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So, I Am Curious...

#1So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 7:58pm

I have only been a member of these boards for a short time, but it seems like it's not as "warm and fuzzy" as some other boards I frequent. So what I would like to know, is this:

1. What do you do? (Teacher, actor, student, doctor, etc.)
2. What is it you love about Broadway?
3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?
4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?

I'm just wondering some of these things because there are lots of folks on here with incredibly strong opinions (and there is nothing wrong with having an opinion) but man, I read some of these threads and am taken aback by the way some posters throw words around!

And to answer my own questions:
1. I am a music teacher and I teach general and vocal music as well as musical theatre. I direct, musically direct, choreograph, costume, set/scenery design and handle all the administrative details of the productions every year.
2. I love Broadway because it transports you to another reality and I am constantly amazed by the new technical feats that are mastered in live theatre.
3. The first show I ever saw in New York City on Broadway was A Chorus Line - I was ten or eleven years old and I remember waiting at the stage door to meet the actors. It was a thrill!
4. Yes, I have performed in many productions from semi-professional (I got paid a small amount) to community theatre to high school/college productions. I was also a singer/dancer on a cruise ship.

So, anyone out there care to answer my questions? Thanks!!!

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#2re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:10pm

1. What do you do? I'm currently unemployed
2. What is it you love about Broadway? Everything
3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw? Gypsy, with Bernadette Peters
4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway? Yes, several

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#3re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:11pm

1. What do you do?
Design dept. at a small newspaper.

2. What is it you love about Broadway?
It changes nearly every time I go.

3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?
The first musical I ever saw was Annie when I was 6. The first Equity musical I ever saw was the 1st national tour of Miss Saigon at the Ahmanson theatre in Los Angeles. The first musical I ever saw on Broadway was the Les Miz revival in May.

4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 7/4/07 at 08:11 PM

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#4re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:14pm

1. I am a student. I am going to Harper College/ Illinois State University to study Theatre/English Education.

2. I love Broadway because it can tell you a story that makes you forget about your own troubles for a few hours and usually makes you feel alot better.

3. The first show I saw was the Tour of Cabaret with Norbert Leo Butz and Teri Hatcher. But actually on Broadway would be Avenue Q last year.

4. I have been in many school and community theatre shows. I am currently finishing up in Singing in the Rain which closes this weekend. I am then debating if I should audition for a production of Footloose or to take a break when school starts.

5. Favorite musical is Sweeney Todd.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#5re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:18pm

I'm a designer -- theatre, industrials, exhibits.

I'm not so sure I love Broadway as much as I used to -- it's becoming more and more packaged for just the business-class tourists.

The very first Broadway show I ever saw was Hello, Dolly. The audience gave the train a standing ovation, and I was hooked.

Have I ever been in a show? Hmm. Well, I've worked behind the scenes on over 200 productions -- everything from a couple of European premieres to a few junior high schools to everything in between. But I've also been onstage a few times -- Christopher Wren, Banjo, a few other fun roles.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#6re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:18pm

1. What do you do?
I'm in the NYC Teaching Fellows program. Meaning I'm a full-time teacher (I teach elementary special education) AND I'm a full-time education grad student. It's tons of fun!

2. What is it you love about Broadway?
What don't I love? It's become my stress reliever of choice. With lottery and student rush, I probably spend less than some of my friends who use alcohol as theirs. (Well, unless it's a love for a show without those ~ such as The Vertical Hour. But that show just moved me!) I love being able to get lost in another world for a little while. And seeing it happen live. There's just nothing else like it.

3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?
A Chorus Line during its original run. (Not original cast, just original run.) I was a junior in high school and was transfixed by it. (Same trip we also saw Starlight Express and Les Miserables in its original run while it was at the Broadway. And The Fantastiks at the Sullivan Street ~ yes, I know it's off, but still!)

4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?
I did some children's community theatre when I was little ~ nothing major, just chorus parts. And church productions of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (twice, once I was the lead, Beth) and Godspell. I also had a couple of roles in The Heidi Chronicles when I was in college. I would have done a lot more in college, but three of my four years my campus job was at night so I couldn't do any theatre. re: So, I Am Curious...

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

jasonf Profile Photo
#7re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:42pm

1. Teach middle school English
2. Everything
3. A Chorus Line - same as jordangirl - not original cast either, but initial run.
4. Hasn't everyone at some point?

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#8re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:45pm

1. What do you do?

I'm in theatrical sales and marketing.

2. What is it you love about Broadway?

It's big, it's bold, it's emotional, it's thought-provoking, it's live!

3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?

Me and My Girl. Though I do have a vague memory of Bernadette Peters in Song and Dance.

