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Profile for HeidiPuck

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Member Name: HeidiPuck
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Gender: Female
Location: Waltham, MA
Occupation: Software Engineer

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 Dec 1 2007, 07:43:48 PM
There were in The 39 Steps, if I remember correctly...
re: Where to buy in Manhattan?
 Aug 28 2007, 08:41:47 PM
On 48th between 6th and 7th (if I remember correctly), there are about 10 music shops. A few varieties of Sam Ash, most with sheet music, as well as a few other stores whose names are escaping me...
re: Any shows that offended you?
 Aug 22 2007, 06:11:26 PM
I know lots of folks who were offended by The Pillowman. I think part of the problem was that when they performed it locally, they advertised it as a straight comedy, so people were expecting something light.

re: Worst Broadway Audience Ever?
 Jul 29 2007, 05:09:05 PM
I was at 'an oak tree' when someone's cell phone rang...and kept ringing. Tim Crouch (actor, writer, director of the play) stopped, stared right at the woman and said "It's okay, we can wait". I've never seen anybody quite so mortified before in my life - it was fantastic.
re: Can Someone Please Help Me Understand 'Finishing The Hat'?
 Jul 24 2007, 05:22:57 PM
Not really in relation to the show, but this song perfectly describes all of the artists I know (as well as myself). Once the creative process starts, there's an inability to stop the process that results in either complete isolation or a distance between you and the rest of the world. The artist knows that they are separating themselves, but simply can't help it - the drive to create is too great.

Within the show, I think anything I could have said about it has already been said...

re: Broadway Barks today
 Jul 15 2007, 06:42:31 PM
No Broadway folks, but a few more cute dogs...

(more here: )

re: So, I Am Curious...
 Jul 6 2007, 07:33:22 PM
1. What do you do?
I'm a computer scientist and photographer
2. What is it you love about Broadway?
Nothing conveys emotion quite like live theater
3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?
Meet me in St. Louis
4. Have you ever been in a show?
I was in Into the Woods when I was about 5, does that count?

re: Your Favorite Experimental Theatre Works?
 Jun 21 2007, 09:04:28 PM
I'm a fan of Tim Crouch's works.
re: L5Y and Wild Party in Boston
 Apr 8 2007, 01:25:29 PM
The Wild Party Gala is on May 8. Tickets for dinner and the gala are $250, Gala only are $125

As for the L5Y, saw it last night and I'm happy to report that the theater was basically full. Previously reported glitches had already been worked out, and it was quite enjoyable. If you have the time to check it out, it's certainly worth it.

re: NY Times article about Michael Cerveris
 Apr 2 2007, 06:25:16 PM
Add doing the MS Walk to his list...

Man, I feel like a slacker!

Actor you have seen in at least two different performances
 Mar 11 2007, 01:02:57 PM
Matthew Broderick: Producers, How To Succeed, Taller than a Dwarf
Nathan Lane: Producers, Forum, Guys and Dolls
Marc Kudisch: The Apple Tree, Summer and Smoke, Joseph
Victor Garber: Follies, Damn Yankees
Brian D'Arcy James: The Apple Tree, Lieutenant of Inishmore
Hunter Foster: Urinetown, Little Shop
Michael Cerveris: Sweeney Todd, an oak tree
Merwin Foard: way too many to remember, but I end up seeing him more than some of my family!

I'm sure I'm missing a

re: Sssh!! Russia's oldest theater hushes cell phones
 Mar 3 2007, 05:11:46 PM
Hmm, as much as I hate cell phones going off in the theater (and as excited as I was when an actor stopped an off-broadway show to chastise someone), there are people who legitimately need to have a cell phone (for example: doctors).

Now, I'd be all for setting up some sort of system where a ringing phone outside the theater sets off one of those pager-type devices they use in restaurants. This way, no ringing cell phones (or conversations), but those who need to be connected could b

re: Is WEST SIDE STORY overlooked as a Sondheim musical?
 Feb 17 2007, 07:12:58 AM
I think for the non theater-going public, West Side Story is actually one of the only musicals they associate with Sondheim. Possibly because of the movie (a lot of schools will show at least part of the movie when they teach Romeo and Juliet).

re: Hunter Foster guest stars in AN OAK TREE Tuesday 12/19
 Dec 20 2006, 06:50:19 PM
Just curious, what did you think?
re: Victor Garber to do PRESENT LAUGHTER in Boston
 Dec 18 2006, 09:48:42 PM
It's about 4 hours...more if you actually need to drive around in either city.
re: Hunter Foster guest stars in AN OAK TREE Tuesday 12/19
 Dec 18 2006, 09:13:35 PM
I thought it was fantastic. I had posted a review here:

As an update, it's been a few weeks and I'm still as fascinated by it as I was right after I saw it.

re: Hunter Foster guest stars in AN OAK TREE Tuesday 12/19
 Dec 18 2006, 09:04:05 PM
I think he already did it. That would have been an interesting show (provided the audience was well behaved)
re: Hunter Foster guest stars in AN OAK TREE Tuesday 12/19
 Dec 18 2006, 08:56:55 PM
Have fun! I'm very curious what a more comedic actor can do with the role.
re: Looking for a play called FIND ME
 Dec 13 2006, 09:22:02 PM
This looks like it:

They do ship to the U.S. for a few pounds.

Thoughts on "an oak tree"
 Dec 5 2006, 06:18:29 PM
Since nobody else has posted any comments, I’ll give it a go.

I went on Dec. 1 (Michael Cerveris played the roll of Father). I’m going to keep my thoughts as general as possible though, because of the nature of the play. Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions about Michael Cerveris’s performance.

The experience itself was completely different than any other show I’ve seen. This is not a performance that’s meant to be watched idly. It’s a very intense experien

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