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Lea Michele Makes Heartfelt Speech at TEEN CHOICE
 Aug 12 2013, 04:04:33 PM
I was shocked when I saw this! I give her lots of credit if she really meant what she said though. It was a very nice speech. But who knows, maybe she was just acting.
Sound of Music Audience
 Aug 12 2013, 04:00:05 PM
It would be cool if it was live but like Gothampc said, it would probably slow down the production to much for the time constraints they are on. But who knows, sometimes you get a unexpected surprise. Maybe they will pull it off.
Is Word of Mouth Gone??
 Aug 12 2013, 03:57:36 PM
I agree, they were pretty awful. Sometimes it was helpful but more times than not I found myself getting annoyed with them and clicking off of the page within 60 seconds. Perhaps they would have been better with a different cast doing them. They didn't seen to knowledgeable.
Aladdin cast
 Aug 12 2013, 03:53:25 PM
I saw that you said that Tuck Everlasting was put on hold. Do you know how long it will be on hold for? I am super bummed!
Pippin Cast Recording-sounding flat?
 Jul 12 2013, 05:48:32 PM
I too thought that the cast recording didn't do justice to the energy and fullness that the actual show captured. This is a prime example of the debate whether or not to listen to cast recordings before you see a show. Often times the recordings do not do the show justice and people may decide to not go and they end up missing a spectacular show.
re: Listening to Cast Recording before seeing show
 Jul 12 2013, 03:24:05 PM
Listening to the cast recording before a show is an interesting debate. I like to compare it to reading a book before seeing the movie in the sense that you tend to imagine it differently in your head. Someone made a good point about how familiarizing yourself with the music can make in more interesting because a, you know the music already and b, it is interesting to see it play out live. I think it definitely is a personal preference thing. I would imagine in some cases, just hearing the music
Do you expect performers to be great 8 shows a week?
 May 20 2013, 12:55:20 PM
Because seeing Broadway, or a play is a live performance, there will be days that the actors and actresses do not perform their best and it could be for a variety of different reasons. We have all seen a play or a Broadway show before in which you HATED, and everyone else seemed to just love it. This could either be just personal preference, or perhaps the actors just were not feeling it. This happened to me when I saw Phantom of the Opera about 10 years ago in NYC. Hated the show. Was super dis
KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
 May 20 2013, 12:43:48 PM
I think what some people are saying about Matilda not living up to the hype it got is exactly what is going on. While Matilda in my opinion was still very charming and well performed I still found my self expecting more, to be blown away. However on the other side of it, Kinky Boots. I had no idea how Kinky Boots would do. I came in with no expectations, just thinking, if anything else it would give me something to do and I would have another show under my belt. When one goes in not expecting an
 Apr 18 2013, 02:19:51 PM
That's a bummer that you didn't enjoy it! Our production here at Arizona Broadway Theatre was quite good and we had great feed back from the audience. There are always times though when a show does not live up to your expectations. I saw Phantom of the Opera in NYC many years ago and hated it, and that was all the craze at the time! Hope you like it better next time. :)
What should be the next Shakespeare play on Broadway?
 Apr 18 2013, 02:08:15 PM
I vote Othello, I think this is one of my favorite Shakespeare shows I have ever seen, and I have seen it a few times. Another good one would be Much Ado About Nothing. Another one of my favorites!
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