re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves? Dec 22
2006, 11:25:20 PM
See, my other thing with giving us Spring Awakening fans a name if we really do need to is that the suggestions seem "forced". None of them are really catchy or stand-out. They're not as catchy or attention-grabbing as RENTheads or Trekkies. In the end, fans are going to be divided and will never agree on a single name for themselves because nothing really sticks out as a clear unanimous favorite. Unless someone can suggest a really good and catchy "name" that majority of Spring Awakening fans a
re: What should Spring Awakening Fans call themselves? Dec 22
2006, 08:50:46 PM
I think I'm satisfied to be called a Spring Awakening fan or a fan of Spring Awakening. There is no need for a cheap, cheezy "name" or should I say stereotype. I would like to think we Spring Awakening fans don't need to gain attention to the show or ourselves by labeling ourselves with a name. One of the points of the show is going against the Status quo. I do hope fans of the show don't force a name to call themselves just because every other show on broadway has fans who have labeled themselv
re: Spring Awakening love Dec 21
2006, 10:46:14 PM
I saw it again last Wednesday. Once again, it blew me away. And I'm happy to say they sold-out for the first time and they had to sell Standing Room only seats, according to John Gallagher. I can't wait to see it again when I get back from winter break.
re: Spring Awakening 12/21: Full House Dec 21
2006, 11:51:24 AM
I got to the box office yesterday at around 10:15am, expecting Rush seats to be still available since it was a weekday, but the guy said all 50 tickets were gone 10 minutes after the box office opened.
re: Spring Awakening 12/21: Full House Dec 21
2006, 11:33:50 AM
You can get 2 tickets for 1 person who has a student ID I think. So. If you do have an ID, you can get a ticket for yourself and your sister. But if you need more than two, I don't think you can use your sister's ID without her being there.
re: Spring Awakening 12/21: Full House Dec 21
2006, 09:28:40 AM
Well Wednesday the guy at the box office told me that the first person was in line at 9am. Since the show is gaining popularity and it is for Friday, I say go around 8 or 8:30 just to be safe.
Spring Awakening 12/21: Full House Dec 21
2006, 01:31:24 AM
I first saw Spring Awakening last Saturday. I loved it so much that i needed to see it again before I went home for the holidays. So I planned to line up at 9am for Student Rush tickets. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I got to the box office around a quarter past 10 in the morning and there were no more tickets left. The guy at the box office said they sold fifty that day and they were all gone 10 minutes after the box office opened. Really wanting to see the show again, I decided to pay $65 f
re: Spring Awakening love Dec 19
2006, 10:33:01 PM
It really depends on the maturity of the person and not so the age. he or she may be already 15 yet not be mature enough to see or handle Spring Awakening properly. Then again, when I have kids, I'd rather have him/her discover about all these stuff through Spring Awakening than American Pie.
re: Spring Awakening love Dec 18
2006, 11:59:58 PM
Spring Awakening earnings increased by 20.6%. I hope this trend continues.
re: Spring Awakening love Dec 18
2006, 01:43:49 PM
Indeed, it is ironic. Anyway, Spring Awakening is a show that deserves to run for a long time. For that to happen, those who've seen it and loved it need to spread the word outside of the Broadway community. Tell your friends, family, classmates, teachers, co-workers. Let them know about the student rush tickets and on-stage seating. Force them to listen to the soundtrack. In turn, I really hope the producers do their part in heavily promoting the show. It has a chance. We all just have to do ou
re: Spring Awakening rush information Dec 18
2006, 01:39:38 PM
I did student rush for last Saturday's matinee. I got there at around 9:05am and there were around 7 people in front of me. The line grew a lot longer around 9:30am. I was able to get 3 Aisle Orchestra seats which were actually really good. I'm planning to rush for this Wednesday's matinee. I'm not sure if I'll have to go earlier than 9 since the show is gaining popularity.
re: Spring Awakening love Dec 17
2006, 11:49:43 PM
Not allowing teenagers to see Spring Awakening is bullcrap. Sex, nudity, homosexuality, suicide...teenagers, and even preteens, see this everyday on TV, on the internet and in movies. At least the way these issues are presented in Spring Awakening is tasteful and has a point to it. I do hope people, especially adoloscents as well as their parents, come to see this show and that it will have a great impact on this generation as much or even more than Rent has.
re: Lea Salonga @ Asia Games closing ceremony Dec 17
2006, 07:39:11 PM
I love Lea's voice in this one. Reminds me of her Disney and early Miss Saigon days.
re: Fave Spring Awakening track Dec 17
2006, 01:52:15 PM
I'd say Bitch of Living, My Junk, The Dark I Know Well(I've never cried during a show, but this song caused a tear or two), Left Behind, Totally f**ked, Those You've Known and the Song of Purple Summer. Heck, I love em all!
re: The real question about Spring Awakening is... Dec 17
2006, 01:49:19 PM
I saw the Spring Awakening matinee yesterday. I got to the box office a bit past 9am and there were already around 7 people in front of me. At 9:30am, there were more than 10 people behind me already and when the box office opened, there were around 40 people in line already. The matinee show I caught was full. And surprisingly, there were a lot of older people in the theater.My friends and I thought they wouldn't like it and leave after intermission or something. But at the curtain call, they