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KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?

KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?

CapnHook Profile Photo
#1KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 12:28am

I had drinks this evening with a large group of industry colleagues, one of whom saw KINKY BOOTS this weekend and one who saw MATILDA.

To summarize the conversation, all 9 Tony Voters plan to vote KINKY BOOTS for Best Musical.

Talking points:
- Most didn't think MATILDA lived up to the hype. One flat out hated it.
- Even though it is based on a British film, KINKY BOOTS is an American musical versus a British import.
- They heard from other industry colleagues of similar reaction to MATILDA: that they didn't seem to care for it as much as they heard others have.

I know this is only 9 voters amongst 850+...but the conversation we had tonight aligns with word of mouth from many theatre friends in the industry. Wouldn't that be a shock if KINKY BOOTS pulls off a win?

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 12:31am

Actually, I've spoken with a number of voters as well, all of who said they will vote for KINKY BOOTS. None of the people I've talked to actually said they enjoyed MATILDA at all, so this will be a really interesting ceremony to watch this year.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#2KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 12:32am

The American Queens would be dancin' in Shubert Alley!

RippedMan Profile Photo
#3KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 12:33am

Eh. Matilda is the better show. Kinky Boots is a B-. It needed more work. The songs never quite land, and the story isn't really all that compelling. Matilda on the other hand is inventive and charming.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#4KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 12:45am

I love every song in KINKY BOOTS. I think it's the best cast recording in a year. As for MATILDA, once was more than enough for me. Besides maybe one or two songs, that I'll import to iTunes, I could go my whole life and never hear the rest of that score again.

Updated On: 5/7/13 at 12:45 AM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#5KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 12:51am

I love every song in KINKY BOOTS. I think it's the best cast recording in a year.

I wholeheartedly agree. The cast recording is DIVINE. Best score I have heard for a new musical in a LONG time. I would rank it up there with Women on the Verge and Bonnie and Clyde.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#6KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 12:52am

Kinky is the best show by far...

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

RippedMan Profile Photo
#7KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 1:02am

Really? Kinky Boots has a song where the entire chorus is "everybody say yeah" over and over and over and over again. Listen to "Naughty" from Matilda. The lyrical play in that song alone is far superior than anything in Kinky Boots.

bdn223 Profile Photo
#8KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 1:13am

The issue Matilda faces is everyone going in the highest of expectations thinking its supposed to be so ground breaking when in reality it comes off as Annie with a pessimistic outlook on life, telekenisis, and Brittish accents.
Kinky Boots on the other hand people go in will mixed expectations and leave the show smiling and singing.

Matilda's biggest problem is that it is a musical drama with no real thought provoking theme or message. Next to Normal had bipolar disorder, Company had marriage, Once has love at first sight, even Les Miz points out that there is a better life out there somewhere, Matilda, the musical at least, just says its great to be naughty if you get what you want in the end.

When I left Matilda I was depressed, when I left Kinky Boots I was do the math

#9KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 1:14am

I saw Matilda in London in Dec. and left wondering why all the hype. There were some cute things, but it was not earth shaking for me.
Saw Kinky Boots twice now and Love It.
If I were not going to Pippin every chance I can (11 times now), I would be at Kinky Boots.

#10KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 1:26am

I agree with BDN23, Kinky is a feel good musical, whereas Matilda is a feel bad one. While it might be a Brit vs. American thing, and I think both musicals are worthy, I think the drag queens might pull it off over the Revolting Children.

Updated On: 5/7/13 at 01:26 AM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#11KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 1:28am

I wouldn't be all that surprised if KINKY BOOTS did manage to pull an upset. But, at this point, I don't think it'll happen. I liked KINKY BOOTS quite a bit, but MATILDA benefits from an absolutely knockout and ingenious physical production in every respect (direction, choreography, sets, lighting, orchestrations, costumes, etc.), which Tony voters love. And it also has one of the best male performances in a musical I've ever seen. Bertie Carvel is just a genius as Trunchbull. Good as Billy Porter is (and he is very good), Carvel's performance is an absolute triumph. I wish he was placed in the Featured category where he belongs so they could both win Tonys, but as is, I would be voting for Carvel, hands down. To me, his performance is one of the highlights of the season. His work alone elevates MATILDA, which is certainly a strong but hardly perfect show, in my opinion. Updated On: 5/7/13 at 01:28 AM

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#12KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 1:31am

Really? No overall message in Matilda? I thought it was standing up to bullies. That's what I took away from it. It's right there in the chorus of "Naughty":

'Cause if you're little, you can do a lot, you
Mustn't let a little thing like 'little' stop you.
If you sit around and let them get on top, you
Won't change a thing.
Just because you find that life's not fair, it
Doesn't mean that you just have to grin and bear it.
If you always take it on the chin and wear it,
You might as well be saying you think that it's OK.
And that's not right.
And if it's not right, you have to put it right.

And I happen to think those are fantastic lyrics. Really wonderful lyrics throughout and whimsical music as well.

I'm surprised how many people are outwardly dismissing Matilda. I thought it was an incredible production from top to bottom. (I also enjoyed Kinky Boots, so what do I know.)

#13KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 2:53am

I thought the message of Matilda was that crass American-style pop culture vulgarity is oppressing aristocratic British literary intellectualism.