4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?

SM by training, SM and acted in high school and college. But nothing in the last five years or so, since I got 'civilian' job.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

rgaywrites Profile Photo
#9re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:46pm

1. I'm pursuing my Ph.D. and I teach rhetoric and technical communication at the college level. I'm also a freelance writer.

2. What's not to love?

3. Phantom of the Opera.

4. I've worked behind the scenes on 30 or so shows at the university and community theatre level. I'm also writing a musical.

#10re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:48pm

1. I am currently a student studying scenic and lighting design for the stage. While not at school/taking classes, I call myself a "freelance set and lighting designer" and have designed for numerous theatre summer camps in the Los Angeles area, as well as lighting design for professional regional productions in the area.

2. I love the fact that anything can happen. Anything can go wrong at any minute, and anything can change in short notice. I love the magic created onstage. Nothing is fake...well, its all fake, but it needs to look real to the human eye, not digitally enhanced in an editing studio like in film! Like jordan said, I would MUUCH rather spend my money to see some amazing theatre rahter than buying booze or drugs.

3. First broadway caliber show I ever saw was FIDDLER ON THE ROOF at the Shubert theatre in LA. I was 5 or 6 ish... The first broadway show I saw in NYC was CABARET at studio 54 when I was 13.

4. I have performed in waaayyyyy too many shows to list... Probaly about 25 shows or so... everything from Grease to Crazy for You, to Fiddler on the Roof(3 times!)

5. Current favorites are Wicked, Ave Q, Fiddler, Cabaret, and Spring Awakening.

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#11re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 8:51pm

1. What do you do? (Teacher, actor, student, doctor, etc.)

I'm currently a college student who is pursuing costume design and vocal performance. I'm also an actor and a dresser.

2. What is it you love about Broadway?

The excitement of seeing a show, I guess. As The Producers say, "There's nothin' like a show on Broadway..."

3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?

I think it might have been The Little Shop of Horrors, but I can't remember.

4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?

I've done it all - onstage and off - except for Broadway. But, I'm getting there.

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

bertandrew2 Profile Photo
#12re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:20pm

1. I am the Artistic Director of a theatre company in Connecticut and a freelance director and actor.
2. From the thrill of hearing the overture to the smell of the freshly printed Playbill,
there is nothing else like Broadway!
3. My first Broadway show was SEESAW (Michele Lee, John Gavin, Tommy Tune)
4. Proud member of AEA

kyleorlando Profile Photo
#13re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:32pm

1. What do you do? (Teacher, actor, student, doctor, etc.)
I'm a performer by trade. I'm a computer technician so I can survive.

2. What is it you love about Broadway?
What's not to love?!?!?!?!?!?

3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?
On tour I saw the first national tour of Annie. The first show I saw on Broadway was James Joyce's The Dead.

4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?
I've either performed/choreographed/directed over fifty community/theme park/regional productions since the early 1980's. Plus my own cabaret act in the Southern USA.

The best show: The Rocky Horror Show (Brad in a regional touring company)

The worst show: The Goodbye Girl: the musical (The first regional production, ugh! I'd rather my toenails had fallen off! Still, it paid my rent until it closed.)

Most fulfilling: Baby. I had played Danny regionally in the late 80's. In the late 90's I choreographed the new script in Atlanta (Danny joins a boy band in the updated script). At the opening night party Didi Conn and David Shire were in attendance! I almost wet my Armani! I met FRENCHY!!!! Ok, I'd worked with her mother before, but still... I met FRENCHY!!!! (She's shorter than you think!)

Probably my oddest proud moment:
I volunteered for three years for Show Choir Camps of America. I got to work with some of the best people in the biz there! The first year I met Jodi Benson when she was fresh off The Little Mermaid!

Current Avatar: Me.
Current Saying: What do you mean it isn't enough being pretty? Have you seen my headshots?!?
Updated On: 7/5/07 at 09:32 PM

violet72 Profile Photo
#14re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:34pm

1. What do you do?
I am an elementary english as a second language teacher, as well as a colorguard advisor for a marching band and I am the director of the high school's spring musical
2. What is it you love about Broadway?
Everything...just being moved by a performance
3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?
When I was 3 years old my dad took me to see a regional theater's production of Camelot and it was love at first sight...I saw alot of touring companies in Philly and my first real broadway show on broadway was the first revival of Grease
4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?
Yes I have been in many shows in my high school,community, and regional theater

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

MisterRussell Profile Photo
#15re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:37pm

1. Currently, I'm unemployed.
2. I love seeing new stories and people and thoughts all come to life in song.
3. Evita - 1980, with Patti, Mandy & Bob.
4. Semi-pro for the last 26 years.
5. Sunday in the Park With George.

