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Member Name: McFrenzied
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re: CATS The 'Movie'?
 Dec 29 2006, 11:45:13 PM
OMG you guys, Stalker pointing us to that video on the *site that shall go nameless* led to another gem. You must go there and search for "Russian Rum Tum Tugger MTV" to see the Russian equivalent. snicker..
re: CATS The 'Movie'?
 Dec 29 2006, 08:37:39 PM
Hey Stalker, thanks for posting that video. Hard to believe that "Cats" was once considered edgy enough for MTV! That video is priceless. Man, I don't miss the 80's one bit.
re: Grey Gardens, Spring Awakening and Wedding Singer reviews! (kinda) *POSSIBLE SPOLIERS*
 Dec 29 2006, 06:51:30 PM
Hey Parks,
Thanks for taking the time to write that. You're a fine writer! I'm so sorry that Wedding Singer didn't meet your expectations, especially since you love the music so much. Did you have a different idea of the staging in your mind? I can tell you enjoy sophisticated stuff (Grey Gardens, Spring Awakening). Thanks for the reviews.

re: Spring Awakening question
 Dec 29 2006, 09:13:21 AM
Although I am sarcastic in my review of THE SCENE, I did enjoy it.

TearsforHari, do you think one has to be sarcastic in order to be a good reviewer? Personally, and not to be mean, but I wonder why you feel like you would make a good reviewer. Your grammatical abilities aside, I was really offended by your review of "Chamber Maid" from 2004 which for some reason is on your homepage. "I'd like to smell her genitalia"? Are you serious? How old are you??

re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/24/2006
 Dec 29 2006, 12:28:24 AM
hmm..both of these would be a tough sell in middle america. I think a tour will depend on how successful commercially it is on Broadway and if one of them wins the Tony. I think that Grey Gardens has a better chance of touring, if and only if they have a big enough star attached, but I think that Spring Awakening would be a huge hit in Europe and Canada and actually go on to receive more worldwide recognition. Not so sure how much the rest of the world would care about cousins of Jackie Onassis
re: The Scene/ second stage
 Dec 28 2006, 10:24:53 PM
I can't wait to see this. I love Rebeck. Bigbigbill, what did you think of it last night?
re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/24/2006
 Dec 28 2006, 10:21:13 PM
Hey Princeton, I've seen it twice. Once off broadway and once on. When I mentioned "the buzz it's getting", I was talking about the fact that everyone seems to be raving about this show, and my opinion happens to coincide with them. I think it's one of the best things I have seen in a very long time.
re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/24/2006
 Dec 28 2006, 07:32:47 PM
I think the only AEA regulation is that you can't have more than 8 shows. There is no stipulation on the minimum number of shows allowed. Grinch is an exception because their show is so short..someone else said this, but I'm gonna steal it, "Doing 12 shows playing the Grinch is easier than doing 6 shows playing Jean Val Jean."

Wow, Teka, is that right? SA is doing 10 shows in one week?? How did they get away with that?

re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/24/2006
 Dec 28 2006, 06:31:47 PM
Iheartfame, I'm not being mean or defensive--I also enjoyed Grey Gardens--but they did not gross more than Spring Awakening. GG had 8 performances while SA had 7. GG's avg per performance was $47,980.75. SA's avg was $53,870.
re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/24/2006
 Dec 28 2006, 06:06:58 PM
Princeton, of course I respect your opinion, but you also have to repect the fact that based on the buzz I've been hearing, your opinion is the minority opinion. What is wrong with people being passionate about a show and wanting to post threads about it? I'm not sure I understand why that's so nauseating. Isn't this a theatre fans' board? Why not just ignore them or start another thread for YOUR favorite show?
re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/24/2006
 Dec 28 2006, 05:11:51 PM
West Village: You are wrong. This past week is not considered a good one for Broadway. If you look at the grosses for the same week in 2005 and 2004, you'll see that most shows went down, some drastically.

