, RAG-TIME!

I'm a huge admirer of Stephen Flaherty, he's a really nice person and incredible composer. Ragtime beats almost any show, let alone Rent. Rent's good. That's all.

re: Shows You Own More Than One Cast Recording or Soundtrack of
 Jan 29 2008, 05:37:50 PM
Updating mine:

Annie (2)
Beauty and the Beast (2)
Carousel (2)
Chicago (4)
Crazy for You (2)
Company (2)
Funny Girl (2)
Hello, Dolly! (2)
The King and I (3)
Les Mis (3)
Little Shop of Horrors (2)
Oliver! (3)
South Pacific (2)
Sweeney Todd (3)
West Side Story (3)

I'm missing a few.

Grosses: Drowsy at 39%?!
 Dec 24 2007, 07:15:39 AM
Anyone else worried? It ain't good!
re: South Pacific (Which Recording?)
 Dec 22 2007, 08:25:28 AM
allofmylife, I adore the overture! Most played track on the album for me.
re: South Pacific (Which Recording?)
 Dec 21 2007, 10:19:03 PM
I have the Motion Picture recording and it's ok, pity about the quality being so poor and crackly, but maybe there are re-mastered versions about. I also have a Full symphonic, with a crap cast, but great orchestra, as such recordings so often are.
re: Les Miserables Complete Symphonic Recording
 Nov 25 2007, 01:08:43 PM
I love this recording. Gary Morris sounds like he's imitating Colm Wilkinson all along, which is irritating, but otherwise great, especially the orchestra. Again, Warlow and Quast are highlights, as is the girl playing Eponine. Japanese or not, she's gorgeous. Michael Ball is Michael Ball. Next.

Contact Mother's Younger Brother. He's got 22 versions of Les Mis, he knows his stuff.

re: Andrew lloyd webber ?
 Jul 19 2007, 07:08:47 AM
I agree and disagree with the general concesus here.

On the point that Spring Awakening is hated because of its success, I don't hate it because of its success, I just have no interest in seeing it because I don't like the premise, the music, the lyrics, anything. And I've been told the choreograhy is non existent.

On the other hand, I like ALW. I think some of his stuff is good. I love Whistle Down the Wind, which I saw twice in London. The Beautiful Game is a good score. Not

re: First musical not to have an overture
 Jul 5 2007, 10:01:49 AM
I too love Overtures.

Wicked does not have an overture.

Carousel didn't originally, although the waltz could count. the Revivals sometimes did.

I have been writing a show, and I write and will write my own overtures and entr'actes. It's a slightly lazy sign if a composer can't be bothered to do at least that. I do the orchestrations too.

re: Drew Sarich will now play VALJEAN
 Jun 24 2007, 08:54:29 PM
Hmph - I didn't know he played Javert.
Racial Issues and BWW Posters
 Jun 22 2007, 08:33:07 PM
In London there was (no longer) a kid called Matthew Koon who was British but his parents were from Hong Kong, but his father was played by Phil Whitechurch and his mom was Sarah Poyzer, both white English people. Although I'm sure some eyebrows were raised, no one came out of that theatre complaining, because they were all talking not about his appearance but how talented he was. There's also now Llayton Williams, a black Billy, and the same situation (although the dad is now played by a differ
re: post LORD OF THE RINGS opening - any news on the cast recording??
 Jun 22 2007, 06:07:40 PM
This is really a West End Question.

And in relation to the question itself, no, not that I know of.

re: what les mis CD?
 Jun 21 2007, 07:43:05 PM
I have the OLCR, 10th Ann. and Full Symph. I think The Full Symph is the best (orchestrally without a doubt, other facets, perhaps not). I like Kaho Shimada. Although her diction isn't great, her voice is nice. Quast is a master. Gary Morris is my main problem, he tries far too hard t be Wilkinson, and he just isn't. Warlow is brilliant, and even the details are lovely, Ross McCall is a delight as Gavroche.
re: Idina Defying Gravity Single
 Jun 20 2007, 09:43:43 PM
I'm not saying against that - if she had to, great, do it! Not a bad song. But the arrangement was just a tad crap. Perhaps showing off her voice in a more technical role with a symphonic arrangemnt or something might have been better though.
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