#14KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 3:06am

What's American pop about Miss Trunchbull or the others? The conception of Matilda's father is rooted in Brit culture. And her mother's ballroom loudness is an international phenomenon.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#15KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 3:27am

I thought the message of Matilda was that crass American-style pop culture vulgarity is oppressing aristocratic British literary intellectualism.

Are you talking about the design aesthetic of the production? If so, the Brits have always been every bit as "vulgar" in their theatrical endeavors as us Americans.
Or are you talking about the story itself? Because that links very directly to Dahl's original story, which is British in its sensibilities, but pretty oldschool Grimm and Andersen in its execution.

For me, the moral was less about overcoming bullying and more about the power of the stories we tell ourselves and others and using that power to rise above the most dire of situations (domestic and educational oppression, dictatorships, lack of respect, childhood, adulthood, past trauma, etc.). Everything about this show - design, score, choreography, direction, book, acting - reflected that for me. I have yet to see KINKY BOOTS, but I have heard nothing but good things. However, it just doesn't strike me as a musical with staying power (on Broadway and post-Broadway) like MATILDA has. And it certainly doesn't have the marketability.

Updated On: 5/7/13 at 03:27 AM

#16KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 3:42am

I believe Matilda's family's obsession with television and Miss Trunchbull's with athletic achievement over Matida's literary taste is intended as a parody of a stereotyped British view of the domination of global popular culture by vulgar, illiterate American exports. I believe little Matilda is intended to represent aristocratic English literary sensibility that must stand up to a "tyranny of the majority."

At least that's how it struck me. That is why I thought Patrick Healy said in the New York Times, on March 24, "The answer [to whether Matilda becomes a blockbuster internationally] hinges on whether the sensibility and sophistication of Matilda will translate to American audiences…"

#17KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 4:13am

PS re: "I have yet to see KINKY BOOTS, but I have heard nothing but good things. However, it just doesn't strike me as a musical with staying power..."

I do think Kinky Boots came in as an underdog and was underestimated by those who hadn't seen it. It does seem to have jack-rabbited past the Matilda juggernaut in unanticipated ways (word of mouth, Tony noms, box office gross over $1million/week without big out-of-town presales, indicating robust business since opening on B'way).

I think this is proving to be an interesting season.

#18KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 4:27am

I'd vote for Kinky a heartbeat. I loved it in spite of it's flaws. I can't say the same about Matilda. My Personal preference.

I do think that the hype is hurting Matilda. I always feel that when someone tells me something is great and amazing - whether it's a play, book or movie... my expectations are really high and it's easier to get disappointed. Many people are going into Kinky Boots with lower expectations and then they are pleasantly surprised. It's hard to leave a show feeling so damn good and then not vote for it.

I'd vote for Billy Porter for lead actor also - not that I didn't LOVE Bertie's performance but he is in the wrong category. I don't really know if being up for a lead actor award when you are really in fact a supporting actor is going to hurt his chances. It really IS a shame the Matilda people decided to to this route. There is just a little arrogance in the marketing to me...that doesn't appeal to me at all.

#19KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 4:43am

It could happen. Everyone thought Newsies was going to win at this point.

#20KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 7:29am

There is absolutely no way that MATILDA will be able to live up to the unbelievable rave reviews it got. Makes a lot of critics look stupid that they heaped so much praise on something so mediocre.

#21KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 8:06am

I actually had the same conversation with 2 current Broadway producers who have shows up this season. Neither were Matilda or Kinky. They both agreed that Matilda is DEFINITELY not a shoe in for Best Musical. Kinky is right there on the same level. I personally wish I didn't hear so much hype about Matilda. I enjoyed myself definitely but it was a let down because of all that I heard from London. Kinky Boots blew me away. I think the score blows Matilda's away. Yeah Matilda has 2/3 songs that are nice but that's about it. Kinky has a completely wonderful and catchy score. I hope Kinky takes the grand prize!

dreaming Profile Photo
#22KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 8:17am

I LOVED Kinky Boots and will be back as soon as I can get there. It's the best new musical of the year by far (Pippin is my other favorite production, but as I said, "new"). I cannot wait to see Kinky again. The message is poignant-self-acceptance must come before you can accept others. I loved the music and remembered a few songs at least.

In my opinion, Matilda was hardly mind-blowing theater. It was fine-sure it's a little darker than Annie, but I wish they'd stuck a bit closer to the book in terms of the telekinesis (in the book it starts a lot earlier). And the score didn't do it for me. I can barely remember more than a few songs-which did little to propel the story forward. The performances were fine (loved Bertie).

But Kinky Boots deserves it-the score tells the story and the book isn't nearly as weak as everyone led me to believe. I was happy when I left and it addresses issues that are relevant in a way that isn't overly preachy. I have been telling people to see it. If I was voting, Kinky would have it. (Along with book and score. Director=Dianne Paulus.)

I think Kinky may pull it off if the road voters can be convinced that this will sell on the road. That's a big hurdle with the storyline. I hope it does-it would deserve it. (I do wonder about the American vs. British aspect.)

Updated On: 5/7/13 at 08:17 AM

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#23KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 8:19am

The telekinesis doesn't start earlier in the book. You're probably thinking of the film.

dreaming Profile Photo
#24KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/7/13 at 8:20am

It isn't 'tacked on' in the book. That's sure how it comes across in the show.
