Broadway Star Joined: 9/18/04
What actually is this for? Is this to promote her new album or is this a single for Wicked in London?
It's to show how to properly beat a dead horse.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Idine more closely resembles a dead drag queen...who isn't very good at hair, make-up or clothes, and should stick to lipsynching numbers from other artists....
It's one of the worst things I've ever heard (and I love the song). It sounds like someone just ran it through GarageBand and added a repetitive beat behind it.
Updated On: 6/19/07 at 08:44 PM
As usual, broadwayguy proves himself to be a superficial, immature moron who never has anything worthwhile to contribute.
Anyway...we don't actually know if the single is going to be on her album; it's just something her record company wanted her to do. It's pretty awful, and I hope it doesn't end up on the album, and I hope the over-production is not foreshadowing of what the album will sound like.
Idine more closely resembles a dead drag queen...who isn't very good at hair, make-up or clothes, and should stick to lipsynching numbers from other artists...
What the hell? Um, anyway...
She said she wasn't doing any showtunes on her new album.
OMFG! Idina is brillant! She's so unique singing that song that she sang on the Tony Awards and won! Love her! (please note the abudance of sarcasm here)
"OMFG! Idina is brillant! She's so unique singing that song that she sang on the Tony Awards and won! Love her! (please note the abudance of sarcasm here)"
OMFG! You're briliant! You're so witty and original, I'm in stitches from laughing so hard! (Please note abuNdance of sarcasm here)
Updated On: 6/19/07 at 09:27 PM
Leading Actor Joined: 6/4/07
I have to admit I never paid attention to this song until I saw this comic performance on YouTube. That man sure can sing.
Raul Esparza - Defying Gravity
That was too much fun!
I happen to like the new version of the song. They are actually playing it at the bar I go to and I look around and a lot of people are singing along to it. it is a nice version to have for nights outside of our showtune night. However the other 9 or so versions on the disc are awful.
Where can one listen to this single?
I think it is still on her website
okay... I am in the middle of listening to it... and I must say so far I really don't like it. Way too slow paced for me, I think it kills all of the energy that the original has. And I know that yes they are to different versions, but still, some of the excitement and energy could have been easily written into this version. Part of what makes Defying Gravity the song that it is is the energy that is in the song. This feels like one of those corny songs that they play on TV and in Movies after a character has smoked crack and they are seeing "all of the pretty colors."
Yeah, I think she just killed the song... the song is now on the floor and twitching
Not a single one of those notes is on pitch. Not a one.
I personally think that she is on pitch, the problem is something else as I have stated
She just can't keep herself from going back to Wicked, can she? She is going to turn into the next Jennifer Holliday. Just stay away from Wicked for a few years... good lord!
No lord please let her just keep doing "Wicked". It would save the rest of us from having to listen to her scream her way through another show again.
Is she turning into the new Carol Channing?
(But without any talent )
This is Taye Diggs. I'd just like you all to know that Idina read this thread and cried herself to sleep tonight.
"Yeah, I think she just killed the song... the song is now on the floor and twitching"
SHE, or the producers and the record label? This isn't her arrangement of the song--have you heard hers from her concert series a couple of summers ago? I think it's brilliant, and I can't figure out why they got rid of that one (the only version of the song I'd ever listen to, really) and replaced it with this poorly produced cheesfest.
"She just can't keep herself from going back to Wicked, can she?"
SHE can't? The label and her people seem to think this is a way to market her. I think they're wrong, but I don't think SHE wants to keep going back to Wicked, especially when she signed to do a solo album, not an album with showtunes.
"have you heard hers from her concert series a couple of summers ago? I think it's brilliant, and I can't figure out why they got rid of that one (the only version of the song I'd ever listen to, really)"
Was that the one she sang at the Zipper?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/05
On the remix single itself it say's "from the forthcoming Idina Menzel album:...but I bet it will be the only showtune on the CD and probably be listed as a bonus track.