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re: Is Tony Yazbeck leaving A Chorus Line?
 Jun 24 2007, 12:10:07 AM
Rehearsals for GYPSY started for the principals on June 11, the rest of the cast came in on June 18. Yasbeck is leaving Chorus Line in about a week. GYPSY opens on the 9th.
re: Can Maria (Sound of Music) be black?
 Apr 30 2007, 10:40:14 AM

According to Hirsch's book, their musical touring life was abruptly halted when Hitler invaded Austria. The Captain brought his family together and said, "We are standing at the open grave of Austria." He asked them if they wanted to stay or to leave. Despite the hardships sure to face them, they had no moral choice but to depart. Although it was a terrible blow to leave their home and all their belongings behind, when they learned that Himmler himself had taken over their house, their grie

re: Can Maria (Sound of Music) be black?
 Apr 28 2007, 11:13:06 PM
"Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion"

That's the definition of bigotry, not what Fenchurch just wrote.

I am not a bigot. I simply think that when telling a true story, you stay as close to the truth of the story as possible. That would not be possible with a black Maria Von Trapp just as it would not be possible with a white Jackie Robinson!

re: Can Maria (Sound of Music) be black?
 Apr 28 2007, 10:20:44 PM
Fenchurch, they did sing! Hence the Von Trapp family singers! They did actually sing. I did say that the storytellers, as most do, took poetic license. That means that they did add things to the story that didn't actually happen or happened at a different time. However, the singing part wasn't made up!

As for all the stuff about if she was white and I think she shouldn't be cast as black, then that means I probably think she shouldn't be fat or blonde or Julie Andrews, come on now, tha

re: Can Maria (Sound of Music) be black?
 Apr 28 2007, 01:58:22 PM
There's been an awful lot of dialogue on this one, so here's just one more!
I am certainly a supporter of colorblind casting. But to me it works best with characters that are fictional, or in shows where the context is not changed by the race of the character. There are just too many historical issues to consider with this show. The Nazi/Aryan one to start with, the class issue with the Captain and Maria for another, the time and placein history is another. The Sound of Music is a true stor

 Apr 21 2007, 01:30:25 PM
Exactly what I heard!The crew was told that they will be working at the Hilton. Apparently the set is monstrous and can't fit the stage of the St. James! Did any one imagine that PQ would last more than a few months at the Hilton?
re: PQ is staying right where it is...YF NOT in Hilton
 Apr 20 2007, 07:26:16 PM
It was announced to the tech crew at the St. James Theatre last night that YF would be going into the Hilton and not the St. James. I have family on crew!

 Apr 15 2007, 09:31:57 AM
I've been following The Pirate Queen threads for quite a while and thoroughly enjoying all the "back and forths". I figured I'd wait until I saw the show to make any comments. Then I saw the show and just didn't feel like commenting, because the reviewers said it all for me. Now I read this thread about "The View" and I have to say something. The show is bad, because it's boring! There is no flow, there is no emotion, it is silly and untruthful and unreal, and the music is boring and the lyrics
re: Grinch understudy goes on
 Dec 28 2006, 12:03:48 AM
Sorry marypoppsfan but Katie Micha only did the 8 PM show on Saturday Dec. 23rd. She only had a 1/2 hour notice that she was doing the role at that show. Nicole Bocchi was not ill for the 11 AM performance and gave her usual solid performance at that time.

re: Grinch understudy goes on
 Dec 28 2006, 12:00:26 AM
Actually if you go back a bit in time I've been a poster for a while on broadwayworld. I use my full name because I have nothing to hide. I joined when my granddaughter was cast in "The Grinch", but it's been months not just a few days. I asked the question because Katie Micha is my granddaughter and I missed her one performance as Cindy Lou. Just wanted to see if anyone had an opinion. In fact if you read my post you would see that I didn't post an opinion, I asked for one, and I specifically a
Grinch understudy goes on
 Dec 24 2006, 07:56:47 PM
Did anyone see last night's (Saturday 12/23 8 PM)performance of Grinch? Understudy Katie Micha went on in place of Nicole Bocchi! If anyone saw it let me know how it went! Thanks!

 Nov 12 2006, 07:00:25 PM
Now that's a nice review! I'm glad someone else sees the beauty in this production!
re: The Grinch Opens!
 Nov 10 2006, 11:43:19 AM
Thank you so much for saying this! Wouldn't it be nice if for 70 minutes everyone, including the ever so cynical & sophisticated theatre critics, could just see the message of this show through the eyes of a child? Isn't that what it's all about? Giving children, and adults as well, the message of Christmas in an entertaining and imaginative way?
All I can say is this, take a look at the faces of the children in the audience to see if this play is working. They are awestruck and smiling. An

re: The Grinch Opens!
 Nov 10 2006, 11:37:16 AM
Thank you so much for saying this! Wouldn't it be nice if for 70 minutes everyone, including the ever so cynical & sophisticated theatre critics, could just see the message of this show through the eyes of a child? Isn't that what it's all about? Giving children, and adults as well, the message of Christmas in an entertaining and imaginative way?
All I can say is this, take a look at the faces of the children in the audience to see if this play is working. They are awestruck and smiling. An

re: THE GRINCH Begins Previews - Bring on the Reviews!
 Nov 5 2006, 05:42:02 PM
You have to look the part even when you're not a kid! And talent is a definite factor, whether we want to believe it or not! Talent is probably more of a factor with kids, because there are so many of them out there and they're all cute and short and look like kids!
Also, I think reviewing previews is fruitless since there are so many changes in those few weeks between the start of previews and Opening Night. Anyone who has been following along with The Grinch is seeing definite changes and

re: THE GRINCH Begins Previews - Bring on the Reviews!
 Nov 3 2006, 06:40:08 PM
Why stop the recycling of child actors? We don't stop the recycling of adult Broadway actors? If they're talented, what do you want to do? Say "hey you already did a Broadway show that's enough for you?"
Directors like to work with actors that they know can do it!! That's why you see chorus actors and principal actors move from show to show! GOOD FOR THEM!

re: THE GRINCH Begins Previews - Bring on the Reviews!
 Nov 2 2006, 01:50:27 PM
The entire show is in rhyme! And Mr. Cullum sings "You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch!
It's a great show, and the kids are amazingly talented. Look for their big number "Whatchama Who"!

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