Updated On: 7/4/07 at 09:37 PM

#16re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:38pm

1. What do you do?
I'm entering my senior year of high school.
2. What is it you love about Broadway?
The effects that the audience can have with a performance that is live. The fact that in the theatre, it is live and can touch emotions and be what it is on so many different levels is thrilling to me. That's also one reason why I want to be a part of it.
3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?
The first Broadway-style show I saw was the 3rd National tour of The Phantom of the Opera at age 5. At age 8, the first Broadway production I saw was Beauty and the Beast at the Palace.
4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?
I've done community, high school, and regional. Each one is unique in its own special way, and each teaches the performer something.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

#17re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:39pm

1. What do you do? High School student, part of the drama club and work with the backstage crew.
2. What is it you love about Broadway? Everything. The thrill of seeing a show... everything.
3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw? Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was the first show actually ON Broadway in NYC I ever saw (last May) but I saw many regional and touring productions before that.
4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway? Not performing, but in the crew in school.

"I have this mental image of Patti barreling down the street and pushing tourists out of her way." -colleen_lee

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#18re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:42pm

1. What do you do? (Teacher, actor, student, doctor, etc.)

I am a student at Oklahoma City University, studying music composition.

3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?

All Shook Up, embarrassingly enough. But un-officially I say it's Curtains.

4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?



azeller Profile Photo
#19re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:43pm

1. What do you do? Speech-Language Pathologist

2. What is it you love about Broadway? Everything

3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw? Annie Get Your Gun (late bloomer, yes I know.)

4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway? Umm...not since the 4th grade when I was Glinda in the Wizard of Oz.

"Let's admit one thing right upfront: With the possible exception of Bernadette Peters, not everyone stays young and cute forever." (NYPost 2/2/05)

professor Profile Photo
#20re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:45pm

1. What do you do?
Professor of theatre/freelance director
2. What is it you love about Broadway?
broadway: the glitz, the glamour, the stars, the history
theatre in general: the collaboration and "liveness"
3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?
first broadway show was Peter Pan, with Sandy Duncan. I was in 2nd grade, and I was hooked after that
4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?
have acted in or directed some 50 shows at the professional or university level. proud member of AEA and SSDC

"Inside every actor there is a Tiger, a Pig, an Ass, and a Nightingale. You never know which one is going to show up." -John Michael Higgins in FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION

Jellylorum Profile Photo
#21re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 9:52pm

1. I'm a student.
2. This is a tough question. Just about everything!
3. The first show I saw was Cats, but the first show I saw on Broadway was the Chicago revival.
4. I was either an ensemble or chorus member in a few shows during elementary, middle, and high school. Nothing serious.

"It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!"

sing_dance_love Profile Photo
#22re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 10:00pm

1. What do you do?
I'm a college student studying musical theatre, and a performer

2. What is it you love about Broadway?
I can't even really put it into words. I love the feeling of going into a theater for 2 hours and being able to forget every stress, disappointment, and pressure from my own life and be able to lose myself in a story and just laugh, cry, or smile. The escapist quality I guess.

3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw?
Rent. Which was great. But the next day I saw The Light in the Piazza, my favorite show, and I was in heaven. I've seen 10 Broadway shows at this point, and MANY MANY national tours, regional productions, and community theatre shows out here in sunny California.

4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway?
Plenty! Did musicals all throughout high school at different schools and in community theater, and a show at my university and some regional work. And just finished up a stint dancing in the Parade of Dreams at Disneyland!

"...and in a bed."
Updated On: 7/4/07 at 10:00 PM

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#23re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 10:05pm

1. What do you do? (Teacher, actor, student, doctor, etc.) I'm an Undergrad studying English/Education.

2. What is it you love about Broadway? It presents an escape and relaxation that can take me away from my troubles.

3. What was the first Broadway show you ever saw? The King and I, with Donna Murphy.

4. Have you ever been in a show, whether in a school, community theatre, regional or on Broadway? I worked in a professional theater as a child/young teen and stopped performing when it became a job and was constantly stressed. After I starting turning down dinner with friends and family because I had a show too close after I knew it was too much for a young person.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#24re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 10:10pm

Wow! I am so excited that I got so many responses. Thanks to everyone who answered.

And to answer question #5 that was added, my favorite show is West Side Story.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#25re: So, I Am Curious...
Posted: 7/4/07 at 10:13pm

My answer to the added #5...

110 In The Shade, The Vertical Hour, The Year of Magical Thinking, and The Drowsy Chaperone

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