Spring Awakening will get their ticket prices up..many of the people seeing it last week no doubt bought those $65 tickets when they had a chance. The fact that their grosses have increased week to week (despite playing just 7 shows) and that capacities have been increasing indi

re: The Grinch's Nut...
 Dec 28 2006, 03:31:23 PM
Have no idea what their nut is, but do a search in Variety's archives. There was an article about a month or so ago that said that even with gangbuster business, there was no possible way that the Grinch would recoup this year. Their run is just too short. They will hopefully make it back in the second or third year, although 1) they will have to raise another round of funds and 2) it's conditional on them being able to find another large Broadway house that's empty next year.
re: Best & Worst List Summaries
 Dec 27 2006, 09:10:36 PM
And that's not all of 'em. Spring was also on the's Top 5, and The Daily News and Theatremania's Top 10 Lists. Also, as pointed out in another thread, Entertainment Weekly did not review it in time for it to be included. It will be on their "Must" list in Jan.

I loved the choreography. Unobstrusive, yet perfectly captures the nervous, pent up energy of youth. Choreography so different from what Broadway is used to.

re: Keep Spring Awakening OPEN!
 Dec 27 2006, 08:55:55 PM
you're not a dick, smaxie, that's just the truth. But another truism is that the week BEFORE Christmas is usually a weaker session, and with reports that SA sold out perfs last week while some other shows dipped (Variety reported that Company fell $150,000), well, I take it as a sign that Spring Awakening is a show that people are paying to see.
re: 12/24/06 Weekly Grosses?
 Dec 27 2006, 06:18:54 PM
The League offices were closed yesterday, but I would have thought the grosses would be out today at least! Variety does their own tallying..not sure how they can be accurate about it. That's troubling for Company.
re: Cheap Ticket help
 Dec 27 2006, 10:56:49 AM
You can try student rush tix if you guys have student ID..just $25. Box office opens at 10 but people are lining up before 8 am. You can get two tix for each ID. No, walk-in tickets are full price. Why did you pre-order tix for Chorus Line, Drowsy, Apple Tree and Mary Poppins but didn't do the same for Spring? Spring is worth much more than some of the shows you're seeing (in my opinion). This week will be tough to get cheap tix. If you can afford it, don't miss it!
re: 'Featured Actress is a little-cared about category' Discussion
 Dec 27 2006, 01:01:01 AM
The featured actress and actor category is usually exciting because it highlights many newcomers in roles that announce they have finally arrived--think Dan Fogler and Christian Hoff.

For the record, I think Kelli O'Hara is great, but I just didn't believe that she was retarded in Light in the Piazza. I found her singing voice fantastic and her acting bland. I remember I kept thinking, "God, I wish Celia Keenan-Bolger had been able to do this."

I think the reason Sara Ramir

re: Lun Ta in 'The King and I'?
 Dec 27 2006, 12:31:28 AM
You're absolutely right, Keene, wish I had seen that production. The musical would be much more epic if they had drawn out the events surrounding Lun Tha and Tuptim to its natural conclusion. As it is, it almost feels like they stopped short of it. For instance, I've always thought how amazing it would be if we actually got to witness the scene where Luntha is killed with Tuptim pleading for his life. Perhaps that's a 2006 take on the story and would have been too much for the audiences back
re: Guess who just opened another block of tickets in March!
 Dec 27 2006, 12:10:04 AM
Downer, are you implying that people would be willing to pay full price tickets in March but not Jan and Feb? Not sure I follow your logic. My guess is the reviews are converting the core theatre auds who plunk down $110 without batting an eyelash. How can they not pay attention with all the support that papers like the Times are giving them?
Besides, the week BEFORE Christmas is not a high grossing week for Broadway. People are way too busy, school break hasn't started yet, etc. My gue

re: Guess who just opened another block of tickets in March!
 Dec 26 2006, 11:38:04 PM
Cooper, Jujamacyn would probably not have allowed them to open another block of tickets if they had any qualms about their tenant's ability to pay the rent. Something must have turned. Their grosses must have jumped or their advance got much healthier. Very different from Fame Becomes Me which decided to go out on a positive note. This is a good sign for Spring Awakening.